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If you are a recreational marijuana consumer, there’s nothing more frustrating than running out of bud. Forest City now has stores in two locations for you to buy flowers, edibles, and more. Still, a personal supply of homegrown cannabis would be even better.


So, why not grow pot at home?


Can I Legally Grow Cannabis At Home?


Regulations set by The Ontario Government state that it is legal to grow up to four cannabis plants per household, as long as you are at least 19 years old and adhere to the stipulations on where and how your personal marijuana can be used.


If you want to grow marijuana at home, you’re not alone. An increasing number of new and experienced cannabis consumers are learning to grow pot for themselves, and it’s not hard to see why. Growing cannabis at home can help you achieve unparalleled quality while developing a deeper relationship with this great plant, all the while saving you money!


Now that we’ve planted the seed, let’s give it what it needs to help GROW into a healthy and prosperous new hobby!


How To Legally Grow Marijuana At Home


Here at Forest City, we love helping our clients grow cannabis! We have a DIY department staffed with passionate experts eagerly awaiting opportunities to share their knowledge. 


Cannabis requires a medium to set its roots in, nutrients to help feed photosynthesis, the proper light to run this process, and a few simple environmental variables kept in check. Grow Tents provide a perfectly designed space to facilitate the necessary ecological requirements while allowing you to contain the beautiful aromas of your homegrown craft cannabis. Grow tents come in several sizes to fit any space or growth needs. 


Forest City Marijuana sells only top-quality nutrients and plant additives, as well as all of the hardware, growing mediums, hydroponic grow systems and post-harvest tools you’ll require to rock the DIY home grow game!


Take the first step towards growing your cannabis by calling us today, or even better, stop by our 1470 Dundas Street location to feed off the passion of our expert staff and help fuel your passion in the process!! Forest City Marijuana is committed to being at the centre of this ground-breaking period in Cannabis Culture!! What a time to be alive! Come Grow With Us!