Health insurance

The Census Beareu stated that in 2017 about 28.5 million people did not have health insurance due to a variety of reasons and limitations. Not having health insurance after an accident or illness can create financial risks for you and your family.

You cannot be turned away from the emergency room if you don’t carry health insurance. The emergency room personnel must stabilize your medical issue and end any life threatening conditions. However if your accident was caused by a third party and you don’t carry health insurance, the hospital will bill you directly and send you to collections if needed.

For those who have been injured in an accident and don’t have health insurance, there are a few ways you can receive medical care. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can better understand your available options in obtaining medical treatment if you do not have health insurance after an accident.

Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay)

Your vehicle policy plays an important role in accidents and how you minimize your risks on the road. MedPay coverage, pays for medical expenses in a car-related accident, regardless of fault. This coverage also pays for the following expenses:

  • Funeral expenses related to auto related injury;
  • Coverage extends to the passengers involved in the auto accident;
  • Injuries you sustain as a pedestrian or bicyclist.

Medpay is not a required coverage on your policy and its optional for an additional charge on your premiums.

Uninsured Motorist

Uninsured Motorist is another add-on on your vehicle policy to protect you or a passenger involved in an accident. This coverage will only go into effect if the other driver involved was uninsured at the time of accident. Uninsured motorist covers the following:

  • Medical expenses;
  • Lost wages;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Other injury-related expenses.

Uninsured motorist coverage ordinarily extends to you and your household members. If there is no health insurance after an accident, and you’re hit by an uninsured motorist as a driver, pedestrian, and bicyclist, consider using UM.

Medical Treatment on a Lien

To be treated on a lien basis means that your doctor has agreed to not charge any upfront fees for any medical services rendered and will be paid or reimbursed once your personal injury compensation case is settled. Lien treatment provides options for those who have no health insurance after an accident.

Due to the risky factors involved, most medical providers are not willing to enter into a lien basis treatment, unless referred by an attorney. An attorney can assure and verify the validity of the claim and recovery.

If You Do Not Have Health Insurance, Consult with the Sweet Law Group

Medical treatment for accidents can add up to endless amount of bills and permanent economic hardship. Don’t fight this case alone. Let the attorneys at Sweet Law Group guide you in the right direction to ensure you receive proper medical attention after your accident.

With over 40 years of legal experience, allow our office to recover the maximum compensation in your personal injury case. Call our office for a free consultation at (800) 674-7854 .