Originally posted on https://www.humblemusings.com/1350-aging-gracefully-tips-for-dealing-with-the-most-common-geriatric-problems/


Aging is a natural process that happens to each of us. With it comes many mental, physical, and emotional changes. Certain health concerns can also arise as a result of our increasing age.

The good news is that people over the age of 65 are now experiencing longer lifespans. This is due to preventative measures you can take to maintain your health and wellbeing as you age.

Take a look at these tips for dealing with common geriatric problems.

Eat the Right Foods

The right diet is essential for maintaining senior health. Certain foods give you key vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to ward of diseases. These healthy foods help to boost your immune system and other bodily functions.

Heart-healthy foods lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and other age-related health conditions. Nutrient-dense meals also balance blood pressure, cholesterol, and insulin levels.

It’s important to fill up on lean proteins, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables. Healthy fats, like nuts, avocado, salmon, and olive oil maintain heart health. Berries, legumes, and kale offer a daily dose of antioxidants.

Foods like turmeric, garlic, and tomatoes also have cancer-fighting properties. Vitamin D and calcium are important for maintaining stronger bones.

Probiotics help support a healthier gut. As our digestive system tends to slow down with age. Foods high in fiber also help to regulate bowel movements.

Do your best to reduce saturated fats, refined sugars, and processed foods. This can help ward off diabetes and other conditions.

Keep Your Body in Motion

Exercise can help combat common health problems in elderly people. Studies show that 80% of heart disease conditions can be prevented. This can happen from a proper diet and exercise plan.

Create a workout routine with both cardio and strength training exercises. This will help to strengthen the heart, muscles, and bones.

Exercise not only maintains your vitality and lowers your risk of heart disease or stroke. It also helps reduce chronic pain from arthritis and back problems.

Exercising a few times a week can also provide you with a faster metabolism and more energy. It improves balance, posture, and coordination. You’ll also be able to maintain a healthier weight and lower your obesity risk.

Resistance bands offer a great lower impact workout. This is ideal for those recovering from an injury. Swimming and brisk walking are other low impact exercises for aging adults.

After turning 30, you begin to lose up to 5% of your muscle mass every 10 years. Strength training can help control this reduced bone mass. This helps to lower the risk of osteoporosis, which can lead to bone fractures.

Embrace Healthy Habits

Many physical problems of old age can be corrected with healthier lifestyle choices. This includes participating in healthy hobbies that are good for your mind and body.

This includes activities like knitting, pottery, and cooking. Gardening, golfing, and biking is also great for your health.

It’s important to avoid smoking or vaping. This will lower your risk of respiratory diseases. You’ll also want to limit alcohol intake, which can age the body further.

Ensure you’re drinking plenty of water and fluids to stay well-hydrated. Getting enough sleep will also promote a healthier body and mind.

Mindful techniques are also important during later years in life. Practicing yoga and meditation is good for your mental health. It helps to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Keep your mind sharp with reading, writing, and playing thinking games. Learning new things may help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Create a Safe and Comfortable Home Environment

A safe home environment can help to avoid many health issues for seniors. This includes ensuring the proper air quality in your home. You also want to be sure there is not any mold living in your home.

This helps to lower your risk of developing certain respiratory diseases. These conditions can lead to chronic bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia.

Allow fresh air to circulate through the home when possible. Removing any tripping hazards helps avoid slips and falls in the home.

Always ice down walkways and steps during the winter months. Wearing comfortable shoes with extra support is also helpful.

Having stairs in the home may create issues for older adults. Consider moving to a different home that is more comfortable to get around in.

You may also want to find out more about using a walker to enhance your comfort. Extra support increases your safety when it comes to geriatric problems.

Visit Your Doctor

Annual checkups help identify the most common medical conditions in older adults. This works to maintain your blood pressure, insulin levels, and cholesterol.

Cancer screenings are also important for staying healthy. This includes checking for breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer. When found early, these conditions have higher success rates for treatment.

It’s also important to visit your dermatologist. Skin cancer can happen as a result of sun damage and the risk increases with age.

A flu shot can help protect from influenza which has a worse effect on older people. A shingles vaccine can also be helpful as there is an increased risk for older adults.

Routine hearing and vision screenings are also important. Eye exams can help find risk factors that may cause blindness.

Your enamel also wears down with age. So dentist visits are important for preventing cavities and gum disease.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Many hormone changes occur as the body ages. Having a positive outlook helps balance your mood and mental health. Do this by focusing on the things you’re grateful for.

Family, friends, and neighbors offer a great circle of support. Rely on these people when you experience a loss or tough time. It’s important to stay engaged in the lives of your loved ones.

Traveling is another way to experience a new stage of life. Getting a pet will also bring more joy and companionship into your life. Walking a dog promotes daily exercise as well.

Be sure to seek new hobbies and learning experiences. Get involved in your local community by volunteering. Helping others is rewarding and offers a renewed sense of purpose.

Engage in group activities and social gatherings to connect with others. Join clubs and organizations that interest you. Spending time with family will also help you feel uplifted.

Getting Through Common Geriatric Problems to Enhance Your Lifestyle

Geriatric problems are common as you experience the natural process of aging. Many mental and physical changes occur during these transitions. These tips will help you to maintain your health and wellbeing as you age.

Looking for more advice on improving your health as an older adult? Check out the senior section of our blog for more tips!