
Watch The Full Video Here: Science Centre Singapore

The Story

Science is not necessarily your favourite subject. I get it, I really do. Science can be confusing, complicated and a pain in the neck to grasp, but at the same time science is amazing, mesmerising and really useful to know and that’s why Science Centre Singapore was opened in 1977 to promote the interest and learning of science. Science Centre Singapore proudly proclaims that science doesn’t have to be dull and dreary. In fact, it can be imaginative, enjoyable and fun. I was excited to see how it could be so.

The Experience

Science Centre Singapore is a huge location with tons of fun and educational exhibits. Upon entering the compound, I’m immediately distracted. There is simply so much going on that I just want to visit every single exhibit. The entire place is air-conditioned, which is a great escape from the summer heat in Singapore. The lighting is quite dark and mysterious, much like how science is. While I visited almost all the exhibits, some really caught my eye and left me with a memorable experience.

Know Your Poo
While this exhibit won’t necessarily be anyone’s first choice, I honestly really enjoyed. First off, the entrance to the exhibit is made to look like you’re entering a toilet! Truth be told, I entered as a joke, since the subject matter was rather funny but I honestly didn’t expect myself to learn so much. The walls are full of information about poo, sanitation issues in other countries, farts, plumbing and how plumbing has helped prevented diseases. There was a mini slide into a ball pit filled with brown balls. I’ll let you imagine what the brown balls might look like, but it’s a great photo location if you want to be cheeky.

They also have tubes filled with “poo” resembling different shapes and having different textures. This is in relation to our diet and lifestyle. I spotted one that suspiciously resembles one I had last night and giggled to myself.

They do feature different toilets that humans have used throughout the years or even currently in some undeveloped countries. At the end of the exhibit, there is a throne resembling a Game of Thrones throne, but in toilet form. It was really funny, and honestly really education. I couldn’t believe that I had spent so much time in an exhibit about poo!


The Omni-Theatre was truly amazing. I enjoyed every minute of this. While they change their films frequently to target different subjects and topics regarding science and technology, their shows are designed to make you feel as if you’re floating through the film, giving the illusion of motion due to the rounded curve of the screen.

Other than the novelty of the screen, I really enjoyed the film as well. It seemed simple enough for children to understand and it was entertaining for all ages.

The Mind’s Eye / Professor Crackitt’s Light Fantastic! – a Mirror Maze Experience

This exhibit deals with light and how your eyes and mind process it. It’s a really trippy experience. The entrance welcomes you with a pool noodle and if you think you don’t need it, think again. After walking you, you are led to a mirror maze and trust me, it will be a much better experience if you had that pool noodle with you. Look closely at some of the stuff in the maze! You’d realise that most are just mirrors and illusions. It’s truly an interesting experience and I had a harder time than I’d like to admit making it out the maze!

After you make it out of the maze, there are some mini experiments you can play with to explore light, refraction, reflection and how our eyes process light and colour.

Phobia2: The Science of Fear

This is one exhibit that all you thrill-seekers will definitely enjoy. This exhibits explores fear and all the different things that humans might develop a phobia of – those phobias include a fear of spiders, fear of being left out, fear of being buried alive and even a fear of school! It’s really interesting how they explore all the different types of fear and display it so you and your friends can test if it relates to you and if you have that fear!

While it is themed like a scary zone, it is actually not too bad. Also, at any point of the exhibit if you are uncomfortable, you actually have exits you can go to, so don’t worry too much! There aren’t any jump scare actors coming at you. All fears are displayed safely and it is up to you to approach. If you feel uncomfortable, you can move on!

Among other stuff, there is also a roller coaster simulator and a public speaking simulator, both I which I found to be super interesting, especially the public speaking one. You’re given a board to read and the curved screen shows an audience who actually reacts to what is read on the board! Of course, there are tons of photo opportunities in this place, what with sculptures of scary clowns, witches and other creepy stuff. Hold on to your friends tight and put your fear to the test!

Snow City

Now, I believe this exhibit needs no introduction! You literally get to enter a snowy wonderland, which is a good change compared to the summer heat that plagues Singapore. Before you enter, you’re given a winter jacket, some pants and gloves to keep you warm. Put don everything on, because it honestly is cold inside, and remember to wear covered shoes. Temperatures get up to -6 degrees and before long, your hands and feet will hurt if it isn’t decently protected.

Upon entering, there are plenty of ice sculptures to admire but the true star of the show is the huge slide! You get to carry a floatie up to the top and slide down – be it alone or with your friends! It’s quite thrilling and funny to see your friends panic as they slide down. You also can do snowboarding if you want. There are always people on standby to prevent injuries, ready to jump into action if they spot anyone hurt or in danger, so I felt pretty safe in the cold.

There’s also a level two to this exhibit where a small machine will periodically spit out snow so it looks like it’s snowing! It’s a truly magical moment and my friends and i couldn’t help catching the snow and throwing it at one another. Besides the snow machine, there is also a ice bumper car activity! Loads of people were queueing up for it and it looked super fun so we had a go at it and we could totally see why this was so well received. In the bumper car that holds two people, you are to control the car to bump others but because of the ice, everyone is struggling and just trying to go in the direction they want, which actually causes more bumps. It’s honestly quite a funny sight, and not to mention extremely fun!

I do recommend that you go to Snow City but be careful when you walk because it can get quite slippery inside!

Butterflies Up-Close

This was my absolute favourite exhibit. As the name suggests, you get to see butterflies up close! It’s not often you get to find yourself surrounded by butterflies and it was a little intimidating at first but their beauty truly blew me away. They had mini trays of fruit so you see butterflies landing themselves gracefully to feed on the syrup. This is a good chance for you to snap some photos! They even provide magnifying glasses so you can take a closer look!

As you walk around, some butterflies might even land on you! Don’t panic, as they will get off sooner or later. Also, beware of some butterflies on the ground. You don’t want to accidentally step on some. The exhibits also shows you the life cycle of a butterfly and studies some of the patterns on their wings. It’s interesting because you can spot those patterns on the live butterflies and even see some cocoons in a designated space! The whole park seemed magical, like you had been transported into a fairy tale!

Overall, I really did enjoy myself at Science Centre Singapore. I had though that the exhibits were, quite frankly, going to be lame and unexciting but this trip was the complete opposite! I even managed to see a huge fire vortex in a controlled glass funnel! That only happens once a day due to its effects on the environment, which I appreciate, but it was truly a sight to behold. It’s important to note that there will be permanent and non-permanent exhibits. All the exhibits in this article are permanent and while I may not mention the others, trust me when I say that the other exhibits are just as innovative and exciting as the ones I’ve mentioned! Don’t believe me? You only have to visit for yourself to find out!

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*Promotion is valid for adult and child online ticket purchase from 1 February till 31 March 2020.


Science Centre Singapore
15 Science Centre Rd, Singapore 609081 (Nearest MRT Jurong East)

Opening Hours
Mon – Sun: 10:00AM  – 6:00PM