Originally posted on https://ptwchiro.com/are-your-kids-wearing-the-right-backpack-the-right-way/
With Fort Worth schools starting this week, now is a great time for parents and teachers to help children avoid potential future back problems. Today, let’s talk about carrying those backpacks full of heavy books, lunchboxes, etc.
“In a new and disturbing trend, young children are suffering from back pain much earlier than previous generations, and the use of overweight backpacks is a contributing factor.” – American Chiropractic Association (ACA).
While you’re shopping for backpacks for the coming school year, keeps these tips in mind for your kiddo’s backpack:
- Make sure it weighs no more than 5 to 10% of their total body weight. If your child’s shoulders & posture is rolled forward while carrying the backpack, it’s likely that it’s too heavy.
- It should never hang more than 4-inch below their waistline.
- Purchase a backpack with individualized compartments. This helps to position the contents more effectively.
- Purchase small to medium backpacks. The more room there is, the more your child will carry.
- Encourage your child to wear BOTH shoulder straps.
- Choose backpacks with wide padded shoulder straps.
- Purchase a backpack with adjustable shoulder straps, so the backpack can be adjusted to your child’s body.
- If the backpack is too heavy, talk to your child’s teacher & ask if the heaviest book can stay at school.
Oh, and sit up straight in that desk! Enjoy the new school year.