There will always be those times when emergencies happen and you need a little extra cash. Maybe your car broke down, you were sick or there are just too many bills at the end of the month. It’s times like these when you need legit payday loans online.
Online payday loans are nice because they’re discreet and you don’t have to walk into a store. They’re fast and everything is spelled out. The problems arise when the payday loan lender may not be honest.
The Internet is filled with sites ready to take your money, so how can you tell the legit payday loans from the scam?
Look for BBB Accreditation for Legit Payday Loans Online
One of the positives of payday loans is they generally have more lax approval standards than a bank would have. They give money to people with bad credit, low income, etc. Before signing on the dotted line, do a little research on the site.
Our take:Lender focused on poor credit, based out of Chicago currently offering loans in 29 statesAPPLY NOWLender: OppLoansCredit ScoreLoan Size/AmountLoan TermAPROrigination Fee350 – 600$500 – $5,0009 – 2459.00% – 199.00%0.00% – 3.00%
Check to see if it’s accredited by the Better Business Bureau or some other business organization. While not being accredited doesn’t mean it’s a scam, accreditation decreases the chances of being a scam dramatically.
It’s important to do your research and check out reviews as well.
Can You Contact Them Directly?
Online payday loans are convenient because many times you don’t have to talk to anyone. You just fill out the information online and approval is done online as well. You never have to talk to anyone, but this can also be a problem.
If something goes wrong, you need something more than an email address. Sites that have only email or a contact form could be not legit. They should have a phone number that you can call and talk to someone directly.
You might want to call it before applying just to make sure it’s not just a recording or a fake number.
Legit Loans Don’t Ask for Money Upfront
What’s the sense of giving a lender money to get a loan? It’s like giving a baker a loaf of bread to buy a loaf of bread. If you had the money, you wouldn’t need the money.
Our take:Online marketplace to find you a personal loan offer that matches your needsAPPLY NOWCredit ScoreLoan Size/AmountLoan TermAPROrigination FeeAll can apply$100 – $15,0001 – 605.99% – 35.99%Varies by lender
This is one of the biggest red flags for an unscrupulous payday lender. You shouldn’t need to provide any money upfront before getting your loan.
Makes Sure Fees and Charges Are Well Explained
Whether you’re signing the contract online or printing them out, there is always a lengthy contract that goes over all the interest rates, payments, etc. It’s important to take notice of this and understand them.
Payday loans are short term, so they charge high-interest rates. Don’t choose a lender if they aren’t upfront with the fees and conditions. This is a scam tactic because they’re trying to provide excessive fees without you knowing.
Payday Loans Are Worth the Research
When you need a small amount of money for an emergency, payday loans are a good alternative. You want to find legit payday loans online so you get a fair deal. Follow these tips and your money will be quickly transferred to your bank account.
For more information about payday and installment loans, please explore our site.