Blue Nose Pitbull

There are about a billion reasons to love the American Pit Bull Terrier. They have that adorable blocky head and face that is made for petting. Then you have the deep chest making them look like little tankers — also made for petting. As well, they simply love cuddling more than anything else in the world . . . except for maybe food that is.

In the 21st century, there are so many variations of dog breeds, that every day it feels like there is a new breed. As such, you may have never heard about the Blue Nose Pitbull, or maybe you thought a dog having a blue nose wasn’t a big deal. But in fact, the blue-nose is a rarity not only amongst most dogs but even amongst the American Pit Bull Terriers themselves.

This begs the next question, what are Blue Nose Pitbulls? Are they different from their fellow pit bull in other ways? Are they even the same breed? Well, today we are going to talk about all that and more.

Article’s Index:

  1. Blue Nose Are A Unique Breed
  2. Lifespan, Height, Weight, & Appearance of The Blue Nose Pitbull
  3. Blue Nose Parets Doesn’t Mean Blue Nose Puppies
  4. What Disease Are Blue Nose Pitbulls Prone To
  5. Personality
  6. Activity Level and Energy
  7. A Body Made Of Steel With A Big Brain
  8. Blue Nose Pitbull Make Great Guard Dogs
  9. Good With Other Pets
  10. A Violent History Doesn’t Make For A Violent Dog
  11. To Buy From A Breeder Or Adopt & Rescue

Blue Nose Pitbulls Are a Unique Breed

This is false. Blue Nose Pitbulls are not a separate breed from the American Pitbull Terrier. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The only difference between them and other American Pitbull Terriers is the nose color. Non-Blue nose pit bulls can give birth to puppies with blue noses. It just comes down to a genetic trait for a blue coloring of the nose; which brings up our next point.

As well, not all pit bulls are American Pit Bull Terriers.The American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier are often the pit bull people think of when they hear the name. As well, sometimes the American Bulldog can be mistaken for a pit bull. There are quite a few bully breeds and many of them can dawn the infamous blue nose.

Lifespan, Height, Weight, & Appearance of The Blue Nose Pitbull


If your Blue Nose Pitbull is an American Pitbull Terrier like most, then you can expect a lifespan of 8-15 years. For an American Staffordshire Terrier, you can expect them living 12-16 years.


In general, their height will range from 1.5 to 2 feet tall. They can get quite taller, however, if they are mixed with a larger bully breed: Mastiff, American Bulldog, Boxer, etc.


Because of the diverse range of bully breeds and them entwining throughout the years, the Blue Nose Pitbull weight can range anywhere from 30-85 pounds. Just like with their height, it’s not uncommon to hear of pit bulls in the 100s.


All variations of the pit bull come in basically every general dog color imaginable. Blue Nose Pitbulls are commonly silver and white. They are muscular dogs with low fat. Have deep hulking chests and a blocky head/face. Hair is short and fine, but usually soft to the touch with a glossy and sleek appearance.

Blue Nose Parents Doesn’t Mean Blue Nose Puppies

The blue coloring of their nose is a recessive gene, and even when both parents have blue noses, there is a chance some of their puppies won’t. If you’re looking for a Blue Nose PitBull with a blue nose, you want to know what the puppy’s grandparents look like along with their parents.

Remember the Punnett square diagram we learned about in science class and how dominant and recessive genes worked — you probably studied them using peas? If so, you remember how dominant traits easily win out over recessive traits. As dominant traits, black, pink, and red noses are hard to wean out and take generations to do so. Even then, it’s possible for a blue nose pup to lose the color as they get older. Why? No one is really sure.

What Diseases Are Blue Nose Pitbulls Prone To?

Since they are the same breed as other American Pitbulls, Blue Nose Pitbulls are at risk for the same medical conditions. However, they are at a greater risk due to breeders inbreeding them to increase the likelihood of that the offspring all have a blue nose.

This shouldn’t discourage you from adopting a Blue Nose Pitbull. However, be wearier when getting them from private breeders as there is a greater risk the puppies are inbred. In general, pit bulls are some of the healthier breeds out there.

Health Problems More Commonly Seen In Pitbulls:

  • Allergies
  • Hip dysplasia and other mobility issues
  • Hereditary cataracts
  • Neurological Disorders (Epilepsy)


The personality of a Blue Nose Pitbull will be like others in the pit bull breed. Despite their reputation thanks to humans, they are extremely loving, dorky, and mild-mannered. They are incredibly trainable, take commands well, and this is great because it helps get their high energy out.

Pitbulls are great with kids and have a high tolerance for their antics. You do need to remember; they are powerful dogs, and training is advised especially for their strength. Thankfully, they are moldable as all get out and usually end up mirroring their owner — whether you like it or not.


Above, we briefly mentioned that pit bulls are prone to having a lot and we mean a lot of energy. If you are someone that doesn’t want to run with your dog or play WWE roughhouse with them, then they might not be the best dog for you.

