AAWP review

The Amazon Associates program is one of the best affiliate networks to get started with as a beginner. The first sale is often the hardest, and I received my first with their program.

But the Amazon Associates Central isn’t always the easiest to use. The product search is still a little clunky, even in 2019.

AAWP ReviewGet AAWP Here

Copying and pasting affiliate links from Amazon is extremely frustrating. Having multiple tabs open and continuously switching between pages to add links from the Site Stripe or your affiliate dashboard is not conducive to our workflow as affiliates.

AAWP is here to save the day.

Overview of AAWP (Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin)

AAWP is known as the Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin. The software creates product boxes and tables with ease allowing affiliates to increase their click-through-rates and conversions on Amazon.

I was turned on to the plugin when I saw users commenting in a live chat during one of Doug Cunnington’s broadcasts. Someone asked if the plugin was a good option, and I was intrigued to check it out.

How AAWP Works

The plugin connects to your Associates account using the Product Advertising API. The only issue, however, is you need to be sending Amazon a certain amount of sales each month to be able to use their API.

Amazon recently updated its rates policy to limit accounts that aren’t driving significant revenue. In other words, you may not be able to use the plugin right off the bat.

But if you manage to qualify to use the Product Advertising API, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

The Functions of AAWP

The Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin features product boxes, text links, comparison tables, bestseller lists, widgets, and more.

While I don’t use all of the features, some are invaluable if you decide to use the plugin.

Product Boxes

AAWP Product BoxAAWP Product Box

Adding product boxes is as easy as finding the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) and using a simple shortcode to display them.

Now, my product boxes look a little bit different, as I’ve added some custom CSS to style them.

Here’s an example of how the shortcode looks:

[amazon box=”B01DFKBG54″ /]

Even though you still have to cycle between two tabs in a browser window, it’s far faster than using the Site Stripe toolbar.

Text Links

I’ve never actively used text links with AAWP, but I assume they could be useful. I instead paste the links myself, and it does take a little more time. You can use the plugin for this feature if you’d like.

Comparison Tables

AAWP Product TableAAWP Product Table

The comparison tables included with AAWP are arguably the most significant selling feature. Adding a table to listicles or buyer intent articles can dramatically increase your CTR and conversion rate.

When I implemented AAWP tables on my top articles, I saw a massive increase in my Amazon affiliate earnings across the board.

You can easily add features, images, star ratings and price, and any custom text you’d like. AAWP is compliant with the Amazon Associates Terms of Service, so there’s no risk of getting banned from their program (except for one exception, so read on).

My biggest complaint with the tables is the lack of the ability to make them horizontal, something you can do with my custom Content Egg template.

Horizontal tables seem to be converting better. But don’t take my word for it. Kurt Philip from Convertica.org included horizontal tables in his 12-Step Checklist for Perfecting Your CRO article.

Despite me saying the plugin is Amazon compliant, whatever you do, DO NOT use Amazon’s logo with your buttons. That’s a surefire way to get yourself banned as an affiliate.

Bestseller and New Releases Lists

I haven’t personally used bestseller or new releases lists, but I can see lots of affiliates using it on specific posts.

Best seller and new release lists are perfect for utilizing these two features. The plugin crawls data from Amazon and pulls top products in every niche.

Data Fields

AAWP features a more complex feature known as Data Fields. You can pull specific information from a product like the title, description, or price.

I’ve never found data fields useful, but I’m sure someone out there does. I like to write my content (and encourage you to do so as well), instead of pulling it from an Amazon product description.

Wrapping Up

I love the Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin. I’ve had it active on my website for over a year now. I’ve moved away from their tables, but still continue to use product boxes, due to their ease of use.

Alternatives to AAWP — If you want to save some cash, check out Content Egg. It’s a free plugin that operates in a similar fashion to the Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin. I even created a free table template you can download for free at this link, though it’s recommended that you use the Pro version with my template.

Despite some of its quirkiness, AAWP is by far one of the best WordPress plugins for Amazon affiliates.

What do you think of the Amazon Associates WordPress Plugin? Have you used it before? We’d love to hear from you down below in the comments.

Thanks for reading, once again!