water damage cleanup

Originally posted on https://idrycolumbus.com/water-damage/water-damage-cleanup/


We can recall the focus of the water damage cleanup and restoration industry of nearly two decades ago. Remembering when the customer came first, and quality workmanship meant going home proud of a day’s work. Attention to detail mattered and focus on making sure to say thank you for the opportunity meant that the business was on the right path to longevity and success in a local market.

Taking a step back and watching the industry as whole take a turn instead towards making a bigger profit by cutting back on performing service properly, without regard to the client, their home or business.

Instead of investing in better technology, it became about setting as much equipment as possible, about getting out of a project quickly to move on to the next one in constant pursuit of more money and less thought to the fact that one water damage cleanup project performed successfully, with a satisfied client will be worth more than ten unsatisfied ones.

We’ve set out to Change That…

Water Damage Cleanup, Water Damage Ceiling, Water Damage Services

Raising the Bar in Water Damage Cleanup

At iDry Columbus – Water Damage Cleanup, service has been taken back to the levels of the past, the client is the focus and the health and safety of their loved ones or employees are a priority. Transparent operations, clear communication, and the attention to detail involved in property damage claims has and will always be the way that our team members and associates continually work to raise the bar in restoration.

As a company focused on our client and their individual property damage claim, we can maintain a focus on doing what is right in restoration and water damage cleanup. Utilizing the wealth of knowledge and decades of experience in our team members in concerted effort to bring you home or back in business with the assurance that every detail including the health and safety of your family or employees took a priority in the successful restoration of your water or mold damage claim.

Water Damage Cleanup Near Me – Around the Clock

If your home or business has suffered property damage from water to due broken water supply lines, toilet overflow, ice maker line, failed sump pump, flooded basement and everything in between; we’ve set about building iDry Columbus from the ground up to be in service for you, near you and around the clock.

From extensive water damage and flooding in commercial properties to sink overflow claims in residential, our technicians are equipped with the latest in moisture monitoring equipment, thermal imaging, ATP meters, extraction and drying equipment to ensure that your property damage claim is handled professionally, properly and with the exact care that we would expect in our own homes and businesses.

With an average response time of less than 60 minutes, we understand that timeliness is an extremely important factor in water damage cleanup & restoration services. In fact, it’s our primary service and main reason we built iDry Columbus. It’s our pleasure to be in service to our clients.

Your Disaster is Our Responsibility

Master certified in water damage cleanup, our team takes education and experience in the industry to a new level. Following published standards by the IICRC, found in the S-500; every service we offer, on every project we perform is closely inspected, monitored, followed up on and guaranteed.

No other restoration company in our market offers this level of Guarantee.

It was a simple decision. Taking a look at the industry from our clients point of view, in our own homes and businesses, it just made sense to guarantee everything we do and do the right thing, everytime.

Our guarantee. If at anytime our client is unsatisfied, whether it be in a service level failure, communication, documentation or quality of work; we guarantee to work until your satisfied. Never giving up until you are. If in warranty services, we guarantee to be there to make it right.

A disaster in your home or business should never turn into an additional problem, the restoration company should not add to an issue and must be there to in your best interest. That’s above profit or gain. That’s how we created our business and the foundation we run it on.

Renewed Standards in Restoration

With the understanding that our company alone may never change the entire restoration industry. Many of our team members and associates have decades of experience in water damage cleanup and each have made a pact that in the development of iDry Columbus, and in the services we offer to every client, that a renewed standard would be created and used as the approach on every claim.; even if that standard would only apply to the water damage cleanup or property claims that we were involved in.

In making the decision to not enroll in or join “preferred vendor” relationships where the relationship becomes a carrier/vendor one instead of client/vendor due to rate discounts and the reliance on the possibility of future property damage claims; we’ve taken back the control and returned it to the client, where it should have always been.

Utilizing the latest in technology in drying equipment, low grain refrigerant dehumidifiers, low amp draw air movers and HEPA filtered air cleaning equipment, we continually deliver successful results in the restoration of building and property damage.

Its Restoration Redefined. Guaranteed.

Property damage inspections have been and will always be free of charge and at no obligation to our client. We’ve chosen to include the use of thermal imaging and highly sensitive moisture detection equipment on every inspection; allowing us to offer detailed and complete information, estimates, and/or proper drying recommendations by identifying areas of concern that may have been overlooked without the use of these tools.

If you find yourself in need of a water damage cleanup company that’s redesigning the restoration industry in our client’s favor, we would appreciate any opportunity to be of service and will always perform in a manner that we would expect for our own family, home or business.

With service available around the clock and throughout Columbus, Ohio and surrounding communities, we recognize that the need for a water damage repair company doesn’t always occur during normal business hours, because of this, we haven’t had normal business hours in more than 20 years.

Water Damage?  Your Local Water Damage Restoration Contractor

Master Certified and built from concept to performance. iDry Columbus – Water Damage Cleanup is available 24 hours day in response to any emergency water damage situation you find your home or business in.

Avoiding preferred relationships with insurance carriers and foregoing discounted rates and agreements in exchange for property damage claims allows us to service only our client. Every service we have the opportunity to provide is proudly backed and guaranteed for as long as you own your home or business.

Continually raising the bar in property damage restoration. Providing service for everything from water damage cleanup, flooded basement, water extraction, sewage cleanup and mold removal.

Its Restoration Redefined. Guaranteed.

Sick Building Syndrome and Mold

The rise in indoor environmental health issues emerged due to new building codes in the 1970s that called for reduced energy and greater insulating factors when building built homes and businesses. As the structures became more air tight, it became more and more difficult for indoor air to exchange with outdoor air, and this increase the amount of overall indoor contaminants. Suddenly, “Sick Building Syndrome” became a thing and those with mold allergies suffered reactions every time they would enter.

How do you feel at home? Do you feel good? Can you breathe freely? No headaches?

Headache? Itchy eyes? Running Nose? No, it’s not likely to be just a case of the Monday morning blues. They’re one of the many symptoms that signal Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, contaminated HVAC supply lines, hidden leaks, untreated water damage, moldy ceiling panels and mold behind wallpaper etc. are all common causes.

Sick Building Syndrome is hard to diagnose sometimes. You may need to call qualified mold removal company such as ours. We hold the Advanced Microbial Certification (AMRT) from the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) and have years of experience of remediation projects in hospitals, retirement facilities and residential properties. We’ll provide the tools and implement the practices for a successful remediation. You can be sure of that.

Minor Mold Problems and Mold Removal

Most homes and businesses in Columbus, and in the wider of state of Ohio, will have a mold problem at some point or other. Most of the time the mold is harmless — if tackled soon enough.

Some good news. With a little education and precaution, you can solve minor mold problems yourself and not have to call a mold removal company.

Depending on the materials affected and the size of the area, you can find many publications that will guide you a successful cleaning process. Like anything you read on the internet, research it again.

You can visit the EPA or check out the  New York City Guidelines in mold remediation. Of course, we’re also happy to help and arrange a no-obligation onsite inspection.

Stay Safe and Hire a Certified Mold Removal Company

For peace of mind, you should hire a certified mold removal and remediation company, such as ourselves.

The fact that the media have sensationalized black mold has triggered an entire industry in mold removal. Unfortunately, the ethics of this new industry are also questionable. The mantra is “Mold is Gold,” and has led to some rather unscrupulous practices.

Today, anyone who owns a shop-vac and household chlorine bleach is advertising themselves as a qualified mold removal company. This practice is leaving desperate property owners with homes and businesses that are in worse condition than they were before.

Some owners have even abandoned their property altogether after an unsuccessful removal job. Even worse than this, they must disclose the attempted mold removal. They often have major trouble finding a buyer for the property unless they offer large discounts.

Pro-tip: If you suspect you have a mold problem of any kind in your home or business, you should contact an experienced mold removal company in the region (water damage restoration companies, such as ourselves, often provide this service). Insist on seeing certifications, past projects and positive online reviews from successful remediation projects.

Water damage and mold problems go hand in hand. If you don’t address moisture-related issues, they’ll lead to the discovery of microbial growth later. You can be certain of that.

Don’t take the risk, call us on 614-810-0000. We’re not like these unethical companies. We’re professionals. We can also come out at short notice.

columbus restoration company, water damage columbus cleanup

Water Damage Cleanup Checklist: Leave No Stone Unturned

Regardless of the cause, water infiltrating your house is a huge hassle. Up from the drains, through a crack in your basement wall, or via a damaged room, it is a headache you don’t need.

But once you have found water in your home, what do you do? Are you familiar with water damage cleanup?

Don’t be caught with your pants down! Know what to do if you find yourself standing in water where it does not belong.

The below guide is a great place to start. We will take you through the basic steps in cleaning up water damage.

Safety First

Before the cleanup starts, ensure the area you’re cleaning up is safe. Look for structural damage, if applicable, and make sure your electricity to the area shut off. Are there fire hazards or gas leaks present?

If you cannot be certain that you can handle any of these items: STOP! Call a professional immediately.

If you are certain that it is safe to work in the area, wear sturdy shoes, rubber gloves, and eye protection. If water has been sitting, or you are working in an area that has had mold issues before, wear a respirator.

Additional recommendations:

  • Never mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or vinegar.
  • Be watchful for fire ants, snakes, or other animals.

Inspecting the Water Damage

Once your safety is certain, it is time to look at where and what the damage is. Your first mission: get the area dry.

Flooring, especially, is a sticky wicket to handle after removing the water. You will have to evaluate options to discover if you can save it.

If water has reached the walls, or come through them, you must ventilate them as fast as possible. Water mold, once in the walls, can create more issues well past the initial flood damage.

Remove any damaged wall or baseboard material at least 2 inches above where the damage stops. Your aim is to keep any mold growth from starting.

Furniture & Appliances

Whether you can save it or not, remove and handle furniture separately. You can find a guide on taking care of your furniture here.

Electrical appliances are another issue altogether. First, ensure they are safe to handle for removal.

Next, you have to evaluate if they are good for continued use. Check out this handy guidefor further advice.

Mold, the Continuing Struggle of Water Damage Cleanup

After prolonged exposure to water, you have weeks and month of preventive work to do. What’s next?

Air circulation is the first line of defense. Dehumidifying the air is a must as the evaporating water needs to somewhere to go.

If you don’t have access to air conditioning, open your doors and windows. Use a fan to enhance circulation.

If any items begin to mildew, take them outside for cleaning or disposal. The sun is a great cleanser and enhances drying.

Bring in the Professionals

While minor water damage cleanup is pretty easy to handle, if you have a major leak or standing water, you need help. Even if you are handy, there is much to gain from those with expertise in dealing with water damage.

With the negative health effects of water mold being what they are, do you want to jeopardize your future? Our personal touch, transparency, and need to do what is right is the guarantee you need. Get in touch with us today and we can help fix the problem.

iDry Columbus – Emergency Water Damage Response – Guaranteed Service Area 

Emergency water damage, flood water extraction, and mold damage services available around the clock and around the state. Rest assured if you need an expert available at 2 am, contact us, your call will be answered and service will be on the way.

We take great pride in the fact that our services are ranked and reviewed highly throughout Columbus and surrounding communities. We’ve built on our relationships with home and business owners, insurance carriers, adjusters, and agents throughout the state and across the Nation to ensure that your needs are met and every damage claim is prepared, serviced, and resolved quickly.

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Large loss – Residential – Commercial – Industrial – Healthcare

Water Damage Cleanup & Restoration Services Available 24/7 Nationwide