Park Ridge, IL, February 24, 2022— Dream Exchange’s partnership with DX Capital Partners has made Dream Exchange the first majority black-owned company to operate a stock exchange in the history of the United States. DX Capital Partners is led by Managing Member Dwain J. Kyles, an entrepreneur who is no stranger to improving conditions for the underserved. Kyles is the son of Samuel “Billy” Kyles, the Civil Rights icon and close associate of Martin Luther King.

Dream Exchange plans to open during the coming year. The CEO and Founder, Joe Cecala, will be hosting a free webinar along with Dwain Kyles on Monday February 28, 2022, at 6:30PM EST titled “The Future of Real Wealth: A Small Business Stock Exchange.”

In 2015, Joe Cecala, Founder and CEO of Dream Exchange, began to research the capital marketplace and found that a significant reason for the IPO market decline was the development of high-frequency electronic trading which made small IPOs less profitable for large investment banks and stock exchanges. The result was a steep decline in the number of IPOs in the $50 million and under range. According to a Treasury Department task force on IPOs, at one time in the late 1990’s, $50 million IPOs made up over 70% of all IPO, today that segment makes up just 20-30%. Cecala understood that this problem affected people from every sector of our society. In fact, 92% of all jobs created within a company are created after the company conducts an IPO.

Cecala’s solution was to create legislation to alter the market structure and to invent a new type of stock exchange designed for small-to-medium-sized businesses. Coined “venture exchanges” this stock exchange, once developed, will be a catalyst for job growth, and wealth creation.

Partnering with DX Capital Partners allows for the expansion of the Dream Exchange’s scope to not only help small businesses access the capital they need for growth but to also address the lack of representation that underserved entrepreneurial communities face and help them gain meaningful access to public capital markets.

Dwain Kyles, said, “The Dream Exchange is the best chance that I’ve seen in my lifetime for really helping other people achieve their dreams for their families, for themselves and for their community. It just has not existed before.”

Joe Cecala, Founder and CEO of Dream Exchange said, “The historic nature of this partnership with DX Capital Partners allows the Dream Exchange to really fulfill its original mission to create access to capital markets for people of all communities.” 

Contact Info:

[email protected]
Dream Exchange (312 235 6752) ext. 1005