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Elon Musk has done a tremendous service to Environmentalists in redefining what it means to care about the environment and get paid well for it.

Environmentalists previously may have had a counter-cultural image of tree-hugging, VW-van living, Woodstock-attending, types that would go to protests, strikes, and sit in an ocean raft to protest oiling, whale harpooning, and the Vietnam war.

New Environmentalists + Entrepreneurs = Ecopreneurs, has these kinds of visions:

Photo by Victor on Unsplash

Fortunately, Elon came from South Africa and was inspired by engineering and science fiction, so he was free from those preconceived notions, and instead sought to create positive disruptive wonder in the world, similar to Walt Disney.

He simply looks at the big trends, gathers the skills and talents needed to create a more innovative technology business people would prefer to use, and then cashes in.

Taking this same approach, it’s clear that now is the tipping point where the older generation is finally realizing their mistakes, caving in, and saying ok, we really do need to stop the expensive wars, stop the polluting, and stop all the destructive ways, and start investing in better ways too.

The $2 trillion and 20 years spent on Afghanistan, America could have instead solved climate change by now, by investing in renewable energy infrastructure at home. Just a bunch of solar panels and grid upgrades would be a huge help.

Photo by American Public Power Association on Unsplash 

Now, we’ll have to invest more and go faster, as if we’re running late to catch a flight at the airport.

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash

The cost of the climate disasters are mounting into the billions every year, lives are being lost and hundreds of millions of lives in low-lying island areas, are at stake with rapid sea level rise due to significant global warming and ice melts.

Photo by jcob nasyr on Unsplash

With all this despair, it’s easy to sit back, do nothing, and watch our house burn down. But the trouble is, it’s our one and only house, and letting our house burn down isn’t an option if you want to have a brighter future.

Just like investing today pays compound dividends tomorrow, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the 2nd best time is now.

Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

While the wealthy are looking towards technology to try to save us, that’s only because they want to control the patents and become rich from the tech. In reality, we have the power to make three powerful fundamental shifts:

  1. Just 2% of households have solar. Why rent (i.e. throw away your money to dirty coal fired power plants) when you can buy and own your own clean energy? If you’re part of the 98% of the market, get solar, it’s worth it, and it’ll protect you from the constant price increases and inflation from your utility company.
  2. Just 2% of car owners own an EV. Why complain about rising gas prices, when instead, you could fill up on free sunlight from your own solar everyday at the convenience of your home? Get a Toyota Prius or Tesla, whatever you can comfortably afford, and sell your combustion clunker.
  3. Just 2% of people make money as an Ecopreneur. Largely because there hasn’t been the right business vehicle to do so yet. Kind of like how it took a Tesla to grow the EV market beyond the Prius, now there’s a way to make money in a way that’s grown as fast as Bitcoin this year, in the green Carbon Credit market trend. With the UN 2030 goals all being directed at Sustainability, and Corporations now being measured on their ESG (Environmental, Societal and Governmental) goals, trillions of dollars will be flowing at the environmental market. Wish you could get in on this action? Now you can, with

Share2Seed is an innovative way that anyone who wants to make an extra income stream online, can easily just plug and play with their own affiliate link, just like Amazon’s Associates program or Patreon.

With the Amazon Associates program, you get paid a tiny commission on products, which creates pollution by the way all the way from generally Asia to your doorstep. Even Amazon doesn’t drive EV vans yet, shame on you Jeff Bezos.

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

Patreon powers creators, who have some unique talent, they give away free content, then upsell premium content, say a guitar music video upsells a guitar lesson online. Cool and all, it’s just you gotta be confident enough in your skills, know what your premium skills are worth, create the premiums, and also keep creating enough value as markets change to keep making money. It’s harder than it seems.

Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

With Share2Seed, you get paid a much bigger commission than Amazon’s Associates program, you contribute financing to our tree planting partners to remove emissions from the air, the premiums are provided for you, and they’re on a recurring basis, meaning consistent, reliable cash flow, that you can grow on a compound basis.

Photo by Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash

All that’s left for you to do is do what you already do, grow your following online by posting to social media, with a twist: focus your content creation on educating and inspiring people to do just like in this article, be pro-nature, be the change we wish to see in the world, a healthy environment, where people, plants, animals and sea life don’t have to constantly fear for their lives and live in harmony with all, safe to eat, enjoy, play, love and co-exist together. Isn’t that a better sounding future you want too?

Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash