There are a number of businesses out there that depend on securing tenders to survive. Whether your business works on government contracts or whether you need access to global tenders to secure the best business – if you are not online, your firm is missing out. Online tenders represent the business model of the future.
The Importance of the Online Tendering
We live in a digital age. Like it or not; a business without an online presence is doomed to failure. According to Business Tech, South Africans spend an average of 8 hours a day online. These are your clients, your customers, and the people most likely to need to hire your firm via tender. If you are not reaching them then your competitors are… you can be certain of it.
South Africa – and Africa in general – have a higher-than-average daily online total. While the rest of the world is averaging the 6.5 hour mark, South Africans are shooting out ahead. Online services are thriving and flourishing with this growing customer base. However, this new access to the global market has brought a dark side to Africa…foreign firms can secure tenders from our governments, provided they act through a local agent.
Outsourcing Tenders to Other Countries
Here is the problem: that tenders issued by the South African can often be outsourced to other countries. How do you suppose those other countries hear about these tenders before you do? That’s right! They follow them online. When you engage in the online tendering process you can do the same, keep up with your competitors, and have the best chance at winning bids.
This goes two ways. When you source tenders online you immediately open your own business up to the possibility of working internationally. If your business is able to provide services across borders then online tenders will allow you to bid on those projects.
In short: online tenders give you access to a world of work that you simply don’t have access to otherwise. Companies who source their contracts online do better, make more, and have more opportunity to grow.
Some of the reasons to find tenders online, at a glance:
- Tenders can be funnelled straight to your inbox, you can then be alerted. Using this method you will never miss another chance to bid.
- Tenders from all over Africa can be bid for – indeed, you have access to the global market if your firm is able to produce.
- Tenders from all areas of industry can be sent to you to bid on.
- The majority of your client base now operates from an online platform.
- Online tenders speed up the entire process, allowing contracts to be quickly snapped up and fulfilled.
Finding Online Tenders in South Africa and Africa
To find online tenders in Africa and South Africa try searching “find online tenders near me” in your search engine of choice. If this does not work, then alter the wording to incorporate finding online tenders in Africa.
You should shortly find yourself reaping the many benefits of making the digital transition.