Website copy

There are currently over 1.7 billion websites (and counting!) online today. With so many different options for consumers, it’s important your site stands out on search engines like Google. Otherwise, your would-be customers will end up choosing a competitor.

So how do you stand out online? With wow-worthy website copy, you can improve your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO). As your search engine ranking improves, you’ll appear before a competitor.

In addition to getting the primetime spot on search engines (especially Google), a higher ranking can also improve your company’s credibility.

Ready for that boost? Here are the SEO writing techniques you need to succeed!

Writing good website copy

1. Start with Research

The first step to a strong SEO strategy is to know your audience. If you don’t know what your ideal customer is searching for, you can’t optimise your writing for their interests.

SEO writing depends on user intent and keyword use. User intent indicates what your reader hoped to find when they started to search. The keywords they used to search also need to appear within your content.

You can use tools like Semrush, Google Trends, and Google Planner to start researching customers.

Don’t forget to speak with the customers you already have! They can provide valuable information about the content they hope to find on your website.


2. Keep Up with Keywords

During your research, start developing a list of keywords. Then, you can create topics that revolve around these keywords.

During your research stage, feel free to take a look at what works for your competitors. What topics and keywords did they rank highest for?

Build your brand credibility by showing readers you can provide them with unique, valuable information. To do so, consider covering topics your competitors already wrote about. Then, put your personal spin on it.


3. Love Your Landing Pages

Create SEO landing pages that are tailored to attract visitors based on a specific keyword. Each landing page should remain focused on a single keyword. These pages can include blog posts or internal site pages.

As you write the website copy, make sure to include the keyword in the:

  • Page title
  • URL
  • Opening paragraph
  • Closing paragraph
  • A header
  • Image alt tags

However, it’s important not to overstuff your website copy with keywords. Otherwise, your site could receive a penalty for blackhat SEO tactics.


4. Use the Inverted Pyramid

Start by writing your conclusion. What solution are you trying to provide readers?

Then, use the inverted pyramid writing structure to keep readers engaged.

Your website should start with a strong lead paragraph. This paragraph includes a statement readers will agree with. For example, they might share a common problem.

Then, offer a promise. What solution can you offer to their problem?

The next paragraph provides a preview of what’s to come within the article.

Using the inverted pyramid will keep readers on the page.


5. Know the Answer

When we need an answer to a question, we use a search engine. Your customers do the same thing. To match your content for user intent, you need to know what questions your customers are asking.

By 2020, 50% of all searches will occur through voice assistants like Siri or Alexa. To respond to this trend, write with customers in mind. What questions are they asking?

Then, cover the question and answer in your website copy.

Writing based on these questions can help you appear in the “People also asked” section at the top of a search page.


6. Step Up Secondary Keywords

To cover the keywords consumers are searching, you can also use secondary keywords within your content. These keywords are relevant alternatives to your main target keyword.

Sprinkle these secondary keywords into your SEO copy to improve your chances of ranking.


7. Don’t Fear Featured Snippets

Google’s featured snippets provide answers directly within the search engine. This content includes quick answers, lists, recipes, and videos.

Content that appears in a snippet is more prominent on a search page.

Format your website copy with these snippets in mind to rank.


8. Attract the Eye

What’s the first thing people see on a search page? Most people skim headlines. Since more than 50% of website traffic starts with a search engine, you’ll want your headline to stand out.

Create headlines that include your keyword, entice people to click on it, and set expectations.

Try surprising your readers with sensationalism, adding humour, or using power words like “Best.” Keep it short and use action words to pack a punch!


9. Make it Meta

Your meta description appears beneath the headline. It provides readers with a summary of the content.

Update your meta descriptions to provide information and entice readers to click on your post. A strong meta description is short, sparks curiosity, and persuades readers to learn more. Make sure to include your keyword here as well!


10. Strengthen, Start to Finish

After the headline and meta description draw them in, the first sentence needs to pack a punch. Entice people to keep reading by fueling their curiosity. Pose a question or display empathy about a problem they’re experiencing.

You can also use statistics to demonstrate your credibility.

Make sure the website copy matches your SEO headline and meta description. Everything should flow.

Then, finish up with a strong call-to-action (CTA). Your CTA can encourage people to subscribe, comment, or contact you. That way, your website copy leads to conversions!


11. Think About Format

Is your content easy to read? To improve readability (and your SEO ranking), make these updates to your website copy:

  • Break your content into subheadings
  • Use numbered lists and bullet points
  • Get people to stop skimming by using images, charts, or pull quotes
  • Simplify the content where you can

Improving the format will keep people on the page longer. The longer they stay on the page, the lower your bounce rate. A lower bounce rate and higher clickthrough rate will also help to improve your search engine ranking.


Superpowered SEO: 11 Steps for Stronger Website Copy

Strengthen your website copy and pack a punch! With these 11 tips, you can attract more site traffic. Then, you can turn that traffic into sales!

Need help? Contact our team today for a free quote!