Signs of Teen Alcoholism

The consumption of alcohol by individuals below the age of 18 is a significant health concern in the world. Alcohol abuse is one of the most prevalent forms of substance abuse in teenagers and poses a significant health risk for these individuals. The signs of teen alcoholism are easy to notice, and you should be on the lookout for them to help protect and save your teenage child. The harmful results of teenage alcoholism affect everyone in the nation, not just the individuals who drink and their immediate families. Therefore, you may need help for your teen from the alcohol addiction programs at Venture Academy.

Statistics of Teenage Alcoholism

According to Statistics, in Canada in 2016, about 28% of teenagers reported consuming alcohol in the previous 12 months. Among the youth that drink, about 42% reported drinking at least once a month, and 4% of youth classifies as heavy drinkers.

Causes of Teenage Alcoholism

There is no single reason for teen alcohol addiction. However, here are the main influences and problems causing teenage alcoholism. As a parent, it is crucial to understand these reasons and talk to your child about teenage alcohol abuse.

Popular Media

Many popular TV shows and movies give teenagers the impression that it is ok to use alcohol and drugs. Thus, you need to monitor the media that your child accesses and talk to them about it, especially if you suspect signs of teen alcoholism.

Other People

Teenagers are very observant, and when they observe adults drinking alcohol and abusing other substances, they always want to try it out. Also, many teenagers’ social lives rotate around drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana. Sometimes their friends urge them to drink. It is also common for teens to start drinking because alcohol is readily available. They often think that enjoying alcohol is a normal part of the teenage experience.

Self-Medication and Escape

When teenagers are unhappy and can’t find a trusted confidant or a healthy vent for their frustration, they may turn to alcohol for comfort. Depending on the substance they are abusing, they may feel happy, blissful, confident and ecstatic.
Teenagers often face tough times in their lives that can take an emotional toll on them and even make them depressed. So, when they consume something that will make them feel high, they often can’t resist. Thus, sometimes, they turn to alcohol to cope with emotional, academic or social stress or to regulate their lives.


Inaccurate information about alcohol and drugs is probably the most avoidable cause of substance abuse. Most teenagers have friends who claim to be savvy about recreational substances and are ready to assure them that the risks of these substances are minimal. So as a parent, you need to educate your child about the signs of teen alcoholism.


A teenager who craves excitement or who can’t tolerate being alone is a prime candidate for alcohol abuse. Indulging in alcohol gives them something to do and helps them feel fulfilled. It also gives them an arena for interacting with like-minded teenagers, which they enjoy as a way to bond with other children.

Signs of Teen Alcoholism

Only a licensed mental health clinician can give a formal diagnosis of alcoholism in an individual. The criteria used for an official diagnosis of teen alcohol dependence apply across various demographic factors. However, there are signs of teen alcoholism that you should be on the lookout for as a parent. If you observe these signs in your teenage child, consider getting them alcoholism treatment. These signs include:

  • A change in your child’s peer group
  • Uncharacteristic problems in school, such as a drop in grades or behavioural issues
  • Periods of low energy and lethargy
  • Problems with memory and attention that seem uncommon
  • Altered moods, especially issues with anger, depression, and irritability
  • Physical signs, such as silly behaviour, slurred speech, and problems with motor coordination and balance
  • Symptoms of alcohol abuse at home, such as diluted spirits or missing alcohol containers

Teen alcohol dependence is a significant problem in the world, and you need to save your children. Don’t allow alcohol to steal the life of your child. If your child has a problem with alcoholism, get them treated at a reputable rehab. Contact us today at 855.281.5813 to begin consultations with our specialists and get your child treated.