According to a survey, a whopping 69% of US entrepreneurs start their businesses from home. These are not just in the startup phase; they are full-grown businesses who use the advantage of the internet creating an online business.

work by the pool

Imagine a life where you no longer trade time for money and live the life you dream of thanks to the internet. You can now sit poolside in your own private villa in Tuscany while living the life of an online entrepreneur.

The problem is, everyone online is claiming to be some sort of online guru. They are selling their services to take their webinar, claiming you will become some overnight success story.

Although it is simpler than you realize, it’s not exactly that easy. Here is an easy step by step guide on how to start an online business for free.

Let’s jump into it!

Step 1: Find a Need and Solve it

The utmost important secret in building an online business is spotting a need for something and solving that problem. This can be hard when you have a passion for something else that just won’t sell.


We understand if you absolutely love cats and want to invent some toothbrush to stop cat gingivitis, but is that really a problem in demand?

Start with market research, learn what these people are complaining about on online forums. Then research the potential competitors and what they are doing to solve it. Look for their flaws and create a product that is a step above what already exists.

It’s that simple.

How To Make Money Online For Free

Watch Video: How To Make Money Online For Free

Step 2: Perfect Your Sales Copywriting

Have you ever found yourself being wooed about some product that you have no interest in? Chances are that copywriting was epic.

Learn how to create catchy headlines, relating to your market and explaining how you have solved their problems. Include testimonials from people claiming how your product was their hero.

Follow that up with a good offer that is guaranteed. Include some scarcity, urgency, and value in your text, then ask for the sale.

Creating Content With Intent To Amplify Engagement And Conversions

Watch Video: Creating Content With Intent To Amplify Engagement And Conversions

Step 3: Create Your Website

The average reader spends 15 seconds checking out a website before deciding if they will bounce or not. Your website needs to be awesome, or else your product will not sell.

Keep it simple with a white background, easy-to-follow navigation, easy-to-read text, and easy to buy with only a couple of clicks at the most.

How to create a website online for free in 30 seconds

Watch Video: How To Create A Website Online For Free In 30 Seconds

Step 4: Market your Product

Include an opt-in offer to collect email addresses, which you will contact whenever you have a new product or sale. Use search engines to drive traffic to your website with tools such as Pay Per Click ads (PPC) and Facebook.

Publish great content regularly with sales, giveaways, and incentives for people to share. You want to establish a reputation as an expert in your product’s niche.

How To Get Traffic For Your Website

Watch Video: How To Get Traffic For Your Website

Learn More About Creating an Online Business

By following these simple steps, you can be on your way to creating an online business of your dreams. You just have to take action.

I also encourage you to join a community of other online entrepreneurs. Wealthy Affiliates has a great community of online entrepreneurs you can bounce your ideas off of and learn from. They also have an online entrepreneur certification you can start for free.


If you have any opinions or questions on this step by step guide to creating an online business that you would like to share. Please share them in the comments section below.

Please check out our other articles and videos on how to create an online business, guides to affiliate marketing and much more.