
Despite how stressful and exhausting it is, 40 million Americans move every year.

To keep moving stress down, one must learn how to prepare to move out. As any seasoned mover will tell you, it’s a bit of an art.

But the task is not as daunting if you go in with a plan. There will be fewer oversights, and you will feel more at peace with the process.

You’ll be surprised at how much easier moving is if you put in some prep work beforehand.  Keep reading to learn how to prepare to move.

Get Organized

Whether you consider yourself a planner or not, you need to become one when you move. Not only do you need a plan, but you need to stick to it as well.

Buy a binder or, if you prefer, create a folder on your computer to keep track of valuable information. Keep all your moving checklists in one place, so you know where they are when you need them. Keep track of receipts, documents, and contracts you’ll need during the move.

Hire the Right Company

Are you planning on using a moving company to assist in your move? You’re in good company as over 550,000 Americans use moving services every year.

Movers will handle the grunt work and back-breaking labor. You will feel much less stress when you know that your home goods are in experienced hands.

Remember to ask for quotes from several different companies before making your decision. We also recommend reading online reviews before signing any contracts.

Forward Your Mail

You’ll need to go to your local post office to get your mail forwarded before moving to your new address. Or, if you’re handy with the internet, you can do this all online.

Forwarding your mail ensures you won’t miss out on parcels or bills. It’s hard enough to keep track of everything when you move (even with a binder). Mail forwarding saves you from having to track down your mail while you’re already stressed.

Transfer Utilities & Similar Services

You’re going to need your utilities on at your new place when you arrive. To avoid being in the dark, call the utility companies well in advance. If you wait until the last minute, they may not be able to send someone out right away.

Don’t forget about your cable and internet providers, too.

If you have a security system, the providers will need to know your moving in date. Security alarms are something you don’t want to wait to reconnect.

Don’t Spend Money on Boxes

If you’re preparing to move out on a budget, don’t spend a dime on boxes. Search your local Craigslist ads or online garage sales for used moving boxes. Many big-box retailers will hold boxes for you if you call and ask, too.

The best place to find great moving boxes for free is from furniture stores. Their boxes are often huge and sturdy, just what you might need for your move.

How to Prepare to Move Made Easy

Now that you know simple steps on how to prepare to move, get to it. Start with creating your planning binder and commit to not deviating from it. Use online checklists to keep yourself on the right path when it gets down to the wire.

Check out our Lifestyle section for more Home & Design tips. We’ll give you all the pointers you need to make your new home a sanctuary.