LocksPhoto From Carkeyssanantoniotx

Originally Posted On: https://carkeyssanantoniotx.com/changing-locks-on-new-house/


Every year, about 40 million Americans move into new homes, condos, and apartments. Before getting settled in, a lot of them go through the process of changing the locks.

Changing locks on a new house is a great way to ensure that it’s every bit as secure as you need it to be. There’s no telling who might have a key to your home if you leave the old locks in place.

But if you’re going to change the locks after buying a house, you should not attempt to do it on your own. Instead, you should hire a residential locksmith to come out and replace your locks for you.

You might be able to save a few bucks by changing the locks on your home yourself. But it could come at a cost if you aren’t 100% sure with regards to what you’re doing.

Here are the many benefits of hiring a professional locksmith to help you with changing locks on a new house.

Allows You to Change Your New Home’s Locks Right Away

When you first move into a new home, there are a bunch of different things that you should do. For example, you should:

  • Put new seats on all the toilets in the home
  • Replace the air filter
  • Paint the walls a new color (it’s always a good idea to do this before bringing all your stuff into your new home!)

But the first thing you should do is go about changing locks on a new house. You shouldn’t put it off any longer than you have to.

The problem, of course, is that there are going to be so many other things that you want to do first. It’s why many homeowners end up putting this job on the back burner and letting it hang in the balance for weeks and even months on end.

Rather than doing this, request the services of a locksmith right away and have them handle changing your locks. They can worry about putting new locks into place while you worry about everything else you have going on.

Prevents You From Having to Waste Time Changing Locks on a New House

Let’s say that you don’t mind trying to tackle the tasks associated with installing new locks on your doors when you first move into a home. After reading a few internet articles on how to install door locks, you decide that you want to take in on yourself.

That’s all well and good, but you’re going to discover that changing locks isn’t as easy as it’s cracked up to be. It can take a homeowner a few hours to do it if they don’t know what they’re doing before they get started.

Do you really want to waste that much time working on changing your locks when there is so much else to do? You won’t have to spend a single second working on your new locks when you hire a professional locksmith to do it.

Ensures You Install High-Quality Locks on Your New Home

Did you know that there are more than 150 companies that manufacture locks for doors these days? The door lock and lockset industry has turned into a bustling business in recent times, bringing in more than $4 billion each year.

This can make it difficult for you to decide which door locks to install on the doors in your new home. There are just so many of them to choose from, and the average homeowner doesn’t always know which brands to trust when shopping for them.

By working with the right residential locksmith, you can ensure that you’re able to get your hands on the most high-quality locks in the industry. You won’t have to be concerned about a locksmithing company using low-quality locks that won’t protect your home as effectively as they should.

Additionally, high-quality locks often come with an extensive warranty that will keep you covered in case you ever experience any issues with them. You’ll sleep better at night in your new home when you know you have these types of locks installed.

Guarantees Your New Locks Get Installed the Right Way

You can spend a small fortune buying up all the best door locks in the business. But what good are they going to do you if they aren’t installed properly right from the very start?

There are some homeowners who, unfortunately, invest in the best door locks and then install them on their own without doing it in the right way. This leaves their homes just as vulnerable as they would be if they had low-quality locks installed on their doors.

This is yet another big problem that you won’t have to worry about facing when you have a reliable residential locksmith on your side. They’ll make sure that your new locks are put in the right way so that they’re able to do their jobs from the beginning.

You should be especially mindful of hiring a locksmith to help you if you go with something like a keyless entry system for your new home. These systems are very convenient, but they’re not going to do you much good if they don’t work like they’re supposed to.

Saves You Money on New Locks

As we mentioned earlier, many homeowners attempt to go about changing locks on a new house to save themselves money. They’re already spending thousands of dollars to move, so they try to cut costs in whatever areas they can.

But oftentimes, these homeowners end up spending more money on locks when everything is all said and done when they install them on their own instead of hiring a locksmith to help.

