Drug detox

One of the major myths surrounding prescription drug use is that since the drugs have medical benefits, they can’t be addictive. The reality is that prescription drugs can be some of the most addictive substances on the planet. Often, the only way to fight back against addiction is with a professional medical prescription drug detox center in Houston. Find out what methods are used during detox at Serenity House, and then learn more about why a detox is a necessity on the road to recovery.

The Risks of Prescription Drug Addiction

A Prescription Drug Detox Center Houston is needed even if you have medical need for a drug

Even if you were prescribed a medication by your physician, addiction is still possible. Those involved in prescription drug abuse, taking more than is necessary, increase their risk of addiction even more.

Most prescription drugs are not meant to be a long-term solution. Many opioid painkillers, for example, are short-term crutches after an accident or a surgery. They are rarely intended to be used for months or years at a time. If you rely on these drugs for an extended period of time, your body may become dependent on them.

Extended use of a prescription drug leads to dependence. It can also permanently change the way the brain responds to stimuli. If you try to cut back on these drugs, you might experience withdrawal symptoms. That’s one way to know for certain that you’re struggling with addiction and that you need help to recover.

The Necessity of a Medical Detox

To end an addiction, you need to stop consuming the addictive substance once and for all. This typically initiates withdrawal symptoms, which are often unpleasant. However, withdrawal symptoms aren’t just uncomfortable. They can also be dangerous, which is why it is so important to have medical supervision at a prescription drug detox center in Houston.

Depending on the drug in question, a prescription drug detox center in Houston that does not use medically assisted treatment could lead to countless health risks. In addition to mild and more common symptoms, some patients experience rare but severe health concerns. It is never a good idea to try to deal with these on your own.

With medical supervision available 24/7, a prescription drug detox program is the safest way to end an addiction to prescription drugs. Not only will you have accountability and support, but you’ll have access to emergency medical treatment if needed. Plus, medical professionals can offer medication assisted treatment that can reduce pain and discomfort associated with detox.

What to Expect From Prescription Drug Withdrawal

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact symptoms or timeline of a prescription drug withdrawal unless you know the specific drug in question. However, many prescription drugs can cause similar withdrawal symptoms.

For example, many people in a prescription drug detox center in Houston will have gastrointestinal trouble. They may not want to eat, or they may struggle with nausea and vomiting. Those who abuse opioid prescription drugs are also very likely to deal with diarrhea or constipation.

Not all detox symptoms are physical. In fact, many patients struggle with psychological or emotional symptoms. Anxiety, depression and even paranoia are possible. Individuals who are treating mental health conditions with prescription drugs may notice these symptoms most of all.

Prescription Drug Detox Center Services That Can Improve the Experience

At Serenity House Detox Houston, our prescription drug detox Center in Houston is about more than just getting people from addiction to sobriety. While freedom from addiction is and will remain a major objective, there is more to the equation. Ending prescription drug abuse can’t happen in a matter of days, so staff work to give patients the resources they need to continue the journey to recovery.

During your stay at our prescription drug detox center in Houston, Serenity House Detox Houston goes above and beyond to provide customized detox programs for every patient. You’ll have access to a range of and treatment methods, just some of which include the following:

If you want to end an addiction to any kind of medication, then a prescription drug detox center in Houston is the right choice. At Serenity House Detox in Houston, Texas, you can find a detox program that suits your needs and your plans for sobriety. Work toward a recovery that will last a lifetime by calling 866.516.8356 today.