7 Factors to Consider When Buying Drones for BeginnersPhoto by david henrichs

Originally Posted On: 7 Factors to Consider When Buying Drones for Beginners (theglossymusings.com)


In 2021, there are over 1,782,479 drones registered in the U.S, which shows we’re passionate about these nifty gadgets.

Drones let you produce quality aerial images and offer users a unique way to capture a new location. Perhaps you’re interested in getting one, but you’re not sure what to look for during the buying process.

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here are seven factors to consider when buying drones.


Before browsing popular drone manufacturers, it’s important to consider why you want it. The recent market boom means there are devices for every niche, whether it’s to flex your photography skills or surveil your property.

Once you’ve decided, it’s easier to consider your options for drones and find the relevant features. For instance, if you’re after photography, then choose one with a robust camera or a model that supports a durable action camera.


When purchasing drones online, consider the types available. If you’re a newbie, then choose a ready-to-fly (RTF) drone as it has every element you need. But this convenience comes at a price, so decide whether you want a standard one or a customized version.

Another type is bind and fly (BNF), where you buy a controller separately or control the device via an app on your smartphone. But, like the RTF models, they are already assembled for you.

Many drone enthusiasts live for almost-ready-to-fly (ARF) devices where you start from scratch. Because of this, you must source transmitters, receivers, and even batteries to build your dream drone. This is fantastic as you can customize the device to suit your needs while deepening your knowledge about each component.

Lastly, when comparing drone prices, decide whether a first-person video (FPV) interests you. FPV devices let you shoot footage and transfer this to your smartphone or virtual reality device. Many photographers choose this type especially if they want to capture the full breadth of the landscape.


You may want the enjoy the latest drone technology, but you must consider your budget first.

Although it’s tempting to save money, avoid getting the cheapest model especially if it’s made from cheap plastic. Plus, these are less stable and harder to control which is frustrating as a beginner.

Many newbies buy the cheapest device and end up spending a fortune on repairs when buying a higher-quality drone is a better investment. If you’re interested in buying a drone, then check out https://www.drdrone.ca/ for an in-depth buying guide.


As you’re browsing drones, consider each one’s flying time. Many offer five minutes but this isn’t useful if you’re shooting footage. In contrast, more expensive models fly for around 30 minutes, fantastic for videographers.

But if this doesn’t align with your budget, choose a cheaper model and buy a portable charging pack or extra batteries so you can triple your flying time.


Drone aficionados will choose fiberglass or carbon fiber devices as they’re lightweight and durable.

But those with a smaller budget should choose a drone made from ABS plastic as it’s more robust than regular plastic. You should also avoid aluminum models as they scratch easily and are too light, so they’re susceptible to collisions.

Buyers should also consider the availability of parts of each model. No drone is immune to damage, so it’s important to find replacement parts, whether it’s from the manufacturer or a drone retailer.

Focus on finding replacement propellers, motors, and batteries to lengthen the lifespan of your drone.


Drone lovers can enjoy a wealth of features, regardless of whether you’re choosing an expensive or more affordable device. If you’re buying a drone for a particular purpose then it must support your editing software and execute your desired actions.

Find a drone with advanced control options so you can transfer footage via Bluetooth or WiFi to your devices. It’s also important that drones support GPS home function so if you lose sight of the drone, it will return to the location where you launched. Many buyers also seek drones that stream videos, whether it’s live or later on your laptop.

If you want a drone with a built-in camera, then factor in the quality. Note, you’ll get the best footage at a higher resolution so choose a model that supports at least 1280×720. But remember, this will add to your budget so determine whether it’s a must-have.

Beginners may also want a drone that features headless mode as it gives the drone a specific direction to follow. So regardless of the direction, it’s facing, when you steer left, it will go the same way.


As a general rule, you want a drone that travels further from the transmitter. Cheaper models support 30 meters but if you want to capture footage miles away, you’ll need a more expensive model.

But don’t be mislead by what the manufacturers say. A drone’s range is affected by the transmitter’s radio waves so if this is compromised then you won’t travel as far. The downside is there’s no escaping it, there will always be radio wave interference so consider this in your purchasing decision.

Pro tip: avoid flying near cell towers or static objects like buildings or trees as it will shorten the radio wave signal.


Hopefully, after reading this article, you’re now confident about buying drones.

Start by figuring out your purpose, budget, and the type of features you need. You must also factor in the varieties of drones and flying time so you find the drone of your dreams. Happy flying!

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