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When we need help fighting a physical or mental health issue, most physicians begin treatment by considering pharmaceutical drugs that may alleviate our symptoms. Similarly, when we are not feeling well, we often look to over the counter drugs, dietary supplements, or even recreational drugs, alcohol or tobacco to take the edge off the symptoms. However, a primary factor that often goes overlooked by both medical practitioners and patients is the need for neurotoxin removal and detox.

All too often, the dangers of neurotoxin poisoning are ignored by the medical community. Instead, caregivers tend to rely on medications to address symptoms instead of addressing what may be the root cause of the issues. However, neurotoxicity has been shown to be a frequent primary cause of both physical and psychiatric symptoms. As a result, detox from these poisons is a fundamental step towards mental health and wellness.
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What Are Neurotoxins

Simply put, a neurotoxin1 is a toxin capable of destroying the nerve tissue that makes up the nervous system. Neurotoxins are capable of affecting both the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system (all other nerves and ganglia). Neurotoxins can be either man-made or organic and, after exposure occurs, work to kill nerves and severely disrupt the nervous system as a whole. Unfortunately, we are exposed to many neurotoxic substances in our everyday lives. For example, what can seem like a simple food additive for flavor or preservation benefits may act as a toxin that affects how the brain performs. Those especially at risk are young children who do not have the natural ability to detox, and those with genetic predispositions that make them especially sensitive. Neurotoxins are all around us, but this does not mean you need to shelter in your home. Being aware of some common neurotoxins and how to avoid their effects is the first step to neurotoxin removal.

Here is a brief list of neurotoxin sources you might encounter in your daily life:

  • Flame retardants
  • Pesticides
  • Household cleaners
  • Hygiene products and cosmetics
  • Bacteria, parasites, mold, and viruses
  • Toxic metals such as mercury, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, and lead
  • Polluted air
  • Medications, especially psychiatric medications, chemotherapy drugs, and recreational drugs


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How Neurotoxins Affect Us: Does Neurotoxicity Cause Anxiety?

The word “neurotoxicity 2” is the condition in which there is any damage to the brain or nervous system itself due to the toxins listed above. During neurotoxicity, the body’s network of neurotransmitters can be severely affected. Neurotransmitters make up the vast, complicated, chemical messaging system within the body. For some people, it helps to think of them much like an email—when you send an email from your computer to a coworker’s computer to ask them to complete a task, the email travels via the network to its recipient. Cells communicate in a comparable way, sending vital information via chemical messengers to one another through the nervous system.

When these messages are corrupted or nerve tissue is unable to transmit them due to the damage caused by neurotoxins, brain activity is severely disrupted. In addition, these disruptions can affect other body systems via the peripheral nervous system. The result can include psychiatric

issues such as anxiety and depression. In turn, patients may turn to other neurotoxic substances for relief, including prescription pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs that can both compound neurotoxicity and lead to substance dependency.


Is Neurotoxicity Reversable?

So, can you recover from neurotoxicity? Yes and no. People developed a basic understanding of neurotoxicity as early as 18503. Since then, the scientific community has stepped up to create a way to reverse the effects and alleviate the problems associated with neurotoxicity. However, sometimes permanent damage has occurred before steps are taken to reverse neurotoxicity. The likelihood of severe damage depends on several factors, including the neurotoxin involved, time of exposure, and strength of exposure. In addition, the effects of a neurotoxin depend on the unique individual exposed—some people carry a genetic sensitivity to neurotoxins in much the same way some people are allergic to peanuts.

Abstinence is a key first step to reverse the effects of neurotoxicity, alleviate your symptoms, and allow your brain to begin healing naturally. Another step involves detoxing, in which medical professionals apply certain therapies to increase the rate of the removal of neurotoxins from the body. In the end, the answer to “can you recover from neurotoxicity?” is a bit different for everyone depending on the ultimate recovery goal.


Neurotoxin Release Detox

Like any detox, a neurotoxin release detox involves the gradual elimination of the toxin from the subject. First, if the individual is currently taking neurotoxic medications or other neurotoxic substances, a physician will supervise their discontinued use. Next, lab testing is necessary, because the medical professionals conducting the detox must know which neurotoxins are involved, the length of exposure, and your current health level.

This is for the professional’s edification and your own safety. While neurotoxin release detox therapies are not hazardous on their face, each person is different and has their own unique sensitivities and health issues. For this reason, any facility providing a detox should require a comprehensive medical evaluation and lab testing beforehand to build a clear picture of each patient.

How Do You Get Toxic Chemicals Out of Your Body?

After testing is complete and you are deemed a good fit for detox, the process can begin.

