Squirrels on roof

It’s spring and the squirrels are out and about in Maryland. You probably have to brake for a brave squirrel trying to cross a road a few times a week. You might even see or hear squirrels running on top of your roof on occasion. Should you brush this off as regular squirrel business or is there something to worry about? Our Columbia squirrel removal experts are here to clear up any confusion and suspicions about squirrels on the roof.

How do squirrels get on the roof?

Squirrels are excellent jumpers and can get on your roof from nearby trees. If a tree has overhanging branches, squirrels can easily travel back and forth. The same goes for other houses and structures located close to your home. Watch the video below to see just how far a squirrel can easily jump if it’s determined to get there. If no other access paths are available, a squirrel may climb up your downspouts to reach the roof.


What do squirrels do on your roof?

So why is your roof such a squirrel magnet? First of all, squirrels prefer to be off the ground to avoid their predators, and your roof satisfies the height requirements. Plus, when there are not that many mature trees around, your home might actually be the tallest structure in the area. Second of all, roofs and gutters are often covered with leaves, twigs and even nuts from nearby trees, which all are squirrel’s resources. And lastly, it’s possible that a squirrel is climbing on your roof because that’s how it enters your attic.

If you suspect that a squirrel might be living in your attic, that’s definitely something to worry about. Squirrels are known for chewing wires and destroying attic insulation—something no homeowner wants to deal with. Next time you see or hear squirrels on your roof, keep an eye on where they go. Squirrels are most active during the day when they are foraging for food, so come out before sunset to find the place they call home.

squirrel on a tree

How NOT to Remove Squirrels

So, you are pretty sure there are squirrels in your attic. Maybe you even found a hole in the roof where they get in. If that’s the case, beware of how not to remove squirrels.

Don’t seal the entrance hole with a squirrel inside.

This may cause the squirrel to start looking for alternative exits elsewhere in the house. As a result, the animal may get stuck in a hard-to-reach area or enter your living space. Neither scenario ends well for you or the squirrel.

Don’t seal the entrance hole while a squirrel is away.

This is also a bad idea, because a determined squirrel will simply find another way to get in. This often results in a new hole chewed through on the other side of the roof. Also, if you have a mother squirrel with her young living in your attic, sealing off the mother may end up causing the immobile young to starve to death.

But if both of these methods are so problematic, what is there left to do? To solve your squirrel problem once and for all, you need to call your local Maryland wildlife control company. We will dispatch a squirrel removal technician to trap all squirrels living in your attic and then relocate them far away. Only then we proceed to repair any damage caused by squirrels and seal their entrance holes.

If you have squirrels making noise on your roof or in your attic, give us a call and one of our Maryland squirrel removal professionals will be in touch with you to schedule an inspection.