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What is Adrafinil?

Adrafinil is a synthetic nootropic compound that was originally manufactured and designed for the people struggling with narcolepsy. The compound serves as a stimulant to your neurological system. While it was called Olmifon previously, people often confuse this compound with another compound known as Modafinil. The latter is a stimulant that does not produce amphetamine-like effects. We will discuss adrafinil vs modafinil later in this article.

Lafon Laboratories, the French pharmaceutical company, manufactured and marketed adrafinil medications and supplements, which steadily spread throughout the USA. When it comes to adrafinil benefits, it fights against fatigue, improves focus, and boosts energy. In addition to that, taking adrafinil may enhance motivation and mood. Overall, the substance can provide users with potential cognitive benefits.

Adrafinil was widely used in the United States to improve the symptoms of narcolepsy and other sleep disorders. Besides, medical practitioners in the US also used adrafinil for its stimulating and nootropic effects.

What Will We Cover in this Article?

  • Where can you buy adrafinil?
  • How long for adrafinil to kick in?
  • How much adrafinil equals modafinil?
  • How long does adrafinil last?
  • Is adrafinil safe?
  • Is adrafinil legal in the US?
  • How to take adrafinil?
  • Is adrafinil worth it?

Is Adrafinil Legal in the US?

When it comes to the adrafinil legal status in the US, users can take adrafinil without a prescription. Please note that adrafinil is not scheduled as many other controlled medications and substances. Therefore, you can buy adrafinil over the counter. Moreover, adrafinil is legal in Canada and the UK due to the same reasons.

Nevertheless, if you are in any country other than the US, UK, or Canada, keep in mind that you may have different rules regarding adrafinil legality. Make sure to check the legality of the substance in your country before making an adrafinil purchase online. It is important to mention here that modafinil is a prescription-only medication.

What are the Benefits of Adrafinil?

So, what is adrafinil used for? Well, there are many benefits of using this prodrug. However, its potential effects are related to the cognitive function and nervous system. You will be surprised to know that adrafinil’s initial manufacturing was for its wakefulness-promoting qualities. Over time, adrafinil continued to show significant cognitive improvements among users.

People who experience daytime exhaustion or nighttime work difficulties can use adrafinil to increase their mental and physical energy to stay active. In addition to providing you with an active life, adrafinil heightens focus and improves mental clarity.

Other than this, olmifon adrafinil may help the user prevent daytime drowsiness and increase attentiveness. This prodrug has significant stimulating effects that work without jitteriness and hyperactivity. Users have reported stress reduction and overall well-being of their mental health due to adrafinil.

Furthermore, this stimulant contains many nootropic benefits that may lead a user to better memory, improved learning capacity, and enhanced focus. Adrafinil may increase the activity and movement in users. The drug has shown that its usage has increased exploratory behavior in mice and rats.

The researcher mentioned that animals became more active on a higher dose of adrafinil. Considering that, adrafinil may increase movement and activity in users. Since adrafinil helps increase alertness, most medical practitioners recommend taking adrafinil on an empty stomach.

How Does Adrafinil Work?

Adrafinil works directly on your adrenergic system. It is the part of your brain system that releases adrenaline. It stimulates the fight or flight response. The rapid release of adrenaline increases alertness and boosts energy.

Although researchers are only halfway through studying adrafinil actions, they assume that adrafinil stimulates a positive effect of adrenaline release. Moreover, they believe that the substance could support the adrenergic neurotransmitters. If you are wondering how long adrafinil takes to work, keep in mind that the substance takes an hour to produce the pharmacological effect.

The Break Down of Adrafinil

Adrafinil is a synthetic prodrug that acts as an inactive substance. In other words, this component metabolizes into an active form in your body after ingestion. The metabolizing of adrafinil produces modafinil. It is a useful substance for sleep disorders such as necropsy. Both substances have identical pharmacological effects, but the chemical mechanisms of adrafinil and modafinil are still unclear.

Medical researchers hypothesize that adrafinil works as an adrenergic receptor in its metabolized form. When adrafinil enters your body, it enhances the production and release of neurotransmitter hypocretin. This results in triggering the increased production of histamine, norepinephrine, and dopamine.

All of these compounds are related to energy and alertness. The component is also known for improving cognitive function and elevating mood. It further inhibits the breakdown of glutamate, which leads to better brain function and improves focus and memory. Adrafinil also stimulates the production of serotonin, which reduces depression and anxiety. Overall, adrafinil works on the central nervous system.

Drug Interactions

In a case study of a 63 year old woman having blood pressure issues, it was revealed that adrafinil could increase blood pressure. It particularly happened with the woman who was already taking blood pressure controlling medicines piretanide and aliskiren. Other than this, no adrafinil interactions have been reported in any medical research.