Depending on your needs, you can expect some or all of the following elements as a part of your detox program:


Physical activity is a healthy practice regardless of your situation, but it becomes even more important in a detox environment. On a cellular level, detoxing can occur concurrently with increased physical activity because the lungs and kidneys can perform their work more efficiently. To help the body achieve a natural detox of the body on an average day with the average person’s metabolism, the heart rate must increase or double for at least 12 minutes. Because there are more than the normal number of neurotoxins in our patients, we require 8 extra minutes of a doubled heart rate to achieve maximum results.


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Like exercise, adequate water consumption is a necessity for any human being. In a detox situation, however, water is crucial to help the kidneys process toxins4 and encourage their replacement with naturally occurring nutrients. In particular, a Kagen water unit can help by increasing the alkalinity of the water itself. We also implement a Nikken filtration system that filters out toxins and adds minerals and ions.

Drink Water

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When used in conjunction with increased exercise and water intake, the process of sweating through the skin can be helpful to detox the body of certain neurotoxins, especially heavy metals. The act of sweating can also take some of the burden off the kidneys and liver, our body’s natural filtration system that can become overwhelmed by neurotoxins.


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Glutathione5 is a very powerful antioxidant essential to the body. Not only does it help the body eliminate neurotoxins, but it can also protect against radiation poisoning and toxicity. To avoid the use of needles, we nebulize (or vaporize) glutathione treatments, allowing the antioxidants to travel directly into the bloodstream without injections.


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Developed in ancient China to alleviate the symptoms of many medical ailments, acupuncture is still used around the world today. At ATMC, we have adopted this method in our practice to help our patients detox from neurotoxin exposure. Acupuncture deals with a system of 14 meridians, or pathways, in the body. When these pathways are blocked or congested, it is essential to clear the obstructions to avoid or heal disease or injuries. This careful use of thin, heated needles has been shown to improve nerve signaling.6


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What some people might view as a treat, we view as a healing practice. While massage on its own may help with detoxification, it is an “add on” to our overall program to remove toxins from the body by helping improve circulation. Massage may also help normalize oxygen levels and improve colon, kidney, and liver health, allowing these organs to perform their job of naturally detoxing the body. A relaxed body with relaxed muscles and a calm mind can only help speed the process.


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Unfortunately, many of the foods we put in our bodies can cause neurotoxicity. However, many other foods may aid in improving the overall health of the mind and body, freeing us from the burden of neurotoxins much more quickly. With that in mind, every meal eaten by neurotoxin detox patients should be nutritious and toxin-free. While weight loss is not a guarantee, with improved diet and exercise, many detox patients achieve a healthier weight. For a more comprehensive look at each of these elements, visit our practice page.


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Proven Results from Real People

Our clients’ success stories demonstrate the freedom that can occur once you are free from the damage of neurotoxins. In turn, these success stories fuel us to work even harder for each of our patients.

Here are just a few:

“Now when my boyfriend and I go home, we have the strength, the will and the mind power that we need to just say “NO” to using drugs and to feel really good about it too. We finally will be able to begin our life together, clear-minded and clean so we will be able to make the right choices. One day we desire to have children of our own and to teach this healthy, happy way of life to them, too, so they won’t ever go through the heartache of drug addictions like we have. I have definitely learned so much being here and will definitely take all the knowledge I’ve learned back home and try to help others learn how they can live a positive, happy life and reassure them that they do not need “happy pills” in order to feel good; this can naturally happen.” – Anonymous

“I obtained a Suboxone prescription from a doctor, and then tried to go through opiate medication detox at home on my own. For around 25 days I remained clean, but was overwhelmed with anxiety and depression; components of long-term withdrawal symptoms from opiates. – Anonymous

When I started the program, these symptoms were still present. Approximately eleven days after beginning the program, I started to notice a substantial change in my mood along with a very clear mind. No longer do I sit around and worry about my past or future; now I am able to “be in the present moment” and get the most enjoyment out of my current situation.” – Anonymous

“So—yeah, I believe in the ATMC program, the supplements they use, and the nutrition are huge factors in feeling good. When I came here, I weighed 245 and I’m now at 219 feeling much better. The chef really has the program down pat. I have learned the tools from him that I can take home so that my family can also live a healthier life that is less weighed down. Along with nutrition is exercise, which I think is one of the biggest keys to feeling good. – Anonymous

Basically, I must thank everyone for helping me get back into tip top shape and getting that huge burden off my back. I do not ever want to be sick from dope again and think that is enough alone to keep me away from Oxycontin, ‘the devil.’” – Anonymous


Get the Help You Deserve Today

Whether you are struggling with an ongoing substance use disorder, depression, anxiety, or other health problems caused by neurotoxins, the professionals at Alternative to Meds Center (ATMC) are here to help you rid your body of these toxins and move towards a healthier, more fulfilled life. We give our clients the processes necessary to begin detox and equip our clients with the tools and education needed to continue achieving results in their day-to-day lives.

If you’d like to learn more about neurotoxins and the detox process or simply just speak to one of our compassionate, helpful staff, contact us today. We hope to provide the answers you’re seeking so you can live your best life today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your days.