Problem drinking is a complex issue. First, it’s different from being an alcoholic, you can be entirely functioning in other areas of your life and yet stay in this miserable loop for a lifetime.
So many people are stuck in this loop but never make a serious effort to escape – the fact that you are here reading this is a very good sign!
There is no ‘type’ when it comes to the problem drinker.
Men and women from all types of different backgrounds struggle with the exact same challenges with this drug.
A drug we don’t even like to call a drug
If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re searching for support for yourself. Looking for help and advice on the internet is a fantastic initial step toward conquering problem drinking.
This blog post will provide suggestions on how to stop drinking alcohol on your own and let you make an informed decision as to whether you need the extra help that comes with a course like the Stop Drinking Expert.
To begin with, let’s start off by explaining dependency on alcohol.
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The Signs And Symptoms of Problem Drinking
- When you consume alcohol, you always drink more than you intended.
- You commonly attempt to quit drinking alcohol but have repeatedly failed.
- You spend a great deal of time attempting to get booze, drinking alcohol or hungover.
- You suffer regular cravings for alcohol.
- Your alcohol consumption has affected your work and home life.
- Carried on drinking alcohol even after adverse consequences on your social life.
- You still consume alcohol despite the fact that you recognize you may have a problem.
- You have developed a tolerance and need to drink more and more to feel ‘a buzz’.
Do any of these points sound familiar?
The majority of people don’t like the term “alcoholic”, including me – that’s why in my quit drinking course I will never give you any such label.
However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t deal with this thing in your life that is making you so miserable! When you accept that you have a genuine problem, it becomes a lot easier to find the appropriate quit drinking solution. But why should you stop drinking?
Let’s look at a few of the ways alcohol addiction impacts the mind and body.
Understanding Why You Drink
The Consequences of Problem Drinking
We’ve all downed too much vino at a party before and suffered the hangover from hell as a result. That’s pretty commonplace but continuous and routine problem drinking, however, can quickly destroy a person’s daily life.
Problem drinking does not just lead to monetary pressure; it pushes away friends and family, creates psychological desolation and at some point costs you your well being.
Are your friends and family losing patience with you?
Has your relatives and friends stopped getting in touch with you? The friends and family who are still around might regularly express their concern about your alcohol consumption or make you feel like a pariah as a result of your actions. This kind of mental pressure and seclusion triggers clinical depression.
What do drinkers do when they feel depressed? That’s right – they drink even more.
Let’s take a look at a few of the more typical side-effects of problem drinking. You have most likely already experienced a few of these. Recognizing others will give you a more clear perspective of why you need to find out how to stop drinking asap.
Psychological Consequences.
Problem drinkers aren’t typically happy individuals; it’s the rationale most begin consuming alcohol excessively, to begin with. Discovering how to stop drinking means pulling off the band-aid and dealing with all your problems and issues.
Problem drinking brings a range of nasty sensations: failure for not having the ability to quit, depression over the loss of intimate relationships because of alcohol consumption, low self-confidence and so forth. There are no quick fixes for these emotions, but finding out how to stop drinking alcohol entails discovering how to address challenges and deal with your emotions in a well-balanced, effective way.
Doing this will guarantee that you have the ability to confront life’s obstacles with confidence and, most notably, clear-headed.
Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Physical Consequences.
Alcohol is a registered poison and it has many adverse side-effects on the physical body. As a matter of fact, alcohol resulted in ten percent of all fatalities in a report by the Centre for Addiction in a recent report in Canada. Liver damage is without a doubt a serious and typical side-effect of chronic problem drinking.
Doctors are reporting that younger and younger people are now presenting with alcoholic liver issues.
The liver helps purify poisons out of the bloodstream, break down body fat and appropriately assimilate food. Excessive alcohol can result in liver disorders, cirrhosis and raise the probability of liver tumors (plus 7 other forms of cancer).