They pay more for the locks that they put on their doors than they would if they purchased them through a locksmith in many cases. And if they happen to make a mistake when installing a lock, they sometimes have to call and arrange to have locksmith services carried out anyway at some point.

In these instances, people would have been better off calling on a residential locksmith to replace door locks rather than doing it themselves. It’s something to consider if the cost of hiring a locksmith is what concerns you the most.

Offers Increased Protection for Your New Home and Everything in It

At the end of the day, there’s a very simple reason why you’re changing locks on a new house in the first place. You want to protect your family, your personal possessions, and, of course, your new house itself.

We don’t blame you one bit for it. With millions of home burglaries taking place each year, it makes all the sense in the world for you to take every possible precaution when it comes to securing your house.

But if you replace the locks on your new home on your own, there’s always going to be a tiny lingering doubt in the back of your head. You’ll wonder if you did anything during lock installation to compromise the safety of your home.

That doubt will disappear when you have an experienced locksmith install new locks in your home. They’ll make sure that your new locks make your house as secure as it can be.

And if, by some chance, someone does try to break into your new home at some point? A locksmith can help you with that, too. They can set you up with burglary repair damage services and re-secure your home’s exterior door locks in no time.

You and your family will feel safer when you’re in your home when you know a locksmith provided you with the proper services. You can’t put a price tag on that kind of peace of mind.

Gives You an Opportunity to Develop a Working Relationship With a Locksmith

If you live in a home for long enough, there is a good chance that you’ll need to hire a locksmith at one time or another. You’ll have to reach out to a locksmith if you ever:

You could wait until you need one of these services to track down a locksmith in your area. But why wait when you can establish a great working relationship with a locksmith now?

You’ll know who to call the next time you need a locksmith to perform services for you. You won’t have to spend a ton of time sifting through your options when you’ve already got the name and phone number of a locksmith company stored in your phone.

This will come in handy for anyone out there who ever needs emergency locksmith services performed. The last thing you want to do is be panicking when you need a locksmith to come to your home right away.

By changing locks on a new house, you can find a locksmith that you can work with for many years to come. You’ll know who to get on the phone if an issue with your home’s locks ever pops up out of the blue.

Prevents Your Move From Being Even More Stressful Than It Could Be

Moving into a new home is a very exciting time for people. But it’s also super stressful and can take a huge toll on a person’s mental health if they don’t work to keep their stress levels down.

If you want to know just how stressful it can be, look no further than a poll conducted a couple of years ago. It found that about one-fourth of Americans would rather go to jail than deal with the stress associated with moving.

You can avoid a lot of the unnecessary stress that comes along with moving by finding ways to eliminate some of the things you have on your plate. By hiring a locksmith, for instance, you can get rid of the stress that comes with changing locks on a new house.

This doesn’t mean you won’t have to worry about stress at all. It would be almost impossible to disassociate yourself from moving-related stress altogether.

But you can eliminate at least a little bit of the usual stress that people deal with when moving with assistance from a locksmith. You’ll notice a big difference in the way you feel when you take these kinds of steps to reduce stress.

You might even find that the entire moving process is more enjoyable for you and your family thanks to your locksmith. You’ll look back on your moving days more fondly when you don’t associate them with the stress that you felt while making a move.

Always Call a Residential Locksmith to Change Locks After Buying a House

Did you and your family just purchase a new home?

If so, congratulations are in order! Buying a new house is a big deal, regardless of whether it’s your first home or your tenth home.

In the coming years, you and your family are going to make so many memories in your new home. Make sure they’re good memories that don’t involve home security issues.

We can help you secure your home by handling the process of changing locks on a new house when you first move in. We’ll show you some of the different locks that we recommend and help you choose the right one.

We can also show you some of the most advanced locks on the market today if those interest you. We’ll make it our mission to make your home as safe as it can be by the time we’re finished installing new locks for you.

Would you like to arrange to have one of our locksmiths come out to your home to install new locks? Contact us today and we would be more than happy to have someone visit your new home on the day that you move in to change your locks.