Ketamine therapy

What is Ketamine?

Recent studies are proving ketamine therapy just might be a very potent tool to treat depression.

Ketamine is a drug that acts by taking control of specific brain receptors. When administered in a controlled setting, in limited amounts, ketamine therapy can be extremely beneficial.

Studies are now showing it can be a useful and even miraculous medication in treating severe depression. In fact, experts are saying ketamine may be a revolutionary treatment for those suffering from severe depression.  “Outside of the clinic, ketamine can cause tragedies, but in the right hands, it is a miracle,” says John Abenstein, MD, president of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.


How Severe Depression Affects Lives


Patients who suffer from severe depression may have a difficult time getting out of bed in the morning, going to work or completing mundane tasks. Severe depression can also have physical and emotional side effects that can, in turn, makes the depression even worse. Depression is a mental illness that individuals have no control over. It is often hereditary and is a result of the brain’s inability to regulate mood. Depression is not a choice and treating and overcoming it can be a lifelong battle for millions of Americans.


Ketamine Therapy vs Antidepressants

Ketamine vs Anti-depressants

While antidepressants can be an effective type of medication to help patients deal with depression, ketamine may be even more effective with fewer side effects, depending on the individual. Antidepressants take weeks to fully take affect and they can also alter your body’s hormonal state in the process. Sometimes, the side effects can be long-lasting and in some cases, may even worsen your symptoms temporarily as your body adjusts to the dosage. Ketamine therapy, on the other hand, can take effect in as little as 24 hours. Plus, it doesn’t have the same mood and hormonal altering effects which can affect your daily life. Many patients have reported feeling nearly instant relief of symptoms of depression after their first ketamine injection.

Ketamine loses its effect as soon as it leaves your body; whereas antidepressants can have lasting effects for weeks even after a patient has stopped taking them. Of course, the most significant advantage of ketamine therapy is a quick response time. This allows patients to get relief from a debilitating disease that can drastically affect a person’s day-to-day life. Alleviating severe depression can possibly mean the difference between life and death for many.

What Results Have Been Confirmed in Ketamine Studies?

As a drug that can be potentially harmful when not used safely, ketamine is currently being extensively studied. To date, WebMD notes that 85% of patients who tried ketamine in one particular study, saw positive results very quickly. In some cases, patients saw relief in just a few hours.

How Does Ketamine Infusion Therapy Work?

Ketamine infusion usually involves receiving a controlled dose of ketamine through an IV or nasal mist. No matter how a patient received ketamine infusion, it must always be administered under strict medical supervision. The mechanism of action is not entirely clear to researchers, but most suspect the drug works by re-connecting brain cells that control mood. By repairing these damaged connections between specific cells, the imbalances in mood are restored and even controlled.

Why Isn’t Ketamine Therapy More Popular?

Because ketamine therapy is still being studied, it is not as readily available to patients in all clinics as antidepressants might be. However, some clinics specialized in treating depression are equipped with this treatment option. Medical professionals have high hopes that ketamine therapy will be a revolutionary breakthrough for those who suffer from severe depression. Plus, ketamine is still considered a high-risk medication when used outside of a clinic.

What You Need to Know About Ketamine

Ketamine can be highly effective at treating depression when offered in a safe and secure medical environment. You should not take ketamine one your own outside a clinical environment. Ketamine must only be given to patients when needed, by a physician who can safely administer it. The effects of ketamine overdose include dizziness, fatigue, hallucinations, loss of control of bodily functions, convulsions, restlessness, and in extreme cases, death.

Is Ketamine Right For You?

Is Ketamine right for you

If you are suffering from depression, you may want to consider visiting with the professionals at a depression treatment facility. After undergoing a complete and thorough assessment, a medical expert will guide you through the steps to ketamine therapy and help determine whether or not the drug is right for your particular situation. Ketamine can interact with some medications or medical conditions, so only a professional can determine whether or not ketamine therapy is right for you.

What Do I Do Now?

If you are suffering from major depression and are having a difficult time dealing with it, do not suffer in silence. Meet with an experienced medical professional who can walk you through the steps you can take to get on the road to healing today. Depression is not your fault, but you can control how you treat it. Ask your healthcare professional about ketamine therapy today and make an appointment to find out if you are eligible to start this revolutionary, game-changing treatment.