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Did you know that over 1.18 million small businesses operate in Canada?

With the intense competition between enterprises, it’s no surprise that video marketing is on the rise. It’s because this type of content is eye-catching and easy to digest. But if you have no prior experience, you won’t know what type of videos to make.

If you want to stand out, you should give doodle videos a try. They’re strikingly different than most types of videos, giving you an advantage over the competition.

Don’t fret if you don’t know what they are or how to make them. Learn how valuable they are to your business and for marketing efforts with our in-depth guide right here.

What Are Doodle Videos?

Also known as whiteboard animation videos, a doodle video is comparable to how professors draw different topics using a medium, most often a whiteboard.

With whiteboard animation, those words, phrases, and pictures reach a higher level. At its core, it’s a series of videos made using 2D animation software. The best part is that you can showcase these in any setting.

For example, you can upload a doodle video onto a social media platform. But its versatility allows it to become a part of a presentation or as a component of a product funding page.

As a viewer consumes a doodle animation video, they will see a series of graphics arranged in sequence. In most cases, it has an accompanying narration to make it more interesting. These videos tend to be short, with a 30 to 90-second range.

Its purpose is to deliver information clearly and concisely. That’s why your goal is to make complicated concepts and information easier to understand.

In fact, over 81% of businesses use videos to augment their marketing strategy. If you opt-out of making video content, you’re letting your competitors maintain an edge over you.

How to Make Whiteboard Explainer Videos

Where to start?

Listed below are the steps to make an effective doodle video. Feel free to also check out our guide if you want to learn the three stages of video production since it can help improve your video creation efforts.

1. Write a Script

Like a normal video or a skit, you must make a cohesive script if you want your doodle video to succeed. It’s great for videos to have captivating images and helpful information. But with no coherent story, all your efforts will be useless.

You must not use a blog post, a storyboard, or some bullet points. It’s because you need a proper script since it says everything related to the video. With this, you’ll have a definite idea of what to add in specific sections while controlling the transitions and narrator’s lines.

2. Make a Storyboard

You must only start making a storyboard after finishing the final draft of the script. It’s because you won’t have a clear idea of the way your video comes across to your audience. With a storyboard, you’ll have a better means of organizing your thoughts.

Also, storyboarding helps you see the way each frame appears on the screen. This will also tie shots together. Regardless, always think about the final product and ensure you have a clear grasp of how it will look.

If you feel unsatisfied with some of the transitions, the storyboarding step is the best time to make changes.

3. Make Images

This is an easy part, as long as you’re creative and have drawing skills. It’s because this step encourages you to make fun and unique illustrations. But never forget that your goal is to convey your desired information to your audience.

To do this, make memorable images exciting to your audience. You’ll get a better result if you make the images distinctive and interesting while maintaining simplicity.

4. Animate the Images

With your images ready, you can now correlate it with your script. This step is all about timing since your goal is to find the on-screen balance for each image. You don’t want them to linger for too long or disappear immediately.

A good practice is to anime the image while speaking the narration out loud. This will improve your timing and maintain that sense of cohesion.

5. Record the Audio

The final step in the process is to get the audio together. As an animated video, you must put narration since it will make explanations easier as things happen. Recording your audio is half the battle since syncing it perfectly with your content is the more important step.

Tips for Making a Doodle Video

Now you know how to make doodle videos. But your learning process must not stop there. Use the following tips to improve your video quality and gain more traction:

1. Focus on Evoking Empathy

Your doodle video’s goal goes beyond explaining information. It’s because the more important objective is to form a connection with your intended audience. They must care about your video content, and the best way to do that is to evoke empathy.

Add emotional references like lighthearted or emotional moments. Before long, you’ll see a huge improvement in how people perceive your content. It’s because people relate better when videos make them feel something, especially positive emotions.

2. Make Personalized Images

A good start is showcasing interesting graphics. Your storyboard improves if you strive to personalize these using graphics and color. This helps a lot in ensuring that people will notice your content.

3. Include Brand Awareness Elements

Take note, you don’t need to make your doodle video black and white. You must stick to some rules of aesthetics, but having fun with it is great. It’s especially when the fun elements are there to boost your brand awareness.

This means adding colors related to your brand identity. Don’t hesitate and add your brand’s logo and sounds when appropriate.

Take Advantage of Doodle Videos Today

These are some things you must think about when making doodle videos. Use this to ensure that your next video marketing campaign succeeds.

Do you need help producing your video? If so, contact us and let’s work together. We’re professional and keep your videos authentic, organized, and fun.