JENKINTOWN, PA, June 21, 2023 Pioneer Academics, the world’s only fully accredited online research institute, has released an infographic, Summary Graphic of Investigative Report Published by ProPublica and The Chronicle of Higher Ed. The infographic features a summary of the investigative report done about the rising rate of fraud and questionable practices in online research programs for high school students.

In the ever-evolving landscape of academia, the integrity and credibility of research publications hold paramount importance. Recently, ProPublica, in collaboration with The Chronicle of Higher Ed, conducted an in-depth investigation into college and high school research peer review publications. The resulting report has unearthed critical issues surrounding the peer review process and its impact on the scholarly community. In this infographic, we will provide a summary of the report’s key findings and shed light on the implications for researchers, educators, and publishers.

Pioneer Academics holds the highest rigor and regard in their admissions and publication. We recognize the significance of this report in fostering a transparent and robust academic publishing environment. As a respected institution in the high school research programs, we are committed to maintaining quality research and upholding the highest standards of integrity. We believe that this investigative report will serve as a catalyst for meaningful discussions and positive changes within the academic community.

To check out the infographic, as well as other projects by Pioneer Academics, you can visit

About Pioneer Academics:

Pioneer Academics provides undergraduate-level research opportunities to talented, intellectually motivated high school students worldwide. It is the worlds only fully accredited online research program for high school students that offers a guided research experience in 30+ areas, including STEM, medical, and humanities.

Contact Information:

Amy Li

Pioneer Academics

101 Greenwood Ave, Ste 170

Jenkintown, PA 19046