Their agility is incredible, to say the least, and they love running, jumping, and wrestling. One thing you’ll first notice about pit bulls is their muscular build and lean body fat. They are definitely prone to this body style, but this doesn’t mean they can’t get overweight. Remember, this is one of the healthiest dog breeds on the planet, but having their body at their optimal and highly functional physique is what gives them a long life.

A Body Made Of Steel With A Big Brain To Boot

The Blue Nose Pitbull isn’t content with having incredible agility that rivals the Siberian Husky and the body of a bulldozer. These dogs also have an equally powerful brain.

If you’ve been reading throughout, you’ve seen that are highly trainable, perceptive and pick up their owners traits, and have a lot of energy. These three things are big indicators they are hyper-intelligent dogs.

At first, these pit bulls can fool you with their clumsy and goofy nature. This is likely due to their durability and power. Bouncing off a wall because they took a bad turn during playtime or slamming down the stairs chasing after dog doesn’t seem to faze them. They get determined and like setting their mind to their goal — walls and other obstacles be damned.


Having a super intelligent dog is a blast, but you’ll want to know that you need to watch your personality and behavior more. With all that brain power comes a sensitive beast that needs positive reinforcement. Make sure you’re familiar with training dogs prone to anxiety because of their hypersensitive emotional intellect.

Blue Nosed Pitbulls Make Great Guard Dogs?

Excuse us for a second as we wipe the tears of laughter out of our eyes. Kidding aside, no, the Blue Nose Pitbull — or any pit bull for that matter — will not make for a good guard dog.

It’s hard enough teaching them to bark at strangers let alone teaching them to protect. We don’t want to say pit bulls aren’t loyal — they absolutely love their owners over everyone else. The problem is a pit bull — that hasn’t been through fighting or experience a traumatic event — will basically love every single person they meet. Unlike their cousin the Bullmastiff, they can’t stand a firm ground when they come across a stranger.

The only way a pit bull is going to stop a killer from murdering you is because they won’t stop licking them in the face and trying to play with them.

Good With Other Pets

Above we saw that the Blue Nose Pitbull is absolutely terrible at being a guard dog because they love everyone they meet. So how do they do with other pets and animals? It depends on if they were introduced to them when they were young or not. An adult Blue Nose that doesn’t like other dogs or pets will require some serious training.

However, if you introduce them to other animals when they are young — within the first year — you’ll have a dog that loves other animals. They are super sociable with other pets when they are young too, and you want to reinforce it, so they don’t lose that behavior.

Just make sure you monitor their playtime with other pets because they like taking on more than they can handle and play rough with dogs 20x their size. If socialized at a young age, they usually grow up to love other pets or not really care about them.

A Violent History Doesn’t Make For A Violent Dog

There is no denying the ugly history of the bully breeds which include pit bulls, bulldogs, boxers, and mastiffs. These breeds all originate from the Old English Bulldog, who was commonly used for blood sports and livestock control such as bull baiting.

But violence and aggression aren’t in their nature. In fact, if a pit bull picks up any aggressive behavior traits, it’s more likely to come from the Terrier side, not the Bully side. Instead, their violent history is due to humans taking advantage of them. They’re strong, rugged, and powerful, and there is no denying that. But the biggest problem is they are easily trained and manipulated due to their emotional intellect. As well, they love their owners and want to please them at.

It’s unlikely that a Blue Nose Pitbull would become aggressive with someone when raised in a normal lovely home. However, is so important to teach them how to understand their strength, because they can get sloppy with it and accidents happen.

Teach them things like how to be more gentle and calm with certain people like kids. They can definitely knock down a person under 5 feet when they try to leap into their arms for love.

To Buy From A Breeder Or Adopt & Rescue?

If you are set on a pit bull with a blue nose, your best bet is to adopt one that’s a year old or more. This is because there is always a chance a blue-nose puppy’s nose turns black, pink, red, etc. As well, there are so many pit bulls that need rescuing and shelters are overrun with these little guys. If you’re looking for a family dog, and don’t need them to fulfill certain work requirements, we suggest rescuing.

There is nothing wrong with buying from a breeder, however. Though in this case, you need to be more careful. If you’re talking to a breeder and they tell you that Blue Nose Pitbulls are a different breed, you can drop contact. This is likely a ploy to get people to pay a lot more than they should.

To give credence to both sides, one perk of getting a Blue Nose Pitbull from a breeder is you can get an insight into how their genetics will play into their personality and medical needs. Remember, these dogs are often inbred, so the pups always have a blue nose, even if that means breeding more aggressive or sick dogs.

When Looking to Adopt A Blue Nose Pitbull Check Out:

  • Adopt a Pet
  • Rescue Me
  • Pit Bull Rescue Central
  • Local shelters — you can simply do a google search for “pit bull rescue”

Average Cost: $0 to $300 (depends on if the shelter had them fixed, vaccinated, treated for parasites, etc.

When Looking to Buy From A Breeder Check Out:

  • Blue Fire Pits
  • Empire Bully
  • Finest Pitbulls Made

Average Cost: $1,000-$3000 USD.