ReSTART Resources is excited to announce that their new app is now available for download in the Itunes App Store and Google Play. The ReSTART app was created for individuals transitioning back into society after incarceration or rehabilitation. The goal of this app is to connect users to the support and resources they need to successfully break the negative cycle of addiction and incarceration.
Winnipeg, Canada, 28 July 2022 — According to a study completed by Public Safety Canada, even though 50 percent of former offenders report finding employment, most are underemployed. Employment and support systems play a significant role in desistance, but life can quickly become a struggle when you can’t find a job or you don’t have a support system after getting released from prison.
There’s a significant need for tools and resources that help this population find the second chance they need to be productive members of society. That’s where ReSTART Resources enters the playing field.
ReSTART resources is a new app on the market dedicated to helping the formerly incarcerated break the negative cycle of addiction and incarceration. No matter your starting point, ReSTART can help you discover ways to improve and succeed in your life. According to Chris Hagidiakow, the creator of the app, “In many cases when people relapse, it is because they haven’t reached out for support or they don’t know where to go to receive the support they need before it happens.”
With this in mind, he created the ReSTART App as a marketplace of resources, with a wide range of information that helps individuals, nonprofits and charities alike engage with their community effectively so they can achieve their missions and increase their positive impact. The many local resources found in the App will enable users to connect with employment opportunities, mental health resources, support groups, recovery meetings, parenting, free activities, housing, and much more.
According to Hagidiakow, “I understand what it is like to feel as if there is no hope and things will not change. I have struggled with what you are going through. I am here to tell you that people do care. ReSTART is my way of giving back and guiding you to a life of fulfillment.”
Released on June 14, 2022, you can now find ReSTART free to download in the iTunes App Store and on Google Play. If you’re committed to making the most of your second chance, it’s a resource you don’t want to miss out on.
About ReSTART Resources:
ReSTART Resources is an app created by Chris Hagidiakow. He spent years in and out of jail and battling addiction. Today he runs a sober living home for people recently released from prison or mental health facilities.
He credits his recovery to his support system and wants to help others find that same support. ReSTART Resources is committed to helping people break the negative cycle and transition back into society with the support and resources they need.
Contact Information:
To learn more about ReSTART Resources, contact:
Chris Hagidiakow
Winnipeg, Canada
Phone number: (204)228-7285
Email: [email protected]