Benefits of Working with a High-Quality Translation ServicePhoto from unsplash

Originally Posted On: TranInterp | Benefits of Working with a High-Quality Translation Service


A company that works with an ad hoc translations service early on benefits from a wealth of experience from language professionals. These are linguists who have worked with other firms on projects similar to yours and therefore can communicate in a language your customers can easily understand. Using a high-quality ad hoc translation service, you will get expert advice on how best to set translation workflows and launch your latest marketing campaign. A professional agency will help you avoid common mistakes that most businesses make by planning your international strategy especially if you are keen on capturing foreign markets.


Managing translation internally isn’always a simple task. Many companies have tried it and failed because as their business grows they find it very difficult to upscale. As the company expands, resources become limited and therefore the translation management often takes the back seat or is delegated to junior and often inexperienced employees. Such translation agencies usually miss deadlines or end up rushing the work committing mistakes in the process. This often leads to poor quality translations and frequent complaints.

A professional translation company then again has access to a large pool of professional linguists who can skillfully handle even the most demanding of projects. They have senior linguists who are experts in your particular field of business. They know how best to handle your customers, competitors and the market as well, and will therefore deliver the highest quality translation service.


By using professional translation services in London, businesses have access to a wide range of tools for managing translation projects. Unlike internal translation processes where Word, Excel and other systems are used, these tools will help support language consistency. For instance, a company that is serious about language support can start building translation memories. This will reduce long- term costs and also ensure that new translation projects are scanned for translation matches and that the pre-translated content is reused.

If a company were to handle the project themselves, the tools required to perform such tasks are usually expensive and complicated. Together with translation memories, these tools must also be managed and revised constantly to maintain efficiency. A professional translational company can handle all that without you having to pool the resources to buy those tools.

Machine Translation is also another tool that has become popular. A customized machine can translate faster and cheaply. Still, they require the expertise of a professional translation company to set up, train and manage. There are very efficient and for big translation projects, they can cut costs by up to 30%.


In- house translation can work in the beginning but this approach has more challenges than benefits. Supporting language consistency is a major problem that a company may encounter. For instance, if staff members leave translation teams chance, there might be inconsistency in the use of language which can make it very confusing for customers to understand your products. A professional translation provider can however offer a solution through standardization and control. They have terminology lists for each language which enables them to set up glossaries and clearly define your language style and tone of voice. This will provide consistency across all your multilingual documents. The tools required to perform such tasks are also very expensive and time-consuming which is why it is beneficial to outsource such a service.


Working with a high-quality ad how translation company is much more efficient and less risky in the long run than trying to pool the resources, acquire the tools and arrange the workflows yourself. Besides, why should a company direct important internal resource to managing translation when it could use them better on improving products, services and market share? Since less upfront investment is a requirement, a professional translation service is therefore much more flexible. With their expert linguists, they guarantee the highest quality translation and faster output.


As opposed to in house translation services, hiring a professional is much cheaper and efficient. Having your staff do the translations will require you to invest in the right tools including training which is expensive and time-consuming. Professionals on the other hand are timely and dedicated to giving the best. They have the resources to get the project done effectively regardless of the size and urgency of the project.

Translation of technical documents is made simple when done by a professional. Because they are experienced in various business industries, translators are familiar with the industry jargons as well as how to translate them.

Professional translators provide fast and confidential services too. With this, you can be sure that your company’s documents and information are kept classified.

Hiring professional guarantees you quality translations which then put you ahead of your competitors. They do translations for a living; therefore, you can be sure of their knowledge and experience. Additionally, expert translators also provide professional advice when it comes to working with people of different cultures.

Companies also choose to go for translation services because of their consistency. Translation services London can be relied on to describe your work the same way across the globe every time. This ensures that there are no mistakes in translation as they could give your clients mixed information. It also saves the company a lot of work and worries allowing you to focus on creating better products and services. With a reliable translator, you do not have to think about the regions where you can expand your business to.


Using in house translators is less costly and you get to keep your company’s information confidential. Additionally, the electronic translator tools are even cheaper. You get to translate your documents into numerous languages of your choice and fast too. However, a professional translator is cheaper in the long run.

Poor translation could fail to emphasize the key points and convey inaccurate information. Your visitors, therefore, are not sure exactly what you do or provide.

Are you getting value for your money?

The cost is a major consideration when selecting a translation service provider. To ensure you get value for your money, it is important to get to know how the company will be doing the translations. That is whether it is electronically or manually.

How will the work be proofread and edited is also important to inquire about. This gives you an insight into exactly what you are paying for. Preferably get a company that will break all the costs down for you including the hidden costs. Also, inquire about the certifications the company has to conduct search services. Finally, go for translation services in London that are competitively priced rather than the one with the lowest price.

If you are selling products or providing a service internationally, then you need high-quality translation services in London. Most translation agencies start by managing translation on an ad hoc basis. This means that the translation project will be delegated to bilingual staff using nothing more than advanced MS Word and a couple of spreadsheets. Most businesses may avoid approaching such a provider especially if they are operating on a tight budget or if their process is working smoothly. However, there are several reasons why companies should opt for high-quality ad hoc translation services. For instance, building a long- term partnership with the translation provider early on can help avoid potential pitfalls. This also gives the company an edge over its competitors.

Special care must however be taken when choosing a translation company in London. This is important because the agency may fail to:

– Use a highly qualified translation team to create your terminology databases, translation memories, style guides, and other linguistic assets.

– The translation company may also fail to diligently maintain the quality of your linguistic assets rendering them unusable lowering your returns on investment.

– The company may lack well- established processes for qualifying new translators, managing translation teams and ensuring continuity of the translation teams from project to project.

– Failing to manage knowledge about your products and services will also lower the quality of the resulting work without meeting your expectations and those of your customers.

– Another concern you might have when working with a translation company is the control over your language assets, such as translation memories, terminology databases and style guides, as well as the transparency of the processes used to manage these assets.

– Compounding these problems, the cost of finding and switching to a new provider can be high.

As translation technology advances, you need a flawless translation service without worrying about capital investments or depreciating assets. What works for one company may not work for you but the bottom- line is that the best translation company in London will update their tools and processes to deliver timely and cost-effective service. Using high-quality translation services in London, workflows can be quickly scaled and languages quickly added giving you a crucial edge over your competition.