Search Queries Related To Technology/Gadget And Long-Distance Relationship Increased Up To 39 Times Over Five Years. 


Portland, ME, March 11, 2020 – Katrina Russell, a specialized blogger in love and relationship, studied our collective search history to explore how Americans lovers are coping with the distance. With the use of Google Trends, the study examines search topics and queries related to long-distance relationships (LDRs). Comparing the search popularity of different terms in the last five years, she noted a breakout for technology-related queries.  

Among the surprising findings, we can note a breakout for gadgets marketed at long-distance lovers. Indeed, special lamps or bracelets designed to help people manage the distance have seen a dramatic increase in search volume. Queries related to bracelets have increased 8 to 13.5 times while the long-distance lamps show a rise of 39.5 times.

Asked about what surprised her the most, Ms. Russell explained, “The popularity of LDR gadgets such as friendship lamps or touch bracelets was a bit of a surprise for me. When you see that kind of object, you’re wondering if there’s a real market for it, but based on the volume of searches, it seems so.” She also added, “I think this is just the beginning of the trend. We can see that rising search querries were almost exclusively tied to technology. With the ‘internet of things’, we will see a lot more connected gadgets to help lovers coping with the distance.”

Other than gadgets, another aspect that shows the new influence of technology inside long-distance relationships is how we turn to Google for writing help. Indeed, among the topics rising in popularity, we can note a tendency to use Google to find love-letter paragraph templates.

Highlights of the study:

  • Hawaï and Kansas are the two states where, relative to the total number of searches, searches about long-distance relationships are more predominant.
  • There are around 1.6 more searches related to LDRs in Hawaï and Kansas that there is in New Hampshire, the state where LDRs querries are the least popular.
  • LDR Technology-related searches show the most impressive popularity increase in the last five years.
  • A lot of breakout querries (querries that didn’t have any volume more than five years ago) seems mostly related to sexuality, which might indicate a new trend for the upcoming years. 

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Katrina Russell is a professional freelance writer and owner of, a love & relationship blog.

To contact Katrina, please write at [email protected].