Are you truly looking for clever presentation ideas to really stand out from your competitors on the trade show floor?
If not, then you need to start coming up with presentation ideas as soon as possible. Read on to get five trade show foundation ideas to get you started.
1. Make the Experience Sensory
Most companies focus on the immediate visual appeal of the booth first. While this factor is critical, don’t limit yourself by focusing on this one aspect.
Make show attendees experience sensory, and you’re sure to boost sales. Research suggests that smells generate 75% of our emotions. Scents influence buying decisions. Use this to your advantage.
Consider brewing some fresh coffee or placing incense at your booth.
2. Have a Follow-Up Plan
On top of designing the best booth, you’ll want to have plans in place for a follow-up. That means you’ll want to try to collect emails or contact information from your visitors.
Invite them to like your social media page, or give them an incentive to share their email.
3. Get the Right Person for the Booth
Who do you have running your booth? Depending on the length and size of the show, you may need more booth staff to switch out.
Be sure to pick someone who is personable and enjoys interacting with people. Otherwise, nothing about your display can save your booth.
4. Make an Educational Resource
Why do people attend trade shows? Research shows about 66% of them want to expand their knowledge in their field.
What better way to capture their attention than to give them what they want?
The best way to do this is to create an educational resource. What would benefit your customers or others in the industry?
Consider making a brochure or one-page flyer advertising an online post. Make sure the representative in charge of the booth is passionate about the topic. That way they can answer any questions that pop up in conversation.
5. Give Out Clever Free Samples
We all know it’s true — the benefits of free samples are difficult to resist. So, why not use this fact during your next trade show?
Don’t give away anything, though. Make sure your samples are clever and sell your brand or product. Sure, free food will attract people, but they likely won’t remember much past the cookie or popcorn.
Play it smart. Use the free samples to convey your product or service. Add a logo and website, make it unique, and stand out from your competition.
Presentation Ideas Guaranteed to Boost Your Success
Every expert knows trade shows provide limitless opportunities for growth. From networking to finding customers, there’s plenty of reasons for your company to exhibit. Which of these five presentation ideas will you try at your next trade show?
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