
Since iMentor was founded in 1999, we have matched 33,035 students with mentors. Today we serve 9,009 mentoring pairs in 20 cities across the country.

We have been tracking the long-term college outcomes of nearly 8,000 students nationally since 2009, as well as short-term outcomes that students and mentors are achieving each year. See the results in the new 2018 iMentor Impact Report.

We are proud that iMentor students continue to outperform the best comparable peer groups in college enrollment and completion, and that they persist at similar rates to their peers. They are also 80% more likely to complete college than their peers.

Check out the 2018 iMentor Impact Report for all the latest data about who our students and mentors are, how strong their mentoring relationships are, and how students successfully navigate the college process.