Sunset Beach, CA, November 14, 2022 — The nonprofit organization known as Running Tracks for Kids recently opened for business. The goal of the organization is to fundraise for underserved middle schools. The money goes to the construction of running tracks for these schools. 

“Research shows that many middle schools don’t have a track,” noted Tom Dillman, President of Running Tracks for Kids, Inc. “This is probably due to budget shortfalls and other financial issues. Each decomposed granite track costs approximately $250,000. This isn’t an inexpensive venture, but they will last for the lifetime of the school with minimal maintenance costs.”

Kids who have a running track at their school are more likely to maintain higher levels of physical fitness than those who don’t. They are even more likely to participate in sports. This increase in fitness helps ensure that those children are more likely to have a stronger immune system. Better physical health relates to better academic success and fewer sick days. 

“If you look at the stats for childhood obesity, you’ll notice that it has increased dramatically in the last 10 to 15 years,” says Dillman. “As parents, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our kids have the tools and infrastructure that they need to help them lead a fit and healthy lifestyle. The absence of a track at their school hinders them from achieving these goals. This is why we created Running Tracks for Kids, Inc.”

“You can rest assured that your contributions will be recognized on a local and national level, and 97% of funds raised go to our projects,” says Dillman. “More importantly, you’ll have the satisfaction of helping our kids get healthier. This is a problem that cries out for attention…just look around you.  Thanks for being part of the solution!”

Visit their website or give them a follow on their Facebook or Twitter page for updates on their current project at Marine View Middle School, Huntington Beach, CA, and learn how to donate to the cause.

About Running Tracks for Kids, Inc.: 

Running Tracks for Kids, Inc. started as a discussion between Dillman and his two daughters in the summer of 2022. He asked them if they would’ve had a better time on their high school track & field team if they had a track to use in middle school. Not surprisingly, they said they would have.   

Contact Information:

Name: Thomas Dillman
Organization: Running Tracks for Kids, Inc.
Address: P.O. Box 25, 16885 Pacific Coast Hwy, Sunset Beach, CA 90742
Phone: (657) 244-9473
Email: [email protected]