Post traumatic

Who qualifies for PTSD treatment? If a traumatic event from the past is affecting your quality of life, then you may be a good candidate. For some, symptoms of the condition have been gradually worsening for months or even years. Most importantly, they could be adversely affecting your ability to function and even your health.


People who are looking for post traumatic stress disorder treatment often deal with intrusive thoughts and feelings. You don’t sleep well. Nightmares and flashbacks become a new normal. Besides that, you feel so alone because nobody else understands what you’re going through.

PTSD treatment is an alternative to continuing the daily struggle. Finding treatment can also help you prevent a substance abuse problem from developing. Moreover, it’s possible to restore your ability to function normally and interact with others. In fact, good-quality treatment may be your key to living a fulfilling life.


Well-meaning friends or family members told you to stop thinking about the event. They ask you to think about all the good things that the future holds. Above all, they don’t understand the unwanted memories, upsetting nightmares, and recurrent thoughts that you deal with. At the Trauma Counseling Center of Los Angeles, we do.

We won’t tell you to stop thinking about something because we know you would if you could on your own. We also understand that this may not be your first time talking to a therapist, but that the last attempt wasn’t successful for you. Targeted post traumatic stress disorder treatment is different.

Experts realize that it frequently takes a multi-pronged approach to help you process the event and move forward. Because of this understanding, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Rather, you may undergo multiple treatments. Examples include:

  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy that uses brain stimulation of the right and left hemispheres
  • Brainspotting that correlates eye positions with sensations
  • Somatic treatment, which helps with the fight, flight, or freeze response that now consistently dominates your thinking
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy as a means of pinpointing patterns of dysfunction during PTSD treatment
  • Anxiety therapy that often goes hand in hand with modalities assisting with post traumatic stress disorder treatment


It’s a common misconception that PTSD treatment always consists of talk therapy. It’s true that this is one approach that most certainly has a valid place in the overall care of your condition. Furthermore, it’s a modality that helps many people in your situation. However, it’s not the only approach to treatment.

Some people mistake it as such because they’ve worked with other therapists who provided individual trauma therapy. Maybe you had this experience at a rehab facility that also focused on trauma treatment. However, the Trauma Counseling Center of Los Angeles specializes in this aspect of therapeutic interventions. Therefore, our professional team consists of leaders in the trauma therapy field who have experience in innovative and effective therapy techniques.


You don’t have to keep suffering. Trauma therapists are ready to meet you where you’re at and help you take your first steps forward. They care about your well-being, health, and comfort.

Treatment equips you with the tools you need to handle triggers and stressors in healthier ways. We can’t undo what happened to you. That said, we can work with you to deal with what happened and then assist you with its various manifestations. Examples include personal relationships, life choices, and maladaptive coping mechanisms.

In addition to post traumatic stress disorder treatment, we also offer trauma therapy treatment services such as:

Find out what makes PTSD treatment at the Trauma Counseling Center of Los Angeles so different. Talk to a caring intake advisor who’ll answer all of your questions. Moreover, explore what your treatment plan could look like. Dial 855-997-7101 now for immediate assistance.