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Originally Posted On: Get Inspired To Create With Featured Artist Silvia Logi – Echo Recovery
Meet Silvia Logi. Silvia is self-taught artist from Florence, Italy.
We discovered Silvia on Instagram as we were searching for artists to connect with. Her art caught our eye as it’s unlike anything we’ve seen before. We had to learn more! So, we reached out and Silvia said she was happy to share her story with us and support our mission.
In her words:
“Helping people recover through art is the best use I can think of. Art is the best medicine that humans have!!”
Sbocciare (To Blossom)
Watch this inspirational video that a crew of young film directors from Tennessee made about Silvia in 2013. They traveled all the way from Nashville to Florence, Italy to meet her in her home and studio to tell her story… which you’ll discover is the story of a self-taught artist that invented her own language, her own process and followed her heart to discover a unique way to express herself through art.
Artist Silvia Logi’s Bio and Story
I am an Italian artist, born and still living and working in beautiful Firenze (Florence, Italy).
My artistic path began after a very inspiring trip to Barcelona. Immediately after that trip I put together my first technique and started to create in a constant flow. The original idea was to create using natural elements mixed with precious (for me!) recycled objects. I have always remained faithful to this first creative intuition despite the great evolution in technique and materials that has happened over these 14 years of activity.
I love the work I have created because it allows me great freedom of expression by combining the beauty of the natural element with a sense of responsibility for the environment. It helps me to find a balance and harmony within myself too, which I see then reflected in my works as well.
Thanks to social networks and Internet, I made my work known around the world in a few years with the great joy of having sold to places I never imagined. For several years I have also had many requests to teach my various mosaic and assemblage techniques and finally back in September 2018 I moved to a large studio where I can also constantly carry out the activity of workshops for adults and children together with my normal production of art pieces.
Today, I sell directly in my studio, in Art Galleries and online through my website and social page
It’s Never To Late To Start
What I really want to prove to people is that art can start at any time in live. I am proof, I think! I started at age 35 as a small-town woman with a husband and two kids. Today I am still all of these things, but I am also an artist.
Art is waiting for you, for you all, at any stage of life. I really think it’s never too late to begin… and I hope you will.