Caring For Elderly Loved Ones: What Are Your OptionsPhoto by eberhard grossgasteiger

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When your elderly loved ones can no longer look after themselves, you may have to consider stepping in a providing some form of care for them. But which option should you choose?

There are three main options: become a carer and look after them yourself, hire an at-home carer to look after them in their home or take them to a care home where they can receive 24 hour care. Here is a look into the pros and cons of each option, so that you can choose the right one.


Look after them yourself

If you have a close bond with your elderly loved one – whether it’s a parent or even a spouse – you may want to take on the duty of caring for them yourself. It could be more affordable than relying on any other system of care, however, it could be the most emotionally and physically challenging option.

You first need to decide whether they will stay in their home or whether they will live with you. If they live nearby and aren’t a danger to themselves, you may be able to visit them regularly at their home. If this isn’t the case, they may have to move in with you (or you may have to move in with them).

While it can be financially better suited for some people, you may also have to consider cutting down work hours if you have a full-time job. There could also be home improvements and equipment that need to be invested in such as grab bars, stairlifts or even specialist beds from companies such as Team SafeSleep. It’s possible that there may be grants and benefits that you can take advantage of as a carer – make sure to explore these options and save yourself some money.

Look into at-home care

At-home care could take the strain off yourself while still allowing your elderly relative to live in the comfort of their own home. The cost of at-home care can vary – if you’re going private and looking for full-time care, you can expect to pay a lot.

It’s worth finding a carer that you trust. Consider interviewing multiple carers and get them to meet your elderly loved one to see how they get along.


Consider a care home

A care home can be well-suited to those that require around-the-clock care. It can be the costliest option, so you need to be sure that you are financially able to pursue this option.

It’s worth doing your research into various care homes across the country to find one that is affordable, reputable and suited to you and your elderly loved one’s needs. Sites like CQC can be useful for comparing care homes.

Care homes can be used as respite – if you are a carer yourself, you can always put your relative in a care home for a week if you need a break. You can even use a combination of at-home care, care homes and caring for your elderly loved one yourself.