Originally posted on https://www.musttechnews.com/a-buyers-guide-to-finding-the-best-3d-scanner-for-their-needs/


Once upon a time, 3D scanning seemed like something out of a science fiction movie.

Now, though, the 3D scanning market is booming and worth more than $4.5 billion. It’s expected to grow by 8.4 percent by the year 2025, too.

Are you interested in investing in a 3D scanner for your design company? Do you want to learn more about them and what features you need to consider before you pull the trigger?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for some tips that will help you choose the best 3D scanner.

Why Buy a 3D Scanner?

For designers, there are lots of benefits that come with owning your own 3D scanner. The following are some of the most significant perks you ought to keep in mind:

Faster and Smoother Transitions

The scanning process gets much easier and goes by much faster when you make use of a 3D scanner. 3D scanners allow you to scan models made out of all kinds of materials without sacrificing any details, no matter how small they may be.

Design Flexibility

3D scanning allows for more design flexibility, too. You don’t have to sacrifice small yet essential details during the scanning process. Because of this, you’re free to be as detailed as you want when crafting a prototype.

Improved Accuracy

You also don’t have to worry about details getting lost in translation. As long as you’re using a high-quality 3D scanner, you can trust that you’ll be getting an accurate, detailed product when the scanning process is finished.

3D Files

3D scanning also gives you the opportunity to provide your clients with 3D files. This saves you from having to figure out the best way to ship a prototype to a client. Instead, you can just send them the file and save yourself a lot of time and money.

What to Look for in a 3D Scanner

Are you convinced now that it’s a good idea to purchase a 3D scanner? Do you want to make sure you’re buying the right one?

Here are some key factors you ought to keep in mind when you begin shopping for a scanner for your design business:

Your Unique Needs

First, think about your design company’s specific needs.

What kind of projects will you be scanning? What kind of technical specification to you need in order to scan those projects in the most accurate way?

Get a clear vision of what you want and need so you don’t get sucked into buying something unnecessary.


Once you know what kind of scanner you need (or at least what you’ll be using the scanner for), it’s time to consider scanner manufacturers.

Do some research to find out which manufacturers have been in the game the longest. Find out the level of support they provide their customers, too.

Training Process

How long will it take you and your staff to learn how to use the scanner you’re thinking about buying? There will always be some kind of learning curve, but some 3D scanners come with a steeper curve than others.

Make sure you choose one that you feel confident you can learn with relative ease, and think about how much effort and time it will take to get your team members on board as well.


Of course, you have to factor in price as well. Set a budget for a 3D scanner before you start doing some serious shopping. This will save you from getting your heart set on one that’s way out of your price range.


Pay attention to how accurate the scanner is. Take it for a test run to see whether it provides the level of detail and accuracy that you need when scanning your prototypes.


In addition to accuracy, you also need to think about resolution. A scanner that offers high resolution will capture as many details as possible during the scanning process. When comes to quality control and reverse-engineering applications, this is especially important.


How quickly does the scanner work? Consider its speed relative to its accuracy and make sure you pick a scanner that will allow you to get tasks done on time (without sacrificing any important details along the way).

Scanning Environment

Take note of the environment in which you’ll be using your scanner. Is it humid or hot? Does it get a lot of direct sunlight?

These factors can influence the scanner’s ability to do its job, especially if the scanner is not particularly sensitive.

Think about where you’ll be storing and using the scanner and make sure it can hold up in those conditions without any issues.


Do you need your 3D scanner to be portable? If so, take its size and weight into account before you settle on a particular model.

Think about how often you’ll need to be moving it, where you’ll take it, and make sure it’s relatively easy for you to transport.


Finally, don’t forget to think about maintenance. It’s no secret that 3D scanners are expensive items. You want yours to last as long as possible, right?

Find out what kind of maintenance each scanner requires. Then, decide whether or not you’re willing to put in the time and effort needed to maintain it.

If you’re not, you’re better off purchasing a lower maintenance model.

Buy the Best 3D Scanner Today

Now that you know more about what to consider when shopping for the best 3D scanner, are you ready to begin your search?

If you keep these guidelines in mind, you’ll have an easy time find the perfect scanner that meets all your specific needs.

Do you want to learn more about shopping for scanners or other devices? Head to the Technology News section of our site today for more information about the latest and greatest products on the market?