Originally posted on https://denverlocksmith.com/7-benefits-of-using-a-mobile-locksmith/

We’ve all done it. That dreaded moment when you close your car door or pull the door closed to your home, only to realize that your keys are on the inside while you are on the outside.

In this frustrating moment, all that stands between you and your freedom is a lock and one that you probably can’t break open yourself. When this happens, you need a professional.

But what if it’s late at night or on the weekend? Luckily, mobile locksmiths are there to come to your rescue.

Here are 7 benefits of using a mobile locksmith and how they can help you during an emergency lockout.

Always Available

The number one bonus of using a mobile locksmith is that they are available 24×7. You never know when you will accidentally lock yourself out. And like with all accidents, this seems to happen at the most inconvenient times.

Many non-mobile locksmiths will only operate during business hours, or charge you triple the rate to come out after hours. With a mobile locksmith, they are prepared to help you at any time, even if it’s late at night.

Quicker Response

Say you’re on the way to work and you lock your keys in your car, what do you do now? Calling a standard locksmith takes a lot of time and sometimes they even ask you to come into the shop.

A professional mobile locksmith will be there quick and be fully prepared with everything they need to fix your problem. These locksmiths are specifically trained to act quickly and get you out of your emergency situation.

They also are trained in a variety of services, like creating new keys at the job or changing a lock.

No matter what type of lock you’re dealing with or what type of situation you’ve found yourself, these professionals will be able to help you within minutes.

Having The Right Tools

Locksmiths that operate on mobile service are fully equipped and prepared on the spot when they arrive for the job. They carry around everything they need in order to fix your problem right away.

So instead of wasting time having to go back to the shop to make a new lock or to grab a tool they may have forgotten, mobile locksmiths come ready with all the equipment they could potentially need to use.

This allows them to get you and your keys reunited in the fastest and most efficient way possible.


To go along with the above mentioned, since mobile locksmiths do come fully equipped they make your inconvenient situation the most convenient it can be. So instead of having to leave your home to either go get a locksmith or go get a new key made, these professionals can take care of it for you.

All you have to do is call the mobile locksmith and then wait to be reunited with your keys. This saves you time, money, and added stress.

So even though the situation you find yourself in isn’t relaxing, you can sit back and relax while the professional takes care of everything.

Extensive Training

A professional mobile locksmith has also had to undergo extensive training, especially to get ALOA certified. The Associated Locksmiths of America conduct background checks and do comprehensive testing on various types of locks before handing out certifications.

Meaning mobile locksmiths offer you a wider variety of services than traditional locksmiths. They are trained in rekeying, lock installation and replacement, master key systems, safe combination changes, offices lockouts, and electronic locks to name a few.

These locksmiths understand how locks work in every possible way, making them the most qualified to help get you out of a tough situation.

High Level Of Professionalism

When calling a mobile locksmith, you can also trust that they will have a high level of professionalism about them. Unlike a standard locksmith, who is often just working for a large company, mobile locksmiths are helping to create a personal brand.

This group of locksmiths is career professionals who have trained to help you in a time of need without wasting any of your time. They make it a mission to build quality customer relationships while delivering top quality service.

Mobile locksmiths take pride in serving their community and connecting you with a locksmith that you can trust.

Available At Any Location

Getting a key stuck in the ignition on the side of a freeway can be a terrifying situation. Luckily mobile locksmiths are prepared to come to your rescue.

No matter where you are located when your emergency situation occurs, whether at home, work, or even on the side of the road, a mobile locksmith will be able to reach you.

Don’t worry about locking yourself out in a remote location which is far from a traditional locksmith store. These mobile professionals are trained to come to you and are able to reach you any each and every location ready to fix your issue.

Why Choose A Mobile Locksmith

By deciding to use a mobile locksmith instead of a traditional one you are ensuring that you get great service at any time and at any location. These trained professionals are more than equipped to handle your emergency.

So, although locking yourself out is never an enjoyable experience, you can be sure that you are calling a trusted professional who will do everything they can to make your situation easier.

The only thing that stands between you and going on with your day is a phone call to a mobile locksmith.

If you find yourself in a lock emergency, call us today or visit our website for more info.