Originally posted on https://www.suburbansimplicity.com/halloween-safety-tips/
Children love Halloween for its costumes, parties, and sweet treats, but it can also be a dangerous time. According to safekids.org, kids are twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween than any other day of the year. We’re sharing 5 Important Halloween Safety Tips so you can keep your kids safe and happy.
Of course, once you have all that candy, you’ll want to know these 10 Things to Do With Leftover Halloween Candy…besides eat it!
brownies with leftover Halloween candy
Related: How To Decorate Your Halloween Mantel
1.) Find Alternatives to Trick-Or-Treating Outdoors
If the weather is a factor or you have safety concerns, looking for alternates to going door-to-door is a great option.
- Most cities have a community center or church-sponsored celebration that can be safer than going out after dark.
- Some Malls and shopping centers sponsor events that are fun-filled, warm, and very safe for you and your little ones.
2.) Safety On The Streets
There are a few basic rules that are important to go over with your kiddos to make sure they stay safe while out knocking on doors and ringing doorbells.
- ALWAYS look both ways when crossing the street. Yes, it’s a basic rule, but still essential to remind little ones since they can get distracted by their sugar rush or their friends.
- Make sure your child knows to go from house to house on one side of the street before crossing at the corner and coming back down the other side. It may be tempting to zigzag across the street, but cars will have a hard time seeing if a child darts out when it’s dark out.
3.) Have An Adult Go With
If you decide to let them trick or treat, go with them if at all possible. If not, follow these simple suggestions.
- Ask another adult to take responsibility for taking the kids out so you can stay home and hand out candy or go out with your other child.
- Only go to homes with a porch light on and never let kids enter a home or car for a treat.
- Notify law enforcement authorities immediately if you see any suspicious or unlawful activity.
Tip: We recommend that kids 12 and younger have a parent or a trusted adult when trick-or-treating.
4.) Costume Safety Tips
Minor bumps and bruises, more severe injuries or any other catastrophe are avoidable with a little bit of costume common sense.
- Look for a safe costume that allows good peripheral vision, isn’t too long (so they don’t trip), and is also fire retardant.
- A good option instead of a mask is face painting. You can buy face paint or make your own. Just check the internet for a recipe.
- Try to find a costume that doesn’t have props that could trip your child when walking. For example, carrying a pitchfork with one hand and a container for candy in the other can create a problem.
- A small flashlight attached to the costume, reflective tape, or glow-in-the-dark wands attached to their candy container will make it easier to see your child in the dark.
Tip: If you want the perfect photo op with your child in full Halloween gear, get the picture before trick-or-treating, then leave the less practical costume pieces at home.
5.) Check The Candy
- Before you kiddos head out trick-or-treating, feed them a hearty meal. This way they will be less tempted to eat their candy before getting home.
- Tell your child not to eat any treat until they are home and you have checked it. Of course, throw out anything that appears to be tampered with, as well as all homemade treats.
Halloween Safety Tips for Older Kids
If you have an older child, follow these simple suggestions, so they stay safe.
- Be sure your teen carries a cell phone to use in case of an emergency and be sure they charge it before leaving the house.
- If there is a party in the plan, make sure you know where they will be and speak to the parents beforehand.
- Know the route your kids will take to the party and home again in case you have to go looking.
- Be sure your child knows to call if there is a change in plans.
- Set a curfew and discuss the consequences of breaking it with your child.
Halloween can be just as much fun as you remember from childhood if you consider these Halloween Safety Tips first!