Digital marketing

You know your company sells the best products, offers the top services in your field and has the most competitive price points. Also it has an unbeatable staff, and a commitment to customer service that can’t be beat.

The only problem?

Your target market doesn’t know it.

In fact, they don’t even realize that your company exists at all, because your website is buried way past the first page of search engine results (SERPs). To make matters worse, several of your competitors’ website rank in front of you in the Google and bing SERPs. You’re not just losing business. Your customers are also losing opportunities to get the best possible products or services for themselves.

You need to make a change, and fast.

The right digital marketing services can help you to make that change, and get your website the targeted traffic and high search engine results placement you deserve.

But how can the right online advertising services make it happen? And which digital marketing strategies should you rely on to help you outrank your competitors?

Keep on reading this ultimate guide to find out.

What Is Digital Marketing?

You might wonder what digital marketing actually is? The word gets tossed around a lot, but most people don’t realize the scope that it covers.

Digital marketing covers all marketing efforts that take place online or that use any digital device. It covers:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)
  • Social Media marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Online PR (press releases, customer reviews, etc)
  • The automation of any or all of these categories

Most people use different companies to help them with each category. You might have an SEO company, a company that focuses on your PPC campaigns, etc, but is that the best way to manage your digital marketing?

No. You need a company that manages all of these things to maximize your ROI. Let’s look at these categories and show why they are important.

What is SEO?

First, let’s quickly go over what search engine optimization — or “SEO” for short — actually means.

If you’re like 93% of consumers, when you need to find something online, you head to a search engine to help. You type in keywords — words and phrases relevant to your search — into the engine. Then, you’re shown a list of websites with relevant results.

Now, if you’re like 75% of search engine users, you won’t bother to click past the first page of search engine results.

This means that the first goal of SEO services — and really, the majority of digital marketing strategies, is to get your website on the first page of search engine results.

However, that’s far from the only goal of SEO. In order for your content/website to be truly “optimized,” it needs to get in front of the people who are the most likely to actually buy your products or book your services — because they’re actively on the hunt for what you offer.

What if you could guarantee that everyone who drove past a billboard for your brand wanted to buy what you’re selling? Business would definitely increase, right?

SEO works to make that happen through the use of “keywords” (those words and phrases we mentioned earlier, that people type into their search engines to help them find what they need online. Watch this helpful video about SEO Marketing.

Of course, it can be tricky to understand what your keywords are. It can be even trickier to truly define your target market — and to learn what they respond to online.

You need to consider things like:

  • Market location
  • Market demographic
  • Effective forms of digital marketing (email campaigns, video, blogging, etc.)
  • User information from website data/analytics
  • Social media
  • Link building
  • PPC ads
  • Business listings
  • Website design
  • Competitor research

The list goes on. There’s a good chance that you’re already feeling a little overwhelmed.

You already have to run your business, develop products, take clients out to lunch, manage your employees, and so much more. There aren’t enough hours in the day to run a blog, conduct keyword research, create social media campaigns, and everything else listed above. You know you definitely don’t have the technical knowledge, creative skills, or the right tools.

Enter the importance of SEO and other digital marketing services.

Luckily, you can get everything you need in one place. No meetings with ten different companies, no brand muddling, no missed deadlines, long-term contracts, or cookie-cutter solutions.

How? And why are each of these things important?

Read on to find out everything you need to know.

Individual SEO Marketing Services

Maybe you don’t need everything included in a fully managed SEO service just yet.

Perhaps you already have a few of these strategies in place, enjoy writing your blog posts or shooting marketing videos yourself, or are still growing your business.

If this describes you, you may not need a full-service SEO solution. Let’s look at the most important SEO categories so that you know what they are, why they’re important, and how your business can get the help it needs.

Content Marketing Services

Content marketing is the most powerful form of inbound marketing and helps people learn more about your company, allows you to show your authority within the industry, and of course, provides an excellent opportunity to boost your SEO score. You can watch a video and get to know all about it here.

In the early days of the internet, Bill Gates coined the phrase “content is king”. What does that mean?

Content is what drives people to your website. It’s what Google and other search engines look for when ranking websites. Think of Google and Bing as businesses and web-searchers as their customers. A search engine’s job is to send their customers to the website that provides them with the best information possible. If your webpage’s content meets that criteria, those people will land on your page, stay there, and trust your company to provide them with what they need.

The good thing is that it’s easier to stay on top than it is to get there. Once you develop a strategy and execute it, you’ll reap the rewards well into the future. It’s why SEO is still the best option for those that want a high ROI.

