Smart business owners are now looking to alternative funding methods to secure the capital they need to grow their business.

Protecting Your Business In 2020

History has a tendency to repeat itself, and this screams bad news to thousands of small business owners in America who have not prepared for this recession.

Many unprepared companies will struggle, or worse, completely run out of business.

The 2008 financial crisis was the biggest recession since the Great Depression, and the impact of its disaster was not spread equally…

Small businesses were hit the hardest.

At the peak of the crash, small businesses had lost 60% of their jobs, while large companies only lost 20% and were able to recover much more quickly.

It is much harder for small businesses to sustain themselves while the economy is in shambles.

The big banking corporations were the cause of all of this chaos, yet were able to push their losses onto the middle class.

Some of the most honest, hard-working business owners were screwed over by these greedy bankers.

“My father was a commercial real estate agent and my mom ran a daycare business. My dad’s income dropped by 75% and my mom went out of business. Both of these contributed to their eventual divorce. They also had to sell their house at a loss. The crash tore apart our family.” – Kevin R, Pennsylvania

Families like Kevin were being torn apart and forced to make difficult decisions, like selling their home, just so they could survive.

It is nerve-wracking to know that this happened to thousands of American families and that it WILL happen again this year.

One simple yet disturbing website can convince you why this financial crisis will be worse than in 2008…

You read that right, $26 Trillion in debt. The culprit for the inevitable crash of our market, again, isn’t even shown on this image.

The mortgage debt and the student loan deficit mixed with this virus will be the “housing market” of the next crash.

It’s disgraceful that big banks allow this to happen, they just do not care about us business owners or our families…

Something could have been done to prevent these families from dealing with so much pain.

A common trend was found among the small businesses that struggled during this time…

They all fell victim to the threat of under-capitalization.

They did not get the funding they needed from banks in the years leading up to prepare for the financial crisis.

Lack of funding and preparation for disaster is what ultimately led to their demise.

US business owners are quickly realizing that relying on banks to lend them money is hopeless.

Click here to see if you qualify for alternative funding

It is important for business owners to act now, before it is too late, to get the funding they need to expand and protect their business.

Access to credit for small businesses was severely constrained during the crisis, with small business loans falling sharply.

Startup companies saw a decline because it was more difficult to receive funding from big banks.

Many small businesses saw the crash right before it happened and applied to receive funding in order to protect themselves but were turned down because it was too late.

As the market reaches its breaking point, it will become increasingly more difficult to receive business loan funding from banks to protect your business from disaster.

This is why we have decided to partner with the #1 business loan program in the country

With our network of lenders, we are able to help business owners before it is too late.

While most loan companies have pulled back, we are lending MORE in order to help people during these hard times.

More businesses should consider alternative funding if they need to access a large amount of capital fast.

Getting a Business Loan in 2020

It is clear that the only thing small businesses need to prevent disaster is access to working capital to keep the business running in lean times or to buy a much-needed piece of equipment.

The struggle to find capital to expand your business is very real for thousands of small businesses in America.

In this day in age, it is almost impossible for small business owners to simply get a loan from the bank.

The bank loan process can be frustrating… They require 3 years of tax returns and some sort of collateral to simply apply. Big banks want you to put up equity in your home as collateral for a business credit line. This is simply not practical for thousands of homeowners.

Fortunately, there is a way for small businesses to get the loan they need without having to go to the greedy bankers. Learn how thousands of small businesses are qualifying for alternative business loans with us.

Apply for the Alternative Funding Program today

No matter how small or large your business is today, you have a foot in the door when it comes to qualifying for a business loan.

It is a no-brainer for small business owners to take advantage of this offer. The ability to qualify for a loan and receive it in such little time is a game-changer. There is no time limit on how long it takes you to pay back the loan, and there is no banker breathing down your neck waiting for the next payment.

If you are serious about taking your business to the next level, take our quiz to be pre-qualified so we can assure you get the loan you deserve.

Chances are high that if you don’t take action today, you probably never will. That means you will be stuck in the exact situation you are in right now. It doesn’t hurt to explore alternative business financing options.

Our loan specialists are waiting to hear from you on how to transform your business, leave out the greedy bankers, and work directly with people who genuinely care about the success of you and your business.

Click here to see if you qualify for alternative funding

How Do I Find Out if I Qualify?

It’s 100% free to see if you qualify, and takes about one short minute.

Step 1: Click your state on the map to instantly check your eligibility for free

Step 2: Once you go through our short quiz, you will find out if your business qualifies and how much you will save. Many small-business owners qualify for loans without having to go through a long process.

Click here to see if you qualify for alternative funding