Connection Between Depression and Addiction

There is a strong correlation between depression and addiction. However, the relationship between the two is not always linear. Whether you or someone you care about struggles with depression or with addiction, understanding the connection between the two is important. Then you can find the best dual diagnosis treatment centers for your treatment plan.

Can Depression Cause Addiction?

First, it is entirely possible that depression can be a contributing factor to the development of a substance abuse disorder. Often, depression is not officially diagnosed or treated. If this happens, individuals may turn to substances like drugs or alcohol in order to self-treat their symptoms. This can quickly become a dependency and an addiction.

It is also possible that individuals seek treatment for depression, but don’t see the desired results. This can cause people to abuse prescription drugs or even mix them with other substances, once again increasing the risk of addiction.

Can Addiction Cause Depression?

The relationship between addiction and depression can also develop in the opposite order. That is, a person can develop an addiction, and one of the symptoms of that addiction can be depression. After all, addiction is a very difficult and challenging disorder.

If the idea of working through recovery feels impossible, it is normal to experience depression. Those feelings combined with the use of drugs or alcohol can lead to clinical depression.

How Depression and Addiction Feed Off of One Another

Arguably the worst aspect of addiction and depression is that they can feed off of each other. This creates a cycle that feels impossible to escape from.

A person who is depressed will likely feel even more depressed during the first few days of sobriety. This is normal, and it takes time for the brain to reset levels of all-important mood hormones like dopamine and serotonin. However, that feedback can make it even harder to get sober and then stay sober.

At the same time, drug and alcohol abuse can temporarily remove feelings of depression. Or, it can numb people to those feelings altogether. While that might feel good in the short term, it only serves to worsen the underlying symptoms and likely the diagnosis of depression as a whole.

Overcoming Depression and Addiction Simultaneously Through Promises Behavioral Health

Although this might sound like a very challenging combination of disorders to overcome, it is absolutely possible to fight back against both depression and addiction. Often, the best approach is through the use of dual diagnosis treatment. Dual diagnosis treatment doesn’t prioritize the treatment of one disorder over another. Instead, it simultaneously treats addiction as well as depression.

Dual diagnosis treatment is one of the keys to sobriety, but it is not the only strategy that can have a positive impact. Some of the other treatment methods available through Promises Behavioral Health include the following:

Depression and addiction are linked, but dual diagnosis treatment can address both conditions and lead to better health and sobriety. If you’re looking for the best dual diagnosis treatment centers, Promises Behavioral Health can point you in the right direction. Wherever you live, call 844.875.5609 to learn about the best program in your area.