Decorative Touches Make Your House A Home

Decorating the way you want to is something we should subscribe to a little more often. Instead of sticking to one style or another, being able to switch back and forth between all of the interior styles we like will make the empty shell of our houses feel a lot more like home. It doesn’t matter if the whole place is up in clutter, as long as you like the look and feel of your living room and your bedroom and the kitchen you’re never out of, it doesn’t matter how tidy those rooms really are!

So, if you’re looking to make your newly bought house a bit more personal and lovely on the inside, we’ve got some suggestions for you to start with. After all, the more you like the look of the space you live in, the happier and healthier you’re going to feel.

Harmonious Colours

Only some colours go together in harmony. If you look over the colour wheel, you’ll be able to find out which colours are the most harmonious towards each other, and how they offset the tones and shades to make sure nothing is too overpowering within your living space. Be sure to decorate with these ideas in mind!

Ask yourself, what kind of colours do you like to see? How many colours would you like to see working together? And when you think about it, do these colours represent anything to you? Maybe blue is just your favourite colour, but when you pair it with a light orange, you have quite a bright, lively space. Would you like that for your living room?

Personal Items You Love to See


Personal items make sure your house isn’t just a standing shell – if you manage to put up pictures on the walls or trophies in the cabinet or things you’ve made with your own hands on the shelves (alongside the books you love!), you’ll feel more at home than ever. Even if things seem a little cluttered from time to time, you’re going to feel a lot better about your living space if you’re surrounded by the things you love and enjoy. Never mind putting them away out of sight!

You can dress up your personal items quite well as well. For example, gilded frames for the wall, in colours that complement the paint you’ve already got on them. Get them in all kinds of different sizes, and make a collage out of the pictures you’d love to look at every single day.

Little Things That Make You Smile!

And finally, you’re always going to want little touches here and there that’ll bring a smile to your face. After all, if your living room isn’t a comfortable and happy place to be, you’re not going to want to spend too much time in there! But what little things are going to light the place up and make you want to smile and skip a little bit whenever you see them? Well, we’ve got some ideas that might just inspire you.

Plenty of soft furnishings like cushions would work wonderfully here. Plump and fluffy on the sofa that you could lay back on, with a lot of cute patterns anyone would smile to snuggle down with. You could also make use of rugs on the floors, especially if it’s cold out and you’ve got hardwood flooring to tiptoe over!

Or maybe you could have a vase of flowers here and there? Having a flower delivery service send a lovely bouquet to your door on a fortnightly or monthly basis is a great way to keep the house looking AND smelling lovely. And you don’t have to go out of your way to keep picking up discounted flowers from the store – it’s a real mixture of aesthetics and convenience!

Does Your House Feel Like Home?

Of course, if you’ve just moved in and still have a lot of work to do, it’s going to take a while before you feel truly settled in. But when you keep decorative tips like these in mind, you’re going to feel a lot calmer and stronger about the house you’re about to set up to feel like your own personal abode!

Make sure you’re decorating with a personal kind of theme in your mind, as well as your own hints of personality here and there – make a mess if you have to, it doesn’t matter how much, as long as you’re happy with the final decorative result.