Originally posted on https://www.cedarhilledc.com/Future_Plans_on_Revitalizing_Cedar_Hill_Texas_Historic_Downtown
Small towns are making a comeback in a big way, particularly those that have focused on developing green areas, enhanced walkability, and work opportunities for individuals and families. Cities with a unique combination of careful planning, green living, safety, and a robust walking district are appealing to groups of all ages. It is easy to see why the City of Cedar Hill, TX, continues to achieve such positive growth based on these factors alone.
Businesses seeking small-town charm with big opportunities find the area to be particularly appealing. Located not far from Dallas and home to some of the best hiking near Dallas, Cedar Hill’s latest preliminary plans are designed to make the town’s business climate perfect for brands of all sizes.
4 Reasons Businesses Choose Downtown Cedar Hill
Cedar Hill’s preliminary plans for the future of this mixed-use neighborhood are designed to meet the needs of both consumers and the businesses that occupy space in the area. The original vision for a pedestrian-friendly environment with thriving business and residential populations has been considered in the preliminary draft design. Current preliminary plans include:
Enhanced Walkability
One of the most exciting enhancements scheduled for Cedar Hill is in the walkability enhancements that are destined for the area. For businesses, a safe, beautiful, and well-maintained walking path means a steady flow of customers with a character all its own.
Transit-Oriented Development
As Cedar Hill continues to surge in popularity and draw new organizations to the area, the potential traffic has increased, too. All plans have been created with transit-oriented development in mind. Long-term considerations have been factored in, ensuring an increase in commerce and visitor count but a decrease in traffic and carbon emission.
Green Focus
Reducing a carbon footprint, choosing more sustainable methods of production and packaging and running a business as eco-consciously as possible are goals that are more easily achieved in a green setting like Cedar Hill. Both positive brand awareness and actual environmental impact improve when a business opts for green alternatives. While some green initiatives are already in place and drawing manufacturers, small businesses and startups to the area, more enhancements are planned, making Cedar Hill an ideal choice for brands with an eco-friendly approach and reputation.
Mixed-Use Structures
Cedar Hill’s latest development plans call for the seamless integration for work, home and business. Mixed-use structures and open, walkable grounds not only contribute to the easy walkability described above but create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all who visit. By incorporating a variety of uses into each space, the town ensures each space has regular activity and plenty of opportunities to explore and enjoy. For businesses, this means more customers, more diversity, and more opportunities to not only find top talent but thrive in this growing community.
Cedar Hill is already appealing to brands of all sizes, but the enhancements ahead are designed to make the town the perfect match for business opportunities in Texas. Learn more about Cedar Hill’s latest plans hereand find out what this dynamic and connected small town can do for your business.