
Speed is an umbrella term that refers to all amphetamines. However, it is usually associated with methamphetamine. Speed may be referred to as crank, meth or crystal meth and can be injected, snorted, smoked or taken orally. Speed has a high potential for abuse and is a controlled substance. The powerful speed drug effects on the central nervous system make it dangerous and highly addictive.

What Are The Speed Drug Effects?

When you smoke or inject methamphetamine, you get an instant rush of pleasure within three to five minutes. Taking the substance by swallowing or snorting it produces a high that comes on more slowly.

Methamphetamine speeds up your central nervous system. This can make you feel energetic and excited. It may also produce feelings of confidence. Some people take the drug to stay alert to study, work or socialize. The substance can also make you feel overstimulated and agitated, though.

The intense high is followed by a slow comedown. As the drug leaves your system, you may feel a combination of depression and irritability. You’re not often able to sleep off this stage, however, because the stimulating effects of the substance are still at work. Some people take another dose so that they don’t have to deal with the crash.

Short-Term Adverse Speed Drug Effects

After you take methamphetamine, your heart may race and you might start breathing more rapidly while your central nervous system speeds up. Your body may not be able to handle this sudden quickening of your vital signs. Some of the short-term negative speed drug effects include:

• Abnormally high body temperature

• Rapid pulse

• Failure of the cardiovascular system

• Tremors

• Nausea

• Heart palpitations

Some people experience delusions and hallucinations while they’re on speed. They may become paranoid and irrational. Because their bodies are on high alert, they’re more likely to respond to perceived threats in an unreasonable manner.

The short-term adverse speed drug effects usually only last until the chemical has made its way out of your system.

Finding Treatment

The Promises Addiction Family of Facilities understands that it can be scary to start this process on your own. Many people who struggle with a speed addiction have to learn how to develop healthy behaviors, stay motivated and feel productive when they’re not using the drug. Our addiction specialists work with you to come up with a personalized approach to treatment and have locations all over the United States.

Some of our approaches to drug and alcohol addiction treatment include:

Addiction Treatment Programs

Medical Drug Detox Centers

Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers

Outpatient Drug Rehab Centers

Men’s Addiction Treatment Centers

Women’s Addiction Treatment Centers

Aftercare Programs Alumni Program

Chronic Relapse Track

Long-Term Adverse Speed Drug Effects

If you take speed regularly, your health can deteriorate. You might develop respiratory or heart problems from the strain that the drug puts on your system. You might also develop complications from the loss of appetite and insomnia that accompany methamphetamine abuse.

Chronic speed abuse can alter your mood. Taking the drug over time can lead to violent or aggressive behavior, panic attacks or delusions. If speed is constantly present in your body, it can produce a toxic psychosis. This is characterized by a break from reality that’s more intense than what happens during short-term methamphetamine hallucinations.

Long-term speed use makes you more likely to suffer from an overdose. As you continue to take the drug, your body becomes better able to handle it. You end up needing more to feel the effects. Driving up your dosage increases the risk that you’ll take too much than your body can handle.

Other Treatment Methods Include:

People who use street drugs, as well as those with legitimate prescriptions, can experience these negative effects. Because symptoms can intensify if you withdraw from the drug after taking it for a long time, you might need professional treatment when you begin your journey toward recovery.