You can get all the content marketing services you need in one place, with up front prices and no long-term contracts here.  From SEO-optimized blog posts complete with topic and keyword research, to video production and on-page SEO optimization.

Are you looking to spread the word about your company or products to major news outlets and the world? If so, you’ll love another form of content marketing, press release services.

This service offers you press releases written for PR opportunities within the United States, Canada, and Europe. It also give you access to the biggest distribution reach in the work with over 440 thousand news outlets and channels.

Onpage SEO optimization is another form of SEO content marketing that your business can not thrive  without.

Onpage SEO optimization service is the process of making your website pages SEO and user friendly so it can rank and convert shoppers to buyers at the highest possible rate.

This can make or save you thousands of dollars per year if done correctly and a proper onpage SEO optimization needs to include strategies like URL optimization, keyword density, geolocation targeting, meta tags, image optimization, and titles and headers. All of these strategies ensure that your page gets to the top of search engine results and converts your visitors to clients.

In short?

You can take care of all your content marketing in one place, and hassle-free at BrandLume.

Link Building Services

Have you ever clicked on a link embedded in another blog post, only to discover a product you just had to have or a company you fell in love with?

Perhaps you’ve found in your past blogging experience (if you have any) that your posts seem to get more traffic when you link out to authoritative industry websites, scientific studies, or newspaper articles.

This is the concept of link building, and it’s an enormous part of your overall digital marketing plan.

Link building gives search engines confidence in your content. The more high DA (domain authority) websites that link to your content, the more useful sites like Google and Bing will find it. This builds your SEO organic ranking and helps you reach new customers.

The problem is that Google has begun to crack down on spammy and black-hat link-building through elicit means. The links you get need to be somewhat relevant to your content and come from high-authority sources or Google will ignore them. Remember, Google’s success relies on connecting people to the most useful information. You want to show Google that your website is an authority in your field.

Of course, you don’t have time to research statistics, find reputable resources, and even link back to your old posts to build traffic to your site and rise in the SERPs. Do you have time to reach out to 100 websites for links knowing that 99% of them will say no? Couldn’t that time be better spent doing something else for your business?

From guest post blogger outreach, helping you to list your company on local business citations, to getting you  in-content backlinks and high Domain Authority home page backlinks, that’s what link building services at BrandLume will take off your plate.

Other services like high DA backlink builder and SEO backlinks boosting services can even help your posts to go viral, seriously boosting your Page Authority.

Fully Managed All-in-One SEO Service

Looking for a one-stop-shopping experience when it comes to all the SEO services that would get you to the top of SERPs ? Don’t want to deal with doing everything individually? Want it all managed for FREE?

If so, this fully managed, all-in-one SEO service is likely the best fit for you. SEO services connect to each other. Having one without the other doesn’t have as much ROI. Think of your website as a vehicle, with each of the above services as the individual components in the engine. You might be able to clunk along, but you aren’t going to make it for long without each part that goes into the engine.

The goal here isn’t only to get more traffic to your website. It’s all about constantly adapting and evolving to stay ahead on Google’s ever-changing search algorithm, understanding how your market looks for things online, and conducting competitive analysis to make sure you’re able to outrank your competition.

The right SEO services makes sure that you consistently rank high in search engine result pages (SERPs for short.) Once you’ve worked so hard to improve your site and optimize for SEO, you deserve to keep that high ranking. They also make sure that every aspect of your website runs perfectly to meet the demands of Google’s algorithm changes.

Your best bet is to find a company that does it all instead of outsourcing each of the above listed individual services to different companies. When you do that, you have to worry about whether they communicate with each other. If the results aren’t what you expect, each company will simply point their finger at the others, leaving you with zero answers and an empty budget.

Why not use one company so that you can get immediate answers to your needs? Why not use a company that will make sure you stay on top by giving you consistent rank tracking and reporting, along with continually tracking your analytics and marketing data while tweaking your site and overall digital marketing strategy accordingly.

The best SEO companies will even assign you a dedicated success manager but that comes with a steak cost. Here you get it free, and you won’t have to worry about chasing down information; you’re only a phone call away from finding out everything you need to know and getting the measurable results you deserve.

A fully managed SEO service will help you out with content marketing, keywords, link building, and so much more.

You will get a  completely customized SEO solution that is brand-driven and results-focused.

In other words?

Your SEO strategy will be unique to your brand and your brand alone when you work with Brandlume.

Many local marketing and SEO agencies white label and resell BrandLume’s services for 2X-3X the price. So, compare the services and choose wisely.

Social Media Marketing and Management Services

Surveys show that companies who have a strong social media presence outperform their outdated counterparts. There are a few reasons for this, and one might surprise you.

The common sense reason is that customers want to know that their concerns get heard. Many companies use social media as an extension of their support lines and brand experience, with companies such as Microsoft, Apple, and Cox Media leading the way. On Twitter, for example, if you have a problem with your Microsoft account, you can either tag or DM Microsoft support and get an answer within minutes.

While smaller companies don’t have the budget for this, they can provide information that’s both shareable and helpful on their accounts. By interacting in this way, you’re exposing new customers to your company while giving existing customers a place to build a community. You’re also answering questions that your customers may have without having to worry about them finding another company through Google.

The surprising reason your social media presence matters is that it builds trust between you and potential customers. People that use the internet hear horror stories every day about a fly-by-night company taking someone’s money and running. As such, they’ve become careful about who they do business with.

A strong social media presence gives customers the peace of mind of knowing that you’re a legitimate business. They can see and talk to other customers, who serve as advocates for your business after hours.

Social media is also a powerful place to advertise your business. You can do this by either running ad campaigns or producing content that convinces others to share it. Both options have great values and can give you amazing ROI, as long as you choose the right company to run your campaign for you.

You need to find a social media marketing agency  that takes a holistic approach to social media. Find one that has experience on multiple platforms and knows what to look for when they audit your pages. You also need an expert team that can make sure your account is attractive so that you can attract visitors on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and convert them into customers.

You also want a company that treats you like a VIP customer and not another number. Make sure any company you use assigns you to a personal account manager so that you’ll always have someone to talk to when you want to check on your campaign’s results.

Social media marketing can feel overwhelming, but you don’t need to sweat it anymore. Check out all the agency level social media marketing and management services you’d need in one simplified place here. You can take care of creating branded profiles on a variety of platforms, start running social media PPC campaign or have creative posts published on each platform on a daily bass, and much more, all with no long-term obligations.

If you want to sit back and relax and have a dedicated success manager and a team of social media experts grow your business on social media platforms, have a look at your options here.

Online Reputation Management Services

Over 90% of consumers read online reviews before working with or buying from a company. This works to the advantage of the consumer, as they are able to avoid many scams and give their money to companies that deserve it. This also works great for companies that can manage their reputation and take a proactive approach to customer service.

There are some problems with online reputations though. Sometimes, especially in smaller towns, companies will leave fake reviews about your business in an attempt to steal your customers. Also, for a small business, one bad review could cost you money.

What are people saying about your brand online — and what steps are you taking to make sure you’re getting online reviews in the first place? How can you find a company that can help you manage your online reviews without taking away a customer’s right to raise real concerns? What this useful video here to find out.

The key isn’t erasing bad reviews, but the automation of getting more so that the bad ones don’t have more of an effect than the good ones. If you’re a small business with ten reviews, but two of them are bad, you’re only looking at an average rating of 4 stars. That’s not going to cut it in today’s business environment. Getting two bad reviews out of 20 though? Your score becomes more representative of your customer’s experiences.

This full suite online reputation management software can help you with everything from creating embeddable widgets for your emails and website, helping you get more reviews, automating asking for reviews in SMS and email campaigns, or even blocking negative ones .

Do you want to be added to over 50 review sites that allow you to receive unlimited reviews and have the ability to showcase them all in an aggregate format on your website? Yes you can do that with this software. Plus, all your positive reviews will automatically be posted to your social media accounts too! You’ll also get review alerts and full review monitoring across the net, so that you can respond to a review as soon as you receive it, letting your customers know that you care about their feedback.

Have it all done with one application, here.

SEM through PPC Advertising Services

Anyone who’s ever been online has come across Pay Per Click (PPC) advertisements. They are the boxes you see on the sides or tops of pages that contain a short snippet of information and invite you to click with call to actions such as “click here!”.

PPC ads use a pretty simple model: everytime someone clicks on one, you pay a set amount. The person that runs the webpage the ad appears on receives either a portion or the entire amount of the fee.

The great thing about PPC ads are that they are easy to budget for. You determine a pre-set amount that you’d like to put towards the campaign. If you designate $500 for a certain product, the ads will run until you’ve spent that amount without going over.

They also provide great ROI as long as they contain keywords that have a high-conversion rate and get targeted towards the right audience. PPC ads rely on keywords that determine who sees your ads. By using the right keywords, you can target an audience in a way that is unique to them, increasing their conversion.

There are certain things you should look for when choosing a company to run your PPC campaigns. The most important things to look for is if they give you transparent pricing and reports, access to the ad accounts, can manage your PPC campaign across different platforms like Google, Bing,Facebook, Instagram and GDN, refine your campaigns on weekly basis without long-term contracts. Find out what percentage they charge per click and find a company that doesn’t nickel and dime you with setup fees. Be sure to compare the PPC agencies you are looking at to PPC services here to ensure you don’t sign up for something you would quickly regret.

It’s also important that the company you choose makes a concerted effort to understand your business and what you hope to accomplish. A company that only wants to sell you more stuff, bigger budgets and more clicks that aren’t converting instead of supporting you and your bottom line isn’t worth your time or money. They should also help you determine the best possible keywords by answering any questions you may have.

The last thing to look for is if they offer you other services that surround successful PPC campaigns like custom landing page, designs, or remarketing banner ad designs. You can’t run an effective PPC campaign without having a great landing page. You want those that click on your ad to go to a page tailor made for them that converts them from visitors to customers.

If you are looking for all of the above , plus a dedicated Search Engine Marketing ( SEM) campaign manager and a team of Google, Bing and Facebook adword certified experts who can take care of all your remarketing services, Google Shopping List, and even use AI, PPC click fraud and bot spam prevention to save you money and increase your ROI, then checkout BrandLume’s PPC services.

Explainer Video Production and Video Marketing Services

When you visit a website to buy a product or service, one of the first things you check is the company and product descriptions. You want to know what to expect when buying something, right? You’ve probably noticed the same thing that many people notice, though; the description rarely matches the actual product or service.

With explainer videos that describe your difference and show the product or service in action, customers feel more confident that they will get what they’re paying for. You’re able to show people the value of your company and products you’re selling.

The problem is that it’s difficult to make a video. Despite popular belief, more goes into explainer videos and marketing services than a random camera and someone sitting at a desk. First, you have to plan ahead. What questions would you ask if you’re buying the product? That sounds simple enough, but it’s easier to get someone from the outside to ask this question since they don’t have preconceived notions about the product.

Next, you have to think about making the video SEO friendly. Not only does the video need to show the product or service, but it also has to rank well with search engines. What’s the point of making a video if no one is going to see it?

You also have to create video content that converts. Your video needs to define what problem your product solves, how it solves the problem, and how the customers can buy your solution. Finally, you have to budget. Is someone from your company talented in production? Can your employees make the video without it turning into a cringy meme? This might seem like a lot, but if you can put out great video content, you’ll see the rewards for your efforts.

Companies that use some form of video marketing grow their revenue nearly 50% faster than those without any video marketing strategies in place.

If you decide to let someone else make the video, what should you look for?

First, find a company that supports you by doing their due diligence to understand the product. Instead of trying to sell you everything under the sun, they should focus on finding out what you need and delivering that.

Next, you need a company that can help you with all aspects of the video. If you’re paying someone to make the video for you, you probably don’t want to deal with different companies for  the script, editing, storyboarding, animation and voice overs.

BrandLume provides an all-in-one  explainer video production and video marketing services, with upfront prices for all kinds of videos This means that the script, storyboard, animation, voiceover, editing, and everything else that goes along with it is included in the upfront price and at one place. Be sure to compare any video production company you are considering against the prices provided here as many local agencies white label these products and sell them at higher prices.

If you are looking for different types of video marketing with examples of each, then you can find them all in the same place . You can choose from spokesperson videos, vlogs that convert your most popular blog posts into video content, whiteboard animation videos, motion graphics, typography animation, screencast explainer videos, and much more.

Get Every Digital Marketing Service You Need in One Place

Now that you’re pretty much an expert on the basic terminology of digital marketing, you’re probably even more excited about putting a strategy into place for your brand.

So, why should you work with Brandlume?

Above all, you can get all of your digital marketingbranding and website needs met in one place, which helps to keep things consistent (and makes your life a whole lot easier.) It’s also much cheaper than working with an in-house team or any local agency. You’ll get dedicated experts that deliver world-class, enterprise level quality that costs you less than remote freelancing sites. In fact, our digital marketing and branding services are so good that agencies around the world white label and resell them for two to three times their original price.

Plus, our 100% transparent reports will ensure that you always know where you stand — and you won’t have to sign a long-term contract in order to get the information and services you need.

What are you waiting for?

Start creating your digital marketing strategy today.