What is the Difference Between Modafinil and Adrafinil?

As mentioned earlier, people often confuse adrafinil with modafinil. A common question from people is, “Does adrafinil work as well as modafinil?” Before answering that, it is important to know the difference between the two.

Several things make adrafinil a popular drug among people in the US. First, it is the best alternative to modafinil. Not to mention, modafinil is only available with a prescription, whereas the other can be taken without a prescription.

In other words, adrafinil is widely used for the reason that it is the closest legal and prescription-free drug to modafinil. Nonetheless, people who are familiar with both of the drugs can differentiate adrafinil to modafinil easily.

Adrafinil has some nootropic effects that are different from those of modafinil. There was a lot of information about it from people on Reddit searching adrafinil vs modafinil. You will be surprised to know that adrafinil metabolizes into modafinil. Your liver actually converts adrafinil to modafinil after ingestion.

You may wonder how to convert adrafinil to modafinil. Your liver processes adrafinil to produce modafinil; however, adrafinil will take longer for the drug to take effect. Nevertheless, you will need to take a high dosage of the substance to get the effects of modafinil.

Doctors usually prescribe modafinil in dosages of 100-200 mg. However, they recommend users of adrafinil to start taking 300 mg in the beginning. Therefore, if you want to experience the effects of modafinil, then you will need to take a higher dosage. While adrafinil is available at a higher dosage, the efficacy of 50 mg of modafinil is equal to 300 mg of adrafinil.

Adrafinil or Modafinil? Which is Better?

As mentioned before, adrafinil is a prodrug that serves as an active compound in your body. It metabolizes after ingestion. The metabolism of adrafinil produces modafinil. It is important to know here that you cannot take the latter without prescription. However, taking adrafinil as an alternative to modafinil may not work as effectively as you thought.

This happens because the drug takes slightly longer to start acting. Moreover, it may stay in the process of metabolism for longer, which may keep you awake. When it comes to which one of these two drugs is better, you should consult your doctor. After examining your health, they will recommend you to the best form of adrafinil.

Adrafinil Effects

The most common side effect of adrafinil is that it keeps you awake. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing your dosage. Otherwise, it may lead you to longer periods of wakefulness. Adrafinil can cause general side effects, which include:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irritability
  • Headaches

The long-term side effects of adrafinil are not clear. However, a couple of medical studies have found that adrafinil can have certain side effects on the user’s health in the long-term.

Research conducted to find out the effects of adrafinil revealed that it might result in orofacial dyskinesia. Other than this, you may have read many mixed reviews on adrafinil’s effects on the liver. There is no clinical research that proves liver complications as an adrafinil side effect.

User Experiences with Adrafinil

Most users reported positive adrafinil experiences along with mentioning that the drug improved their cognitive function, elevated mood, and enhanced overall function. However, it is important to mention here that it is not guaranteed that all people will have the same adrafinil experience.

One user took the drug once a week for a few weeks, and when he needed to stay awake for long hours. The user took 300 mg of adrafinil every morning and experienced increased alertness and improved focus.

Another user reported taking 50 mg of adrafinil in the beginning and experienced noteworthy effects. The user experienced increased optimism, awareness, and concentration. He reported no side effects of taking the drug. Overall, adrafinil user reviews are positive, and only a few of them have reported any side effect due to adrafinil use.

If you are curious about if you can snort adrafinil, remember that doctors prohibit snorting the drug. This is because it will irritate your nasal passage. You can mix adrafinil in water if you are taking it in the powder form.

Adrafinil Dosage

After reading the benefits, you may feel like buying adrafinil right away. However, it is important to know how much adrafinil to take. Many people may have a question about how to measure adrafinil. You should measure the adrafinil dose by using a scale that has a resolution of 1 milligram. Most medical practitioners recommend 300 mg at the beginning.

However, your doctor may instruct you to take 600 mg or 900 mg after several days. You may wonder if taking a high dose of adrafinil from the first day is safe. Many users talking about adrafinil dosage on Reddit have suggested starting with 300 mg and then increasing the adrafinil dose to 600 mg. It is always better to start with the lowest dosage to see how your body reacts to the substance.

Where to Buy Adrafinil?

You can purchase adrafinil online or in stores. The best places to buy adrafinil include:

  • GNC
  • Walgreens
  • Walmart
  • Amazon

The Bottom Line

Adrafinil is a nootropic substance that medical experts recommend to people for promoting alertness. They also prescribe adrafinil to help increase focus, improve memory, and support overall cognitive function.

Doctors recommend this compound to people suffering from narcolepsy. The substance has a very short life in the body, since your liver will convert the adrafinil into modafinil.

If you are subjected to an adrafinil drug test, please note that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) prohibits it. You can buy adrafinil locally or from online stores.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.