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Have you heard of the hCG diet, if not, you’re probably wondering what it is? You’ve come to the right place, because not only are we going to tell you more about the hCG hormone, we’re going to let you know what you should eat during the hCG diet.
Get ready to jump right in after you’ve finished scrolling through this post.
What is the hCG Hormone?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is what hCG stands for. Typically, when you hear about this hormone, it’s because a woman is determining whether or not she’s pregnant.
Higher hCG levels are used to detect a pregnancy. it could also mean a host of other things. However, people are now beginning to turn to it as a means of dieting.
There are several places where you can find more information about the hCG diet to aid you as you move through each of the hCG diet phases.
Phases of the hCG Diet
As mentioned above, there are hCG diet phases you need to be aware of. The first phase is known as the loading phase.
During this stage of the diet, you’ll begin to take your hCG injections and eat foods that are higher in calories and higher in overall fat. Don’t worry; this diet phase doesn’t last long, and once it ends, you’ll move into the weight loss stage.
During this stage of the diet, you’ll still take your hCG diet injections, but you’ll decrease the number of calories you’re regularly consuming. After this, you’ll move into the last phase of your diet, known as the maintenance stage.
At this stage in the diet, you’ll no longer take your hCG injections, and over time you’ll increase the number of calories and food you consume. However, it’s important that you don’t eat foods that are overall starch or high in sugar. And keep a close eye on your weight, so you don’t gain while increasing your caloric intake after your weight loss is complete.
What Do You Eat on the hCG Diet?
This is a common question that people have before they begin the diet, and the answer is simple. When you sit down to have a meal, it should generally include:
- A small fruit
- 3.5 oz of protein
- A leafy green vegetable
While you’re doing the diet, you need to focus on consuming water to stay hydrated and avoid sugar and butter. As you move through the diet, you might find yourself experiencing headaches or increased fatigue.
This is all a part of it because your body is adjusting to the change in calories and lack of sugar you’re taking in. Soon, it will subside.
The hCG Diet 101
When it comes to the hCG diet, there are several things you need to know. One of the first things we detailed for you is each stage of the diet and how your caloric intake will change as you continue to receive your hCG injections.
Are you ready to get more information that you need to have a successful diet? If so, there’s no other place to look beside the hCG Supplies Blog.
We’ve got tons of information you’re not going to want to miss.
And when you are ready to order your supplies for the diet, please visit HCGSupplies.