Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder. If you suffer from it, you experience intrusive, repetitive obsessions and compulsions. There are subtypes of OCD, including obsessions with contamination, order, hoarding and harm. There is also “pure OCD,” which involves obsessions without visible compulsions. Someone with OCD who is obsessed with contamination may constantly wash their hands, whereas a person with pure OCD may count in their head to relieve their distressing thoughts. Our OCD Treatment Center can help you control those thoughts.

The term “OCD” has entered everyday language to stand for someone who’s overly fixated on being neat and tidy. When people picture OCD, they sometimes think of it in an innocent, humorous way. But the condition isn’t a joke for OCD sufferers. It’s a psychiatric disorder that can take a serious toll on work, relationships and quality of life.

If you struggle with OCD, there is hope. Lucida offers a range of OCD treatments that can relieve your symptoms and help you get your life back on track. We utilize treatments for OCD that have been shown to be effective.

OCD Treatment Center at Lucida

Treatment for OCD should be tailored to you. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. We also find that a comprehensive approach to mental health treatment offers clients the best chance of recovery. Here are some of the OCD treatments we’ve found to be effective:


We offer individual, group and family therapy. You can talk about your OCD symptoms in an open, supportive space with trained therapists who have experience working with people with OCD.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy is the gold-standard of talk therapy for the treatment of OCD. You focus on how your thoughts affect your feelings and behaviors and gain control over this process. Many clinical trials support the effectiveness of CBT for OCD.

CBT seems to be most effective when it’s based on exposure and response prevention (ERP). You expose yourself to thoughts, images, objects and situations that trigger your obsessions, and work through them with your therapist. ERP also asks you to resist unhelpful coping strategies, such as compulsions and avoidance.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

For some people, their OCD is based on trauma. If this is the case, we may use trauma resolution therapies, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). You recall distressing images or memories while making side-to-side eye movements. You may be asked to follow the side-to-side movements of a therapist’s hand. EMDR can alternatively feature hand tapping. These motions help divert your attention while you recall memories that normally upset you. In this way, you can expose yourself to traumatic or distressing thoughts without reacting strongly to them.

Over time, exposure through EMDR is meant to help you cope with the trauma underlying your OCD. Symptoms can lessen, and the condition may even go into remission.

study published in the journal Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy demonstrated that EMDR offers similar benefits to OCD clients as CBT.

Self-Help Support Meetings

Attending support groups can allow you to talk with other people struggling with OCD. This OCD treatment center option is effective because it can help you feel understood and connected to others—less alone. Open dialogue and empathy are often critical for people living with OCD.

Psychiatric Care and Medication Management

Our expertly trained psychiatrists will help you discover whether medication should be part of your treatment plan and then which medication suits you. They will also discuss aspects of medication such as:

  • Dosage
  • Side effects
  • Management

Common OCD medications include antidepressants, tranquilizers and beta-blockers.

Mental Health Education

By learning about your OCD in-depth, you’ll be better placed to understand your condition and know how to respond to your symptoms. Mental health education will allow you to combat the shame, embarrassment or self-criticism that can come along with OCD.


Yoga can be a great way to manage OCD symptoms. The practice encourages you to focus on your body, rather than get swept away by anxious thoughts. It can also relieve the tension associated with OCD.


Our treatment facility in Florida has its own fitness center and swimming pool because we understand that exercise can be an effective complement to treatment in reducing the symptoms of mental illness.

Our Facility

Lucida’s OCD Treatment Center in Lantana, Florida which is part of Palm Beach County, Florida. We’re close to Fort Lauderdale and only an hour’s drive from Miami. Lucida is near Florida’s beautiful Intracoastal Waterway. Being situated in South Florida, our facility is surrounded by rich natural beauty. This provides a serene environment, which helps clients reflect and heal during their recovery.

We offer luxury residences, so you can enjoy the comfort and peace you need. As a client, you’ll live in a secure, gated and well-appointed townhome.

Treating OCD with a Co-Occurring Disorder

Many OCD clients suffer from other mental health conditions as well. This is known as comorbidity, co-occurring disorders or a dual diagnosis. As a result of their OCD, some sufferers can also develop low self-esteem, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), depression, panic attacks or panic disorder or eating disorders. When mental health conditions co-occur, we focus on treatments that alleviate symptoms of both. This is important because if you try to treat only one condition, the other condition will likely remain when you leave treatment.

When it comes to co-occurring disorders, addressing one condition often helps reduce the symptoms of the other. Treating both at the same time offers the best chance of recovery.

Before You Arrive at Lucida for OCD Treatment

Before you decide to come to Lucida, you’re welcome to have a free and confidential assessment, a tour of our mental health treatment facility in Florida and a meeting with our admissions team. This will give you a chance to see if our approach and amenities are a good fit for you.

What Happens When You Arrive at Lucida for OCD Treatment

An OCD Treatment Center at Lucida begins with a biopsychosocial assessment. Our team will assess your health based on biological, psychological and social factors. This helps us get a broader, more holistic picture of how to improve your overall well-being.

When the assessment is complete, you’ll connect with your treatment team, which will include a psychiatrist and one or more therapists. You and your team will discuss your custom treatment plan for your OCD to make sure your mental health issues are addressed the way you want them to be.

What Happens After Your OCD Treatment

When you finish OCD treatment at Lucida, it doesn’t mean the process of mental health recovery is over. It’s vitally important to maintain good health to prevent relapse. Your stay at Lucida will provide you with the knowledge, skills and techniques that protect your well-being in all kinds of situations and when you confront your triggers at home.

Furthermore, we can give referrals to clinicians, physicians and support groups that can assist you in the long-term management of your mental health.

Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Treatment

Lucida works with many different health insurance providers. In some cases, your insurance might cover you if you’re an out-of-network client. Call us to confirm. We also offer a range of private payment options. We’ll work with your insurance provider to ensure you receive as much coverage as possible.

You may have suffered from OCD for a long time, without much relief. But this doesn’t mean recovery is impossible. We see many clients with long-term OCD who are finally able to manage their condition and lead full and happy lives again. Call us today at 888-693-1450 to discuss your options.