

At Serenity Light Recovery, we are 12-step based, but understand that there are multiple paths to recovery. Because not one size fits all, we provide our clients with options to by offering supplemental education on multiple addiction recovery programs such as; the 12 Steps, Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery and more.


The 12-step program is tried and true and was developed as guidelines to help alcoholics and addicts overcome their addiction. The 12-steps were originally created by Alcoholics Anonymous, but have been adopted as the foundation for other 12-step programs, such as NA, CA, CMA, etc. These steps involve an admission that we are powerless over our addiction, recognition of a higher power as a source of strength, examination of our past mistakes and making amends for them, learning to live by a new code of ethics, and helping others who suffer from this disease. Also check out the AA website.


A Christ-centered recovery program that utilizes the actual words of Jesus and scripture rather than the psychological approach. Celebrate Recovery’s 8 Principles are similar to the 12 Steps but have a Biblical teaching base. This approach helps one overcome the “hurts, habits and hang-ups” of their past addiction and lead the individual to live a life of sobriety through the loving power of Jesus Christ. Check out the Celebrate Recovery Website.


This program utilizes a scientific approach, as opposed to the spiritual approach of the 12 steps and Celebrate Recovery. SMART Recovery’s 4-Point program teaches behavior modification by increasing self-reliance, rather than focusing on powerlessness. The 4-Points include building and maintaining motivation, coping with urges, managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and living a balanced life. Check out the Smart Recovery Website.


Dual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorders, indicates the presence of both a mental illness and substance use disorder. Treating co-occurring disorders involves addressing both disorders at the same time. While many facilities specialize in treating either mental illness or substance use, it is now known that an integrated approach is crucial. Mental illness can be a contributing factor in relapse and therefore must be addressed, in order to achieve long-term recovery. When individuals are not balanced, the risk of relapse increases greatly.


When someone is struggling with both variables of mental illness and addiction, it can be a challenge to identify what to treat first. Individuals who are dealing with mental health issues tend to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol, in order to cope with the symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other diagnoses. It is important to identify any medications, if needed, and integrate approaches to identify symptom management. During treatment at Serenity Light Recovery, our professional staff will assist you in assessing and evaluating symptoms, and provide the client with appropriate interventions to focus on the goal of stabilization.

Here at Serenity Light Recovery, we understand the importance of addressing issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and attention deficit issues. When treated at the same time as the addiction, risk factors for relapse are significantly reduced. Our program incorporates coping skills and techniques to manage both substance use disorder, as well as mental illness.


Psychotherapy has long been utilized as the first defense in combating trauma. Oftentimes, when we hear the word “trauma,” we almost immediately think about our Veterans returning from war, the sexual assault victim we saw on the news, or the child abused by their parents. While these are all examples of trauma, many of us experience trauma to a lesser degree and do not realize it, all the while suffering the intense effects the trauma has on our minds and bodies.

If left untreated, trauma can have intense effects on our daily lives and our ability to cope with everyday situations. Trauma is experiential, however, it exists at a neurological level, changing our brain chemistry and altering our ability to evaluate danger and safety, thus causing one to live in a constant state of fight or flight. Living in this state is exhausting, and depletes our energy and ability to complete required tasks for daily living.


22-43% of people living with PTSD have a lifetime prevalence rate of substance use disorders, and the rate for veterans is as high as 75% (Jacobsen, Southwick, & Kosten, 2001).

Research shows that individuals with PTSD and substance use disorders have a more difficult time in achieving long-term sobriety, as well as an increased struggle in healing the traumatic memories. Drugs and alcohol provide an instantaneous relief from the persistent anxiety and flashbacks, all the while increasing other psychological, physical, and spiritual maladies.

Our efforts to cope by using mood-altering substances end up pulling the structure down around us, leaving us feeling vulnerable and sometimes hopeless. Not to worry there is hope. Recovery from trauma and addiction are possible. Here at Serenity Light Recovery, we will walk this path with you. Our staff is highly trained in the treatment of trauma, and we understand the importance addressing both the substance abuse as well as the trauma.


At Serenity Light Recovery, we utilize EMDR to assist clients in breaking the bondage of their pasts. While at Serenity Light Recovery, you will have the option to utilize these services through our Houston addiction treatment programs.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy created by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980’s aimed at healing and relieving the emotional distress that is related to experiencing traumatic events. As stated, trauma is stored on a neurological level and must be processed in the body and the mind. This therapy utilizes eye movements (bilateral stimulation) to desensitize traumatic material while reorganizing, integrating, and digesting the disturbing material.

EMDR does not change one’s memories. However, it can change your beliefs, feelings, and thoughts regarding yourself and the memory. For example, an abuse victim may start by believing, “I deserved it, and it’s my fault.” But at the end of treatment may believe, “No one deserves this, I was only a child.” This evidenced-based practice allows the past to stay in the past, leading the client to experience a sense of completion and control.

EMDR can be used to treat:

  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Grief and loss
  • Depression
  • Addiction and cravings
  • Anger
  • Phobias
  • Performance anxiety
  • Sleep problems
  • Feelings of worthlessness/low self-esteem


For addicts and alcoholics, temptations to use are inevitable. Serenity Light Recovery’s SCARS Trigger Awareness Program is one-of-a-kind and uniquely tailored to help our clients develop appropriate reactions when faced with everyday triggers that may prompt an urge to use. SCARS stands for Stimulate, Cues, Acknowledging, Relapse, Signs and Stressors. Scars are once open wounds that have healed and been replaced by scar tissue. Scar tissue, although grisly, is stronger than the wound it has replaced. Each scar has a story to tell and when it heals it makes us tougher.

Triggers are essentially scars of memories of our past. They are barriers to staying sober, as they tend to provoke cravings. As addicts and alcoholics it is important that we recognize what our triggers are, and how they affect us. Triggers can be caused by external stimuli, such as a color, smell, object, music etc. As well as internal feelings such as sadness, anger, stress, anxiety and even positive emotions.

By building a strong awareness of one’s self and environment, our clients can address the impact that triggers have on their life and their sobriety, while processing through their feelings in a safe and clinically supervised environment. Through creative art expression, chemical dependency education, and group processing, our clients will take a look at various triggering obstacles, and discuss what they are feeling and why they see these objects, or feelings, as provoking. This provides a safe way to navigate past these emotions to gain awareness and self-control, by creating healthy coping skills for triggers.

This program is a healing and strengthening process. It allows each individual a safe and creative environment to work through and overcome the paralyzing mental and physical actions that come from substance abuse disorders. The essence of our SCARS trigger awareness program is to improve the quality of life.


Massage therapy is one of the many holistic methods that Serenity Light Recovery offers. Our on-staff Licensed Massage Therapist provides traditional massage therapy sessions. They also utilize the techniques of Swedish Relaxation, Deep Tissue, and Sports Massage with an optional aromatherapy. Massage therapy has a list of scientifically proven healing benefits. The benefits not only enhance physical wellbeing but mental health as well.

Mental Benefits of Therapeutic Massage:

  • Fosters peace of mind
  • Improves symptoms for a variety of psychological disorders
  • Enhances capacity for calm thinking and creativity
  • Fosters a feeling of well-being
  • Soothes depression and anxiety
  • Increases your mood, intellectual reasoning, and overall alertness

Physical Benefits of Therapeutic Massage:

  • Helps improve posture
  • Helps relieve joint and muscle tension
  • Reduces muscular pain, spasms, and/or cramps
  • Helps relieve migraine pain and tension-related headaches
  • Helps move toxins out of the body
  • Reduces stress hormones
  • Aids in boosting the body’s immune system to help fight off illnesses
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Improved quality of sleep



Start Today by Calling 855.658.6109

To learn more about Serenity Light Recovery and how our Houston addiction treatment programs can help you, reach out today. Call now at 855-658-6109 to speak with one of our addiction specialists and begin your journey.