SMART Digital Rodent Control for Your Commercial PropertyPhoto From Viking Pest Control

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With Outdoor Eateries on the Rise Protect Your Business With SMART Digital Pest Control

The Smart device trend is making its way into many different aspects of life.  With businesses and eateries starting to open back up why not upgrade your pest prevention methods with a new type of smart device?  With more guests and food present in outdoor dining areas the increase in outdoor food waste will attract rodents easily, which can lead to an infestation.  The rodents attracted to the new supply of food can infest the restaurant itself, or any business nearby as they search for shelter.  Stay ahead of rodents with Anticimex SMART digital pest control.  SMART keeps an eye on your business’ pest activity 24/7 to predict and prevent rodents before the problem becomes an infestation.

We want to help you create a pest remediation protocol that both prevents and eliminates unwanted pests from your property. Read on to learn more.

The SMART Pest Control System

The SMART Pest Control System works by combining digital automation with professional expertise. This includes:

  • An infrared sensor that monitors for rodent activity 24/7
  • A trap to catch and monitor rodents
  • A master control box wirelessly connected to traps and sensors

Your pest control professionals at Viking Pest receive the wireless messages sent by the traps and sensors. With this data Viking is able to track and monitor rodent activity.

Traps are Strategically Placed 

After assessing your business, Viking’s team of professionals will place traps in any area with significant rodent activity, and any area suspected to be a point of entry.

Digital automation allows SMART traps to work independently with the assistance of the Viking team. You won’t have to monitor or empty them, giving you the opportunity to relax, while the SMART system and Viking team protect your business from pests.

Real-Time Information

The SMART box provides real-time, around-the-clock reports of any rodent activity. Using the latest information, the Viking team can re-evaluate trap placement and make any necessary adjustments.

SMART Pest Control Equipment

Anticimex SMART Pest Control technology is cutting edge. Each piece is specifically designed with your pest control needs in mind.

SMART Box – Humane Rodent Solution

The SMART box is environmentally friendly and doesn’t use bait or poison to attract rodents. Instead, the SMART box is strategically placed in areas with the highest levels of rodent activity.

After a rodent enters a SMART Box, sensors detect its presence and the trap is activated.

Afterward, the rodent is automatically placed into another compartment allowing the trap to be automatically reset and await its next catch.

24/7 Monitoring

Every time a rodent passes the infrared sensors on our SMART equipment the sensors send a report back to the master control box. The SMART pest control professionals at Viking Pest review and evaluate these reports to ensure you’re receiving the best possible rodent control.