Drug Addiction Treatment Center in OregonPhoto by Itay Kabalo

Originally Posted On: https://www.sunstonerecovery.com/oregon-substance-abuse-treatment-programs/drug-addiction-treatment-center-bend-or/


If mental health concerns and/or addiction is sacrificing the quality of your life, it’s time to consider finding help. You could undergo therapy at a drug addiction treatment center in Bend OR that can guide you towards a healthier future. At Sunstone Recovery, we have the programs and services necessary to fight addiction and make a full rehabilitation.

Drug Addiction Treatment to Fight Substance Abuse

Addiction is a serious problem that occurs over a time of extended substance abuse. Repeated use leads to increased tolerance, and from there, dependency and full-blown addiction are possible.

Addiction is a disease, and like other diseases, it requires professional attention. You might want to get clean, but when withdrawal symptoms hit, your commitment to sobriety may begin to waver. Addiction also causes strong and recurring urges to seek and abuse. These urges will not ever fully go away, but treatment can help you learn to resist them.

If your problem with substance abuse has escalated into addiction, you need to find help at a quality drug addiction treatment center in Bend OR. At Sunstone Recovery, we can help you manage withdrawal and prepare for treatment. Additionally, we can create an individual therapy treatment plan with your specific recovery needs in mind.

Components of a Successful Recovery

Real recovery from substance abuse won’t happen overnight or even on any set timeline. It will take time and dedication on your part, plus certain recovery therapies and programs. Each person has their own set of unique needs during rehab, but there are certain programs and services that can make your transition into sobriety smoother.

During your time at a drug addiction treatment center in Bend OR, your overall health and progress will be monitored closely. If you suffer from any kind of underlying emotional disorder, such as depression or bipolar disorder, you could benefit from Dual Diagnosis Therapy. This kind of treatment works by addressing the symptoms of addiction and any behavioral issues, simultaneously. If you don’t seek dual treatment for both problems, you’ll remain at high risk for future relapse and further psychological issues.

Addiction Therapy will also be an important part of your experience at a drug addiction treatment center in Bend OR. If you abuse drugs or alcohol in order to deal with past trauma or some unresolved issues, therapy can help you make a breakthrough. You must address your personal problems and learn healthier coping skills if you expect to maintain your sobriety once treatment is complete.

Find Help at Our Drug Addiction Treatment Center in Bend OR

If you’re ready to focus on your health and recovery, consider enrolling at Sunstone Recovery in Bend OR. Our Oregon rehab center has the tools and services that are needed to make great changes. Our assortment of programs and therapies can help you get back on your feet and headed towards a sober future.

For example, drug addiction treatment at Sunstone may include:

Take a Chance On Yourself

Don’t let addiction rob any more time or happiness from you. You can begin working towards a dramatic lifestyle change at Sunstone Recovery in Bend, OR. If you’re ready to commit to getting sober and adopting new habits, our team of professionals are eager to offer you their continuous support and knowledge. To learn more about how our personalized treatment options can help you, call us at 8558339199.