Photo by Markus Leo
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As your senior year creeps up on you, you’re beginning to put all of your high school documents together to apply for a few different colleges. You might have a couple of choices in mind, but what you really want to know is how to get into Yale.
Your chances of getting into Yale are less than your chances of getting into another less desirable university, so it’s important that you take all necessary steps to ensure you get that acceptance letter!
It’s better to begin preparing for your Yale application early on in your high school career, but no matter where you’re currently at on your journey, these tips below are sure to lend a helping hand.
Continue reading below for several tips on how to get into Yale
Build a Strong Portfolio
The stronger your portfolio is, the better. To build a strong portfolio, be sure to have as many high school documents and achievements in it as possible. Include your transcripts and then add letters or recommendations, completed assignments, projects, and school papers/essays.
If you were a part of any clubs or programs at your school, then be sure to include this information as highlights. The more that you can add to your portfolio, the more you show how engaged you were with your school’s community.
Complete a Challenging Senior Program
Rather than sliding by your senior year, you’ll want to complete a challenging senior program. It’s important to show Yale that you have the motivation and drive to challenge yourself throughout each year.
Some seniors lean towards taking a light course load because they’re ready to be done and have lost the drive to remain challenged. You want to do the exact opposite of this to impress Yale admissions.
You’re ready to move out, find your own apartment in New Haven, and begin your adult years, which is understandable, but you’ll need to keep your head in the game unit the very end.
Show a Balance in Academics
Each year of your high-school career should show a balance in academic courses. You should be taking a good mix of science, math, English, social sciences, and even foreign language courses.
Don’t let this keep you from completing your own interests as well. Speak with your school counselor about creating a rigorous schedule that includes all of these courses as we as courses of personal interests.
For example, if you have an interest in photography, you’ll want to take all of your main courses and then join the photography club as well! It’ll look great on your application because it shows that you can do both.
Learn How to Get Into Yale!
Use this guide to learn how to get into Yale before it’s too late! Start preparing your portfolio and courses to ensure that your application is made to impress.
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