Problem drinking can also raise blood pressure and trigger episodes of hypoglycemia. You can also experience gastrointestinal issues, temporary amnesia, and even total blackouts.
Tips to Stop Drinking Alcohol on Your Own.
Even if you intend to stop drinking on your own, the majority of problem drinkers cannot simply stop on their own. Men and women with genuine drinking issues typically will not have the capacity to withstand the desire to drink. Mainly because they fail to address the reason why they were using alcohol in the first place.
The Stop Drinking Expert course starts with the fact that willpower has a 95% chance of failure and yet that’s what most people use to try and stop drinking on their own.
Functioning problem drinkers are unlikely to need hospital treatment but for full-blown alcoholics, alcohol withdrawal can also be harmful and should not be carried out without supervision. Nevertheless, there are tips you can begin taking right now to cut down on your alcohol use.
Following these self-help suggestions over time can help you reduce your drinking down gradually and, inevitably, destroy your dependency. Keep in mind: there is a big difference between problem drinkers and full-blown alcoholics. An alcohol rehabilitation center is the best course for the latter.
Rehabilitation centers have specialist alcohol detoxification courses supervised by qualified medical staff who have experience dealing with drug abusers.
Why do you drink?
Do you know why you are using alcohol? On a piece of paper, draw a basic benefits and drawbacks table.
Under benefits, write what problem drinking appears to solve. In the drawbacks, write what it has stolen from you (health, money, relationships etc).
This can be something as little as a couple of extra dollars spent on a lager last evening or as big as the failure and breakdown of an intimate relationship. If one of your ‘benefits’ is that booze seems to help you unwind, one of your drawbacks may be that your alcoholic relaxation steals quality time with family and loved ones.
Members of the Stop Drinking Expert quickly discover that all the supposed benefits of drinking are nothing more than an illusion. For example, people think alcohol helps them relax when we know that alcohol actually creates a sensation of stress to induce more drinking – evil right?
Replace The Booze
To quit drinking successfully, you commit to dump the alcohol AND replace it with better alternatives. If you always consume alcohol in your home after work in front of the television, it’s time to avoid the idiot box like the plague. Game of Thrones has finished now anyway!
Make a promise to commit to a different routine to relax after work. This may be going for a stroll, painting, drawing or spending quality time with loved ones. Initially, it’s an excellent idea to stay clear of extended periods of spare time on your own. When you’re out in public or with colleagues (who are not problem drinkers), you will find it easier to avoid old triggers to drink.
Tell Other people About What You’re Doing.
When you let people know that you’re attempting to quit drinking, you’ll feel more predisposed to keep your word. A support group is important to successful alcohol rehabilitation. You can tell your most entrusted family and friends or even other drinking friends who you know are also unhappy with their own drinking.
Warning: Don’t be surprised if some of your drinking ‘friends’ try and get you back drinking again. Problem drinkers need the sensation of ‘safety in numbers’ to justify the insanity of what they are doing. There is no logical reason to routinely drink attractively packaged poison for fun. We tell you how to deal with this in the online course and at Quit Drinking Bootcamp.
Members of the Stop Drinking Expert program get free access to a secret community of sober supporters.
How to stop drinking on your own
Get a New Stress Killer.
If you insist on using willpower it’s very challenging to quit drinking initially because the strain makes you want to drink more. Nevertheless, one of the most crucial things to do when you initially start your happy sober strategy is to find a new outlet for your energy and time.
Exercise is an incredible way to concentrate all of your feelings into a single endeavor. Taking up physical exercise as a type of stress and anxiety killer is a fantastic excuse to at last join a fancy health club. Whatever you do, don’t quit drinking and just leave a vacuum behind in its place – distraction is important until the new habit settles.
Ready to say enough is enough?
If you are ready to kick this nasty drug out of your life and regain your happiness, peace, and purpose. Click here to reserve your place on our next free quit drinking webinar to find out if the Stop Drinking Expert course is right for you.
If you are ready to get started right now, click here to join and get instant access to